Title: Chance Meeting & Smiles
Characters: Cedric/Draco
Rating: G
Word count: 2x100 words
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: A sequel to
Reality. Written for
drabble123's prompts
#15 Alone & #16 Broken and
10_per_genre's prompt
#6 Sunrise/Sunset.
Chance Meeting
Draco liked to wander outside on the grounds after the sunset, to sort through his thoughts, worries and feelings.
Tonight, he was worried. The Triwizard Tournament’s final task was tomorrow and a bad feeling was presently curling around his stomach. His father had been acting out of sorts lately - everyone was acting out of sorts - and it was scaring Draco. Something was happening and he feared -
A lonely figure moving towards him caught Draco’s eyes and he squinted to make out the person’s face.
Cedric Diggory.
“What are you doing out here all alone?” Draco asked when Cedric reached him.
Cedric smiled. His smile appeared strained to Draco.
“Just thinking,” he replied.
“About what?” Draco cursed himself. They weren’t friends, why would Cedric tell him?
But Cedric didn’t seem to mind. “About tomorrow. It’s not really important,” he said, but Draco knew him and saw the anxiety in Cedric’s eyes. It was surreal; Cedric was never nervous about anything. He was optimism itself.
Nothing could break him.
Draco blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “It’ll be all right.”
Cedric’s smile was warmer this time. “Yeah. It will,” he said. “Thank you.”
Draco smiled as well. “You’re welcome.”