404: Harvelle/Winchester [Het Week]

Dec 23, 2010 17:44

title. He Don't Show Much These Days
author. ink_stain
characters. John/Ellen, John/OFC
rating. NC-17
words. ~1,000
summary. John likes a cold beer and a cigarette--Winstons, or Camel in a pinch--after a good hunt.
read this. A fantastic John character study, with believable insight on how he might approach relationships post-Mary.

title. Immunity
author. vinylroad
characters. John/Jo
rating. NC-17
words. 11,888
summary. As the end draws near, everyone is expendable.
read this. A haunting, creepy, and gorgeous apoca!fic that will suck you right in. The author does a great job with building the relationship as well as weaving together the universe.

title. Mercurial Blues
author. philomel
characters. Dean/Ellen
rating. NC-17
words. 2,016
summary. Some people look for solace at the bottom of a glass. Others see right through it.
read this. Dean/Ellen is one of my favorite ships. I love the Ellen POV in this story, heightened by the author's gorgeous turns-of-phrase and vivid imagery.

title. New Words for Old Desires
author. mcee
characters. Dean/Jo
rating. R
words. 3,310
summary. What if the Harvelle women were the ones hunting evil, saving lives, and the Winchesters owned a bar in Nebraska?
read this. A wonderful and imaginative AU with fab characterizations and a Jo you'll love. The role reversals work so well in this.

title. All The Hurt Geography I Own
author. oxoniensis
characters. Sam/Ellen
rating. NC-17
words. 1,814
summary. Men walk into her bar every day.
read this. Gorgeous writing that really captures the essence of both characters.

title. Birds Against Pink Skies
author. pixel-0
characters. Sam/Jo
rating. R
words. 7,138
summary. California was going to be a chance at something new. She’s new but not part of his plan.
read this. This is a well-crafted AU with a Sam and Jo I could really see coming together in this way.

character: jo harvelle, -- author: i, theme: oldies but goodies, -- author: v, pairing: sam/jo, !reccer: nyoka, pairing: sam/ellen, character: ellen harvelle, ~ fan fiction, pairing: dean/jo, character: john winchester, -- author: p, !2010 holiday recapalooza, theme: spn alternative universes, # het, character: dean winchester, pairing: john/jo, pairing: john/ellen, -- author: m, character: sam winchester, -- author: o, pairing: dean/ellen

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