Title: Future Imperfect (10/16)
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: Mature (this part)
Word count: 2,923
Warnings: Slavery "light"
Thanks: To
cordelianne, who is out walking the world's cutest dog in the cold, cold snow.
Notes: This story takes place in the same time period as the 2009 movie (and will roughly follow its events), but imagines the future as a eugenic
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Comments 18
I'm agog waiting for the next installment.
Whoa, what an installment! We learn some new, very important things about Jim AND Pike. And what a big, big revelation in the last sentence. You always write the most awesome cliffhangers :)
Also, typo:
“Well, we might as well chat about something,” Pike says, taking a seat at the side of room, “because you’re sparring is for shit today.”
That's a "your" not a "you're" in the dialogue there. :)
Okay, maybe I will. Just to beg. Please, please post again soon. You just can't leave us like this! I'm so happy to have an update, I've missed this story, but...please?
Take care - lot's of vitamin C, look both ways when you cross the street, watch out for idiot drivers...and post soon!
RA (who really had gone off the deep end. Stupid malibu rum!_
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