
Jun 02, 2007 17:02

It's like a switch has flicked on in my brain, and all of a sudden I really, really want Xenosaga fic. And the best way to get something is to do it yourself! So expect some snippets over the next few days.

"Well, that's it," says Hammer, lifting his fingers from the keypad. "I had to cut us off from the UMN. We've lost all contact. With everyone. At this point, we could be the last people left alive in the universe."

Tony looks around the room with an expression of distaste. "God, I hope not."

"Nothing to do but wait," growls Matthews, and folds his arms behind his head.

They all keep quiet for a moment. Then Hammer speaks up, hesitantly. "So, uh. Just in case we're all gonna die in a few minutes here, Tony, you know I've totally had a crush on you since we were like twelve, right?"


"But, uh... we're still dudes, right?"

"Yeah. Of course we're still dudes."

"If you ladies wouldn't mind-" starts Matthews.

Hammer doesn't hear him. He's too busy doing a little dance in his chair, mumuring "can't touch this!" under his breath.

xenosaga, video games, fic

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