The Perry Family I: Week Four

Nov 20, 2015 21:42

From the round-up of Week Three, this is what happened in the Perry household last time: There was plenty of growing up, which enabled Britta to open a flower shop so that she finally had a semi-steady source of income for her large brood; thanks to ACR (again), Britta and her ex, Joel, started up their romance again momentarily in front of Joel's new wife; and Britta still found herself alone by the end of the week.

small event: dating for success - one sim in your household tries to make a living off of date gifts
big event: nothing - the week goes on like normal

Britta started off the week with a blind date. Since she doesn't have a regular job, I decided that she wouldn't be allowed to go into her store at all this week - instead, any money has to come from dates. So, here's her first date, Skylar Corsillo.

He doesn't look like her type, what with the body paint and such, but she charmed him anyway.

I honestly don't know what this tantrum was about. Maybe Giselle is unhappy that her mother is dating? I mean, she's only seen her mom reconnecting with her father once in a while, since Craig was before her time. Or she's just throwing a regular childhood tantrum?
Giselle: *grrrr*

Mixed messages, dude, mixed messages.

Giselle and Edison have some half-sibling bonding time...

...while Britta and Remy have some full-mother-daughter bonding.

Can you tell that they're related?

Britta was so interested in Skylar that she just had to call him back for another date. She was extremely eager to begin it.

Britta brought a fellow supernatural friend home from school, Oudi Fey.

Now I feel bad, like Britta is robbing from the cradle or something, since she would be his first.

Britta: So, you've never been with anyone else, huh?
Skylar: Can we just get started already?
So, so romantic.

Um, Mommy is a bit busy right now, Giselle.

Wow, Skylar sure had a good time with Britta...

Angie: Ooh, now I'll be taller than Giselle!
*pops into a teenager*

It's the twins' birthday!

Before we get to their makeovers, though, we see that Skylar isn't the only one falling in love. I wanted her to play the field and get lots of date gifts, but if they both want it...

A grownup Angie is a lot less sure about her possible new stepfather, though - that's not good.

Some of the gifts that Skylar has given Britta - he's too cheap to buy her expensive stuff, apparently - we need to live off of this, man!

Here's a teen-ified Angie!
Family // Green Thumb

Britta just couldn't hold back her feelings anymore, she just had to propose to her new beau!

And this is why he's been so cheap. Come on, man, we need money!

Skylar Corsillo - Knowledge Sim
Collector // Eccentric // Wanderlust // Lucky // Nurturing

They're a happy couple - and Britta proves that blonds are definitely her type, despite her dalliance with Craig.

Poor Remy is feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the changes happening so quickly. Poor dear.

Angie was bi, so I used the crystal ball to see who she might be interested in - and look who it is! The lovely Haven who I'm not obsessed with at all no way.

Remy tried to get to know her mom's new boyfriend a bit better.

She didn't seem too impressed by him...

Don't look at your potential girlfriend's potential new stepfather like that, Haven!

OK, I officially love them together.

Oh, and here's the teen version of Edison, since we haven't seen that yet.
Pleasure // Health Conscious

Now Remy spends some time bonding with her half-brother, while...

her mother does some "bonding" with her boyfriend. She better not be trying to achieve her LTW of sending six children to college when she's less than a week away from elderhood!

Edison is bi as well, so he decided to check out Remy's friend, Oudi.

He approves.

While Giselle was out building a snowman, a certain walkby caught my eye...

...Jules! I think she's noticing that Giselle has blonde hair, just like Remy - and Joel. Joel, you might be in trouble when I get to your house.

Since the Perrys have so little money, their kitchen and dining room are pretty sparse, and they almost never have family dinners, so Britta made spaghetti for her family - and everyone had to eat it while standing up. *Perfect Family Moment*

Isla Fey, did you destroy that snowman!
Isla: *is clearly not innocent*

Aw, first kiss for these cuties!
Melting Snowman: I would like to look away right now - I need to melt more and have my hat cover both eyes!

Remy was obviously jealous of how much romance her siblings had going on, so she booty-called her own boyfriend. Thanks, ACR.
Melting Snowman: Why me? Why do all the horny teenagers need to make out in front of me?

Since Britta wasn't really in the dating game anymore, it was up to her children to help provide some dating income. Unfortunately, most of these teenagers have very little money as well.

After I went to play part of the other Perry household, I came back and forgot that Edison was already interested in Oudi, so he checked out Owen. Unfortunately, they only had about one bolt, so it's back to our yellow-hued friend!

This is a minor problem with playing both of these households together so that Remy and Giselle can stay with their father for the weekend - this is one of Joel's quads, but of course we haven't seen her yet. Anyway, no idea why Edison is so mad about his sisters' half-sister who isn't related to him at all. It's not like hot-tempered is one of his traits - work with me here, game!

Oudi improved his mood.

REALLY improved his mood.
More first kiss adorableness!

Britta and Skylar aren't having such a romantic evening.

Britta made it up to him the next morning, though.

You aren't hot-tempered either, Angie! And you are ruining your mother's romantic morning.

They obviously don't care. Also, if you don't want Skylar to see your diary entry about him, maybe you should go somewhere else.

Now it was Angie's turn for a booty call, because the ACR in this house is strong.

Thank you, Haven - we will promptly sell this bouquet so that we can hopefully afford to buy a table and chairs before everyone else ships off to college.

And that's it for the first Perry household this week! Next up is Perry II, where you can actually see the quads, as well as Giselle, grow up!

- Obviously, Remy and Giselle were at Joel's house for the weekend, that's why they weren't around at the end or for the picture. Like I said, Giselle will become a teenager over the weekend, and Remy will be sent off to college afterward, so you won't see her until I do portraits of the brand new college students!
- Once they got engaged, neither Britta nor Skylar seemed all that interested in marriage, so we'll have to wait and see if they actually get married or not.
- I wasn't a huge fan of Angie until she started dating Haven, and now I kind of love her. I know, that's horrible, but whatever, they're just sims, not people, so that's better, right?

week four, !sunset bay, sunset bay: perry family

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