I might even give up a kidney for one of these...

Jul 21, 2008 16:47

*public entry because I am so friggin desperate that I'll accept information from any random person who happens to be browsing around lj*

Okay, so I don't know how many of you know this, but I sort of love my apartment. It may not be huge, or in even remotely the best neighborhood, and parking is a constant nightmare, and I get in fights with ( Read more... )

assistance please!, photos: misc

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julie_dslv July 22 2008, 00:25:29 UTC
Teka or Intema (or more popularly known as Vitra/Artema). Those two deal in bathroom/kitchen solutions and they have EVERYTHING.

Downside: Those are European companies, so it's hard to find a store that sells their stuff.
Upside: You live in LA.

Downside: Shit is quite expensive there.
Upside: You will start hurting.

By the way, your faucets? Made me LOL hard. Beyond pathetic.


julie_dslv July 22 2008, 00:32:40 UTC

Ask them.


julie_dslv July 22 2008, 00:36:42 UTC
And I mean you will STOP hurting. That's what happens when you decide to say something else mid-sentence and end up wishing people pain.


sbertie July 22 2008, 00:40:00 UTC
lol, for the price of a European faucet I could just go to home depot and buy and whole new sink and fixtures and still have a ton of money left over. I WAS LOOKING FOR A CHEAP SOLUTION.

But, omg, I went to that teka site and saw THIS as their splash page:

... )


julie_dslv July 22 2008, 00:46:19 UTC
Hang around for a few minutes. I have a friend who knows these things. See if I can reach her and I'll direct her here.


sbertie July 22 2008, 00:59:54 UTC
aw, thanks. :) I think I'm going to end up taking the picture to a plumber and see if I can jerry-rig up something myself. I WILL NOT BE CONQUERED BY MY 90 YEAR OLD BATHROOM!!!!


ex_humanfema327 July 22 2008, 00:57:29 UTC
you can get rubber adapter thingies for showers, do you have those there? i think you can get them in the pound shop.


sbertie July 22 2008, 01:02:33 UTC
lol, FIRST OF ALL, when I read rubber shower attachment, my brain goes to all kinds of dirty places. But secondly, in all honesty I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Do you have separate hot and cold taps in the SHOWER? OMG THAT'S A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF PAIN.


ex_humanfema327 July 22 2008, 01:07:00 UTC
no, for places that dont have showers, just a bath, you get this rubber thing to join to them and it makes a mixer shower.
hooo yea we got the goods! england ftw!


sbertie July 22 2008, 01:12:39 UTC
that's pretty freaking clever - it'd be good for like, washing dogs and stuff, even if you did have a normal shower! I haven't seen anything like that for sinks, but I'm gonna keep my peepers peeled.


demosthenes91 July 22 2008, 01:01:23 UTC
Holy crap! That is one scary-ass looking thing! Is that from the same catalogue that evil geniuses use to decorate their lairs?

Love it!

And silly question...couldn't you just buy the pieces to make your own bridge? A small pipe cutter, two elbows, pipe, and a t-joint?

Just a thought.


demosthenes91 July 22 2008, 01:02:19 UTC
Note the new icons... ;^)


sbertie July 22 2008, 01:06:39 UTC
lol, as much as I adore NPH, Captain Hammer was totally the best part of that thing for me, he was so friggin funny!


sbertie July 22 2008, 01:05:44 UTC

lol, I already sort of figured that making my own would be the best solution. I think the hardest part is going to be finding a fitting for the faucets themselves, because there isn't any threading on them to just screw anything into/onto. Hmmmm. Hopefully a professional will be able to help me out. Maybe if he's old and wise he will be so overcome by my adorable naivity and will spill all his plumbing secrets!


demosthenes91 July 22 2008, 01:13:49 UTC
Yeah... I found this gem:

... )


sbertie July 22 2008, 01:18:44 UTC
yeah, ALL the bridge faucets I found were over $200. Ugh. I could buy a whole new sink and fixtures from Home Depot for less. I mean, if it were my own house, I'd probably do it, but I can't bring myslef to spend that much on an apt. PLUS, even if I were tempted, none of the bridge faucets I found would fit the distance of the holes in my sink. The only adjustable bridge faucets I could find were in England. BAH WHY DOES GOD NOT WANT ME TO HAVE MIXED WATER IN MY BATHROOM?!?!?!

as Captain Hammer says, "If you're not a friggin' 'tard you will prevail."
omg, I lmaoed SO HARD at that line I kept playing it over and over. That entire song was my favorite by far!


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