
Jun 15, 2005 17:54

Today was funny because I taught the Chinese exchange students who sit next to me in Socials about swear words. Some will think this reprehensible, but they were already saying fuck, so it was more like a lesson about the appropriate usage of various words. They taught me how to insult the Japanese in Chinese. (I say "Well, I don't really hate the Japanese," one goes "Oh! No! We don't really *hate* them! My uncle's Japanese!") Cultural exchange is fun.

And now, for the first but hopefully not last time: Monday's Noon!

"Welcome back, milord," says Noon in the voice that is still almost a whisper. He bows deeply; in the bright light, one sees nothing but respect in his countenance. Arthur nods in reply and moves on down the line of Denizens to where Dame Primus stands with her perfect carriage.

On his other side, Dusk shakes his head. "Spends months away, and won't even give you a word when he sees you." His voice is deceptively sympathetic. "That's what I call bad form."

Noon could be a statue. "I desire nothing more."

"Don't you."

Anyone else would miss the anxiety in Noon's slight shift of weight to his left foot. "...I don't know what you're attempting to imply," he says, "but stop at once. These constant... allusions of yours to whatever truth you imagine to see-"

"Well, after all," replies Dusk, with a soft chuckle, "sometimes it is easier to see the light when you stand partly in the darkness. Isn't that so, brother?"

Noon says nothing, but the elegant curve of his mouth at last becomes a frown.

Now off to my happy little dimention where pedophilia is okay when the young 'un is the King of Everything and Everybody.

homogay, fandom

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