ptsd and psychiatrists blow they never believe what i need them to and it only makes me feel worse when the people on the suicide hotline don't really want to be there
the words in the middle are from a jawbreaker song (called fireman) the words around the border are from my writings. if only i had a scanner big enough these peices might actually look good ( more art expression/therapy )
i've been busy and crazy and weird the full moon was fucking me up but i read the little prince five or six times yesterday and it made me feel better. also went out with the boys from culinary and saw 300 on the imax screen. it was amazing.
lame, i'm trying to post my new art, it's nice. i had to scan it in peices so i was going to post the first half first then the second half but for some reason the link for my first half isn't working. i tried doing it alone without the second picture and it still wouldn't work. hrmf. if i figure it out you'll get to see it.