Title: Candles Are For Wishes
Creator: Tennyo_elf
Rating: PG
Setting: Middle of AtS season 5
Summary: Spike and Buffy celebrate Buffy’s 23rd Birthday when they are separated by each being on the other side of the world. A magical candle is all Buffy needs for her wishes to come true.
Prompt: Blowing out candles
Spike sat lazily in a cushioned chair in a modern and dimly lit bar. His table was full of empty shot glasses and a bottle of fine liquor that was half way empty. His dejected expression did little to add to the more cheerful atmosphere of the bar. Most of the people passing Spike wore cocktail dresses or tieless suits, but Spike resolutely ignored everyone as he stared at his table.
Today was Buffy’s birthday. A year ago Spike was beside Buffy during her birthday, right after she rescued him from the First. Since he was still healing from the torture he had endured at the time and Buffy was busy dealing with the upcoming apocalypse her party then wasn’t a big event. But he had been there, beside her, as she blew out her candle on her cupcake and saw her smile, a rare sight for him.
Now though, a year later, he had died, came back and was on the other side of the world on Buffy’s birthday. She was probably with all her friends, happier than she has ever been, surrounded by gifts and good food.
Spike frowned and lifted the bottle to pour himself another shot of the fire whiskey. He had just recently gotten over his ghostly state, now he was solid again he could drink himself silly if he wanted. And today was a special day, so for Buffy, he would get properly sloshed. He lifted his shot glass in the air.
“Here’s to you love,” He drowned his glass and promptly slammed it back down on the table, “Soggy well wishes all around.”
“Oh come on Buffy, it’s your birthday!”
Willow followed Buffy as they walked through the Slayer compound in a rush to get to the Central Command Center. Buffy’s face was comparable to a stone mask, with no emotion seeping through. Buffy tried to ignore Willow as she continued to plead.
“You’re only 23 once!”
“I know Wills, just like every other year in which I age. But I seriously need to figure out who to send to Brazil to stop those Axzulian demons.”
“That can wait until tomorrow; they won’t be making a move until next Friday, that’s when they hold their sacred holiday of the Blessed Unholy One or something like that.”
“I can’t slack off now; it’ll set a bad example.” Buffy avoided looking at Willow. “And as their leader I need to be responsible…and stuff.”
Buffy quickly moved away from Willow but Willow kept at her heels, relentless in her insistence.
“But Buffy, I just got back from South America and I’ll have to go away again soon. Plus Xander is leaving for Africa tomorrow. This might be our last chance for all of us to hang and we haven’t really done that, in like, years.”
“We all hung out last year remember,” said Buffy as if that was the end of the argument.
“OK, fine, but that was last year and we don’t know when the opportunity like this will happen again. Plus I promise we’ll keep it small, just us three and Dawn at that nice small club in town.”
Buffy huffed and knew it was useless to continue to argue. She was tired and stressed. She was scared something would go wrong at the club since it was her birthday and nothing ever went right when she got a year older. Buffy didn’t need the extra work or worry, the weight of being the leader to a Slayer army was pressing hard on her. All Buffy really wanted was to go to bed early…though she would be alone, and sometimes thinking about being alone at night was just as bad as dealing with her new army. “Fine, I’ll go. But only if you drive.”
Willow smiled and practically beamed at Buffy finally saying yes, “Wouldn’t have it any other way birthday girl.”
The small club in town turned out to be the biggest and most packed club in town, as it was the only one. Buffy didn’t really care as it reminded her of the Bronze and she had to admit it was nice to get away from her duties. Willow and Xander must have done something to get them one of the only large tables in the place for all of them to sit, drink and relax without having to fight the crowd.
Buffy watched as Xander made a joke that had Dawn and Willow giggling. They were discussing the cure for bad hair days, which was oddly normal for them and nowadays really rare.
Sighing, Buffy couldn’t help but think of where her life had taken her and how at 23 she was running an army of teenage girls that killed demons. She also thought how she had no one to share it with. Dating opportunities were slim to none in her work place and meeting a normal guy was out of the question. Buffy wouldn’t let herself think of the loss she suffered last year, when she lost her second greatest love of her lifetime. Though she sometimes wondered what would have happened if she had pulled him out of the Hellmouth instead of letting him die.
A sudden wave of guilt overtook her.
No, no, she was not going to think about him, she couldn’t, she had to be strong. Luckily Willow pulled out a strange looking candle right as the birthday cupcake arrived at their table, which promptly took her attention away from past hurts and lost loves.
“What’s that Will?”
“Oh this?” Willow tilted the candle, indicating it, as she poked the cupcake with the oddly colored wax stick. “Just a special candle I made to help you celebrate your first birthday as General.”
Buffy looked panicked, this was not a good sign, “Special, how special?”
“It’s not going to turn into a demon once you blow it out, is it?” Even Dawn was clearly concerned.
“Or choke us with endless smoke,” Xander tried to play off his own worry, though everyone waited for Willow’s answer.
“Oh no, nothing like that. I just made a candle that once blown out brings happiness to the person who blew it out.” No one seemed convinced, so she quickly added, “Really, nothing bad can come of this. It’s completely harmless.”
“Like you said those last few times right before the badness happened,” said Buffy, her voice was riddled with disbelief.
“Seriously, no need to get all wiggy about a little candle. I know you’ve been stressed lately and we didn’t get you any gifts, so I thought this would be the perfect chance to give you something you needed. Plus it’s just a small thing. Not gonna hurt anybody.”
Buffy watched in horror as Willow lit the candle and slid the cupcake her way.
“Brace yourselves men, she’s going in!” Xander kept his eyes on Buffy as she pulled the cupcake and the offending candle closer.
“Be careful Buffy,” said Dawn as she struggled to both see and cringe away at the impending doom.
Willow just rolled her eyes, and Buffy knew that Willow had complete faith that nothing would go wrong. Well, it couldn’t hurt, could it? The candle should only give her some happiness and that was not a bad thing, even if it did turn into a demon. Buffy sucked in some air, thinking about her upcoming happiness when just as she began to blow out the candle her thoughts turned back to him and how he could bring her happiness if only he was here. But he was dust and those wishes didn’t come true.
Just as Xander had predicted, as soon as the candle went out their table was full of smoke that blurred their vision and choked them. Buffy coughed as she tried to breathe and was quickly disappointed that she didn’t feel any happier. But the smoke cleared just as fast as it had come.
And now she knew it was her birthday. Buffy was staring at the front of the table, too shocked for words. Everyone was staring at the sight before them as well, speechless just as she was. It was obvious that their expressions matched the man who was standing now at their table, whose own wide eyed stare left him looking like a deer in headlights.
Buffy couldn’t wrap her head around it; he was here, somehow, with a shot glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. It was him, really him. Her heart skipped a beat and she wanted to ask so many questions, but then he spoke.
God, Spike was so annoying. But Buffy finally felt some happiness.