The Lynch-Davis Family: Week Three

Jun 28, 2015 16:17

From the round-up of Week One, this is what happened in the Lynch-Davis household last time: Vanessa finally opened up the family grocery store that she and her brother, Jesse, first dreamed of when they came to Sunset Bay - maybe that's what Jesse can do in the future (actually, I do think he's going to work there once the kids are older). Luna gave birth to twins Grant and Haven and Lena grew up, and there was much adorableness.

Even though they now have a relatively-successful grocery store, the Lynch-Davis family is still maintaining their little garden. Some harvests are much better than others.

Poor little Lena doesn't like not being the best at everything, apparently. You just need a little more time and studying, Lena!

See, you're already working your way there!

Um, Haven, I don't think that you should be in the room right now...

See, this is the cute mother-child interaction that you want!



See, you're finally done with toddlers, you don't need more babies!

Here's the adorable Haven!
Morning Person

Grant looks a lot less enthused about being a child and getting the chance to socialize with other children at school.

You're setting a great example for your impressionable children, Vanessa.


These two beds don't really work together - like, at all - but I like them together anyway. Plus, we needed more beds for this growing family.


These twins are just so adorable together! They may not look alike, but they're friends for sure.


This is a new resident in town who has absolutely no reason to hate anyone in the Lynch-Davis household, yet wants to possibly cause a roach infestation anyway. I forget her name and I'm in the process of reinstalling the Ultimate Collection again (long story - see the notes), so I can't check. Her last name is Young, I'm pretty sure.

Happy family times, with little Grant lurking around the corner...

And the adorable family moment is later broken by the screams of a woman in labor.

Random, but Vanessa was looking gorgeous and I just had to take a picture of her! Oh, and there's a swing in the background for...

Winslow! He is just so gosh darn adorable!

YOU HAVE ENOUGH CHILDREN! There are only three bedrooms in this house and I don't feel like adding a second floor or moving you already - it's only the third week!

At least we'll have another Sim to help around the house!
*bursts into puberty*

God, she's gorgeous. At least all of Vanessa and Luna's many children are quite good-looking.

Jesse finally came back to visit his old home, but Luna doesn't seem to want him around. Jesse, go find someone who's bound by family to like you a little more!

They totally look like sister and brother and not mother and son, right? Why is there such an age gap in this family?!

Now that Lena is old enough, she can start helping out at the family business, where she apparently expects to make loads of cash - I guess no one told her that she's not actually getting paid at all...

Lena wanted to meet someone, so she used the crystal ball to find Samara Jarrett. In the process, she began to creep me out - why do they always seem to do this when they're trying to be romantic?


Lil' Winslow grew up into an adorable little toddler!
Social Butterfly (Vanessa) // Heavy Sleeper (Luna) // Spiritual

Aw, Samara came back with a bouquet of roses!

Woah! And a huge fountain that we can sell for a lot of money!

And that's it for the family this week. Hopefully they've stopped growing and will just start growing up next week.

- My game stopped working again, so right now I'm reinstalling the game and it will hopefully go back to normal for at least a few months. I have enough pictures for two more Sunset Bay updates and possibly some smaller Dasani and Everett posts, so we'll just have to wait and see how things are going - I shouldn't have to drop off the face of the earth or anything, unless the reinstall doesn't work.

sunset bay: davis family, !sunset bay, week three, sunset bay: lynch family

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