March Music Post! :)

Mar 11, 2010 16:44

Just because... here's some music I've been listening to a lot this month. Some of it is new, some not so much:

Beach House - Walk In The Park (It's odd and sexy. Like fucking while stoned.)
Vampire Weekend - Cousins (Duh. It's the only cool thing left in the world that's even slightly associated with the word vampire.)
Mos Def - Quiet Dog Bite Hard (Because this doesn't deserve a grammy, but eminem does? lols. I'm so glad I don't follow awards shows.)
Spoon - Trouble Comes Running (Nothing will EVER be as good as Gimme Fiction. But I shouldn't hold that against them.)
Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career (I so much prefer this phil spector 60s thing rather than the perhaps overly precious 60s thing from the previous album.)
Nneka - Heartbeat (soul that can fuck you up she's awesome.)
Cold War Kids - Santa Ana Winds (lol, I can't believe how often I saw them so many years ago when they were in Silverlake like every friggin friday and now they're all a big deal.)
Nikki & Rich - Cat and Mouse (Cannot not smile while listening to this.)

(just click the icon and you can listen to it in the widget or right-click to download)

Hope you enjoy some of it; let me know, it's always fun to hear what you liked/didn't like!

Oh, and as before, feel free to pass this post along; the more people feel free to snag what I posted, the more worthwhile the upload time was!


music, download it

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