I might even give up a kidney for one of these...

Jul 21, 2008 16:47

*public entry because I am so friggin desperate that I'll accept information from any random person who happens to be browsing around lj*

Okay, so I don't know how many of you know this, but I sort of love my apartment. It may not be huge, or in even remotely the best neighborhood, and parking is a constant nightmare, and I get in fights with ( Read more... )

assistance please!, photos: misc

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Comments 33

ex_humanfema327 July 22 2008, 00:08:50 UTC
that feels like an insult and i can't quite work out why

also i read your other post but i was on the train and couldnt reply! freaky experience! i worried! and considered! hope you are ok now.


sbertie July 22 2008, 00:28:08 UTC
lol, well, it cracks me up that you guys still use these separate taps in NEW bathrooms! WHY DEAR GOD WHY? lol, maybe there's some obvious reason which I just can fathom because I detest them sooooo much.

And yeah, I'm much better now, thanks for asking. :)


ex_humanfema327 July 22 2008, 00:10:50 UTC
also, you have to wash your face with the hot tap but really quickly before it has time to get boiling. This is impossible in my grandma's bathroom where the sink is next to the boiler, and at work, for reasons unknown. All the hot taps have signs on them but the cold is icy so i burn myself at least once every day. mmm. plumbing.


sbertie July 22 2008, 00:30:09 UTC
our building's hot water boiler is like a monster of heat, so that's sort of out for me. And plus, I simply can't wash my face fast. IT'S A PROCESS. lol, I know that sounds insane, but you're going to find out sooner or later that I'm like a total nutbag when it comes to my face.


julie_dslv July 22 2008, 00:25:29 UTC
Teka or Intema (or more popularly known as Vitra/Artema). Those two deal in bathroom/kitchen solutions and they have EVERYTHING.

Downside: Those are European companies, so it's hard to find a store that sells their stuff.
Upside: You live in LA.

Downside: Shit is quite expensive there.
Upside: You will start hurting.

By the way, your faucets? Made me LOL hard. Beyond pathetic.


julie_dslv July 22 2008, 00:32:40 UTC

Ask them.


julie_dslv July 22 2008, 00:36:42 UTC
And I mean you will STOP hurting. That's what happens when you decide to say something else mid-sentence and end up wishing people pain.


sbertie July 22 2008, 00:40:00 UTC
lol, for the price of a European faucet I could just go to home depot and buy and whole new sink and fixtures and still have a ton of money left over. I WAS LOOKING FOR A CHEAP SOLUTION.

But, omg, I went to that teka site and saw THIS as their splash page:

... )


sweet_iolanthe July 22 2008, 01:18:36 UTC
OMG. first i have to say your house is simply beautiful. seriosuly. all the books and the communism hallway.*sigh* i feel like calling my ex teacher and telling him to move in together there and kick you out. but i'll be nice about it and let you remain there. lmao.

as for the faucet, iono where you could find one like that. my best recommendation would just be the internet or calling ppl from a supply store. home depot or one of those? OMG. IKEA. i love ikea, they might not have it but you can ask. :D


sbertie July 22 2008, 01:24:01 UTC
lol, thanks, I like it! Though, those pics are a little old, so I think it looks better now, especially the kitchen because I painted it this gorgeous china blue. And sorry to your ex teacher, but he'll have to make his own home nice, I don't share! ;)

ha, ikea! I think it should be federal law that once you're 25 you're not allowed to shop there. At SOME point in your life you've got to own real furniture made out of wood and shit, lol. But yeah, I've decided to go to a plumber tomorrow. I WILL CONQUER MY DEMON SINK!!!


sweet_iolanthe July 22 2008, 01:34:28 UTC
woman, you must stop talking about that house bc its too nice so if you dont want me to move in there, shush.lol

lol. i know. ikea is awesome though. i think i'm getting some stuff there for college. je ne se pas.


sbertie July 22 2008, 01:42:06 UTC
ha, well, I'm sure by the time you're my age, you'll have a place that you've arranged just the way you like it as well!

hee, yeah, ikea is perfect for dorm rooms and stuff, all that organizing stuff they've got is good and cheap. BUT BUY NO SO-CALLED FURNITURE FROM THAT PLACE! I'm sure 90% of all college dorm accidents can be traced to improperly assembled ikea furniture. And a bong.


theskirtgirlie July 22 2008, 03:01:50 UTC
I'll ask my friend who dropped out of college for a few years and became a plumber before going back to graduate. He's pretty boss.


sbertie July 22 2008, 22:56:30 UTC
you have just reminded me that I need to use "boss" WAY MORE OFTEN.


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