[He doesn't so much as knock, but crash onto her door as the Door to his world spits him out as a bloody heap. Oh, and what's that. That's a lovely zero his deathclock has there, assuming Asa can see it.]
[Thanks, bro. The injury-prone teen slides into a sitting position, trying to figure out what the hell is going on, exactly. Luckily for Asa, he wasn't around for the coffee.]
Oh, hey, Asa. Thanks.
[He glances up at the deathclock, noticing it was the same as when he was thrown into his door, after deciding to try to stop Hitler.]
[There's a knock on her door, and then a shuffling as someone skitters out of the way. There's a small bento box waiting outside her door, with no note or anything.]
Comments 50
Oh. Oh dear.]
Norn, could you help out over here please?
[Norn obliges by casting Prayer. Have fun being full-healed, bro.]
Oh, hey, Asa. Thanks.
[He glances up at the deathclock, noticing it was the same as when he was thrown into his door, after deciding to try to stop Hitler.]
What happened to you?
[She looks kind of sad. Yeah, she sees that death clock, bro. Or at least she gets the very strong feeling of NOT MUCH LONGER FOR THIS WORLD.]
[However, there is Belderp energy around.]
Quick scan reveals it as not hazardous, so who on earth-- Belderp energy.]
... Akira?
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