Well, I did some modeling for our community college web site..

Mar 04, 2010 18:36

So most of my good guy friends are hilarious bitches. I mean, I have a few good straight guy friends, but most of them tend to be married. And I've just never had a ton of girlfriends (which is apparently pretty common for my personality type). So I cherish my queers. And this one friend of mine, C, well, he's hysterical. Like, sometimes we deliberately pick fights with people just to verbally abuse them, it's really fucked up but hilarious. The last one was this BITCH in line at the Barnes & Noble at the Grove who was giving the cashier a hard time (like, practically yelling at him for not taking a return, because of course, she should be able to do whatever the fuck she wants) and so we just jumped in and at one point I was all "what would your children think of how you're acting?" just to piss her off, and she was all "I'm not old enough to have children!!!" and C was all, "Sorry, it's hard to tell under all your spackle!" HAHAHAHA omg, we're going to hell.

So anyways, I adore him, but he does this one thing that drives me crazy. Whenever we go to a restaurant, if the waiter/waitress fits a certain type, he always asks if they're actors. ALWAYS. Omg, it's SO MEAN. Because he acts like he's sincerely interested, which of course he's not. And today, it totally happened again. Some blandly good looking 20 something guy was our waiter and so of course, he asked. And asked where he was from (they're almost always from the midwest). And if he's gotten any parts (no, but they've always gotten "really close" to getting a commercial). And if he studied anywhere (of course not, unless you count their high school drama club production of Godspell). Ugh, it's just so SAD. All these people, who were perhaps the best looking member of their ugly ass town in Michigan, who just assume that's good enough to make it in LA. So I have to sit there and listen to this poor guy just babble on about how he had to "follow his dream" and move out here, when all I want to do is shake some goddam sense into him. But the girls are even worse. Because this is a town that's coochie-to-coochie with exceptionally beautiful women, so their above average good looks are really nothing special. They should try their luck in Vancouver. Or London. I've seen BBCAmerica. There's obviously a hot chick shortage in that country.

So... that was my day. A hamburger and manhattans for lunch, and a reminder that I will spend eternity burning.

los angeles, just an update

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