Kingdom Hearts ficcing

Aug 04, 2006 19:21

So I guess there will be more video game posts after all.

As usual, Kairi finds Riku on the beach. He is sitting facing the rising tide. The ocean water laps against the toes of his shoes. He turns around as soon as her feet hit the sand; his hearing has always been good, but now it's genuinely uncanny.

"Riku!" says Kairi cheerfully. "I wish you'd let us know where you're going. It would save us a lot of time."

"Hey, Kairi," says Riku, rising to his feet in one quick, elegant motion. The effect is hampered somewhat by a slight stumble afterwards. He's still a bit weak on his feet. He hates it when people draw attention to it, though, so Kairi refrains from asking if he's okay. "What's up?"

Kairi grins. "Well, actually... the new Mako Wars movie opens tonight, and Sora and I were going to go see it. Wanna come?"

If she hadn't known him for so long, she would have entirely missed the shadow that falls across his face. That was phrased badly. But before she can restate the question, his lips are already already moving into a familiar smile.

"Nah," he says, "I'm good."

"Come *on.* It'll be great. You guys missed the last one, there was this gunfight during a motorcycle chase that was absolutely *intense.* Do you really want to miss something like that?"

Riku shrugs. "Maybe I'll catch it on video."

"Well," says Kairi patiently, "if you don't want to watch it, let's do something else tonight."

"No, it's okay. You two should go. I'm fine." Riku smiles again. There is only a hint of bitterness in his voice. "After all, you know what they say: three's a cro-"

Kairi grabs him by the wrist and squeezes as hard as she can, staring fiercely into his eyes. "Don't," she says. "Don't say that. It's not true." Her voice softens slightly. "Don't you get it yet? Riku... Three will NEVER be a crowd for us."

Riku stares back at her for a moment with the pride that comes from loneliness. Then he lowers his eyes.

"Okay," he says. "Yeah. You're right." He sounds apologetic.

"Good," replies Kairi. She knows that this will happen again - maybe it will never stop happening - but for now it is over. "Now that we've got that sorted out, you're coming to the movies."

"...Okay." Riku winces. "Care to let go of my wrist?"

"Only if you promise to be good."

"Yes, ma'am."

"That's the spirit."

kingdom hearts, video games

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