[He doesn't so much as knock, but crash onto her door as the Door to his world spits him out as a bloody heap. Oh, and what's that. That's a lovely zero his deathclock has there, assuming Asa can see it.]
[Thanks, bro. The injury-prone teen slides into a sitting position, trying to figure out what the hell is going on, exactly. Luckily for Asa, he wasn't around for the coffee.]
Oh, hey, Asa. Thanks.
[He glances up at the deathclock, noticing it was the same as when he was thrown into his door, after deciding to try to stop Hitler.]
You -- oh dear. Yeah, demons can be pretty temperamental - I guess it's like dealing with other people, trying to convince them of something, only a lot worse.
[...Eheh. Asa looks embarrassed.]
Well, I helped out a couple of people with their plan to restore the Mall, and then I made coffee for everyone. ... But the Mall ruined it.
Yes it is, and I made a fool of myself while I was at it.
Uhh...Some guys wearing strange outfits. They both looked the same, too. They wanted to restore the Mall to the way it was before this happened, and needed Magatsuhi for it, so I provided.
[It's okay, Keisuke. You're not the only one who does stupid/suicidal things on a daily basis.]
[Ohgodwhathaveyoudone. You may or may not get the feeling the deathclock has to do with this, as Keisuke seems extremely excited, in his emotionless-Keisuke way.]
Yeah, and so are the majority of this Mall, in case you hadn't noticed.
In case you hadn't noticed, your death clock is at 0. If you go out there--- [Her voice breaks for a moment, and she goes from looking severe to looking sad.] ... If you go out there, then please act as support instead of going to the front lines, okay? They probably need healers, and so on - that's a safer role.
...I'm aware of my time left. Honestly, it still scares me everytime I see this number over my head, but... If I'm not willing to die for the sake of others, what is there to live for?
[He seems to struggle to articulate his thoughts, as he begins to have a mental breakdown.]
A-anyways. ...i-it's my atonement. I've done some terrible things l-lately and...
[She folds her arms over her chest, quiet and introspective.]
This may sound a bit hypocritical, coming from me, but... What do you think dying will accomplish, aside from putting you out of the picture? As long as you're alive, you can act, but if you die, that's it - there's nothing else you can do.
Oh. Oh dear.]
Norn, could you help out over here please?
[Norn obliges by casting Prayer. Have fun being full-healed, bro.]
Oh, hey, Asa. Thanks.
[He glances up at the deathclock, noticing it was the same as when he was thrown into his door, after deciding to try to stop Hitler.]
What happened to you?
[She looks kind of sad. Yeah, she sees that death clock, bro. Or at least she gets the very strong feeling of NOT MUCH LONGER FOR THIS WORLD.]
[It sounds like someone shoved his foot in his mouth at the wrong time.]
What have you been up to?
[He notes the sad expression, realizing she's aware of his time left, though he'd rather avoid the subject, for the moment.]
[...Eheh. Asa looks embarrassed.]
Well, I helped out a couple of people with their plan to restore the Mall, and then I made coffee for everyone. ... But the Mall ruined it.
[Have a comforting non-judgement from Keisuke.]
...but wait. Who's reason did you help form?
[This seems to seriously interest the teen. He's probably up to something stupid/sucicidal...]
Uhh...Some guys wearing strange outfits. They both looked the same, too. They wanted to restore the Mall to the way it was before this happened, and needed Magatsuhi for it, so I provided.
[It's okay, Keisuke. You're not the only one who does stupid/suicidal things on a daily basis.]
[Ohgodwhathaveyoudone. You may or may not get the feeling the deathclock has to do with this, as Keisuke seems extremely excited, in his emotionless-Keisuke way.]
[It seems like Keisuke might die while trying to help those men's cause.]
[...Severe look.]
I'm pretty sure they've got enough strong allies already, though.
...possibly, but Hitler has an entire army at his disposal. Such a fact concerns me.
[He laughs nervously as his next statement forms in his mind.]
I'm far from Aryan in appearance, anyways. If past events hold true, I'm in trouble either way.
In case you hadn't noticed, your death clock is at 0. If you go out there--- [Her voice breaks for a moment, and she goes from looking severe to looking sad.] ... If you go out there, then please act as support instead of going to the front lines, okay? They probably need healers, and so on - that's a safer role.
...I'm aware of my time left. Honestly, it still scares me everytime I see this number over my head, but... If I'm not willing to die for the sake of others, what is there to live for?
[He seems to struggle to articulate his thoughts, as he begins to have a mental breakdown.]
A-anyways. ...i-it's my atonement. I've done some terrible things l-lately and...
[BSOD. Please re-boot Keisuke.]
This may sound a bit hypocritical, coming from me, but... What do you think dying will accomplish, aside from putting you out of the picture? As long as you're alive, you can act, but if you die, that's it - there's nothing else you can do.
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