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Comments 19

throwingpens March 25 2013, 20:35:04 UTC
This is wonderful. Just. So wonderful.

Also, what an asshole for calling screwdrivers adolescent.

And based on what you've told me, your friend F is a lot like Barney Stinson pre-robin-ing, and I don't know if that's a good thing.

In response to this: "You should still tell him you’re sitting. Be a diva. What do you care?" you could have said, "BITCH I'M A SAUCY DIVA."

(I'm not a weird internet friend, am I? they're not talking about me being a weird internet friend, right? RIGHT>?!"

Basically what I'm saying is YAY FOR YOU followed by several snappy comebacks that I can only come up with on the internet and not even close in real life.


saucydiva March 25 2013, 22:08:45 UTC
Despite my username, I don't really think of myself as being all that diva-like, really.

F is exactly Barney Stinson. No question; we've discussed it (he also loves the show).

You aren't THAT weird.


ballroom_pink March 25 2013, 20:39:02 UTC
While I think I probably need a friend like F, their prodding (while I assume comes from a good place) would give me hives.


saucydiva March 25 2013, 22:01:12 UTC
If I didn't have people that pushed me to try new things, I'm not sure I would. I like that in people, that they're willing to push me out of my comfort zone.

Which isn't to say it was fun at the time.


quiet_hotel March 25 2013, 21:49:00 UTC
Nothing to lose? What about your money, on buying a non-cute guy a drink.

(I'm so fun, right?)


saucydiva March 25 2013, 21:55:06 UTC
No, that's fair. And god knows I personally don't think someone buying me a drink entitles them to my time, and have been known not to talk to people who have bought me drinks.

But, you know, it's a gamble, I suppose. And like gambling, the money is not necessarily going to net you anything, but the thrill is in trying.


quiet_hotel March 25 2013, 22:44:10 UTC


rikyl March 25 2013, 22:47:02 UTC
Personally I prefer your strategy of just wandering up to people and starting random conversations ... and then if there's a romantic spark or chemistry or something, then you can see where that goes. Why the pressure to flirt before you even know if you like someone? But I suppose that would be less effective as a hookup strategy. And ... oops, I think I here Barney Stinson laughing at me somewhere.

Trying new things is always awesome, though.


emilyla March 25 2013, 22:49:23 UTC
I would find that entire process absolutely terrifying, so I totally admire your courage for having given it a shot.


saucydiva March 25 2013, 22:59:47 UTC
Thank you! It's all about trying, right? More or less.


kyrieanne March 26 2013, 00:53:10 UTC
I absolutely could never do that...I have no game. When I want to flirt I end up yelling at a guy like a 2nd grader. Good for you!


saucydiva March 26 2013, 14:49:10 UTC
I hope to see this at some point. Because AWESOME. I bet it works, too.


kyrieanne March 26 2013, 15:16:06 UTC
It works sometimes, but more often they think I hated them. I'm shy around boys so they tend to think I'm indifferent cause I don't talk or I hate them because I argue (and cause I'm competitive when I argue I forget about wanting to flirt and just want to win...)

But every once in a while a guy figure it out and we have great banter etc.


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