Title: Cracks in the Sidewalk
Pairing: SasuNaru
Genre: AU, Multichap, Angst
Rating: Eventual R or NC-17
Summary: Naruto is a young high school student with a passion for music. From Bob Dylan to Sex Pistols to Elliott Smith, he buries himself deeper and deeper his records with every passing day. Head in the clouds, he dreams of forming a rock band of his own. Enter Sasuke, a rigid transfer student with a knack for composition. Although trained classically, he holds an untold love for rock and roll. While their love for rock n' roll brings them together, will their passions also tear them apart?
Disclaimer: Naruto characters belong to Kishimoto. Lyrics featured, unless otherwise noted, belong to their respectful artists (usually mentioned somewhere in the story).
Warning: Only imaginary people can smoke! Do not smoke! I am not glamorizing smoking! Everyone I know who has gotten hooked on cigarettes is trying to quit or has quit already! It makes you ugly and yellow up your teeth! Only in imaginary worlds does this not happen! In addition to NO SMOKING, also don't DRINK (especially if you're underage) or have anonymous sex.
Comments: Wow three times a week! Don't know how long I'll be able to keep this pace up though @_@''
Songs: No Jrock this time...but I do offer Misfits and Red Hot Chili Peppers! So yeah it took a long time for me to figure out which punk rock song to feature, but, ultimately I chose
Last Caress by the Misfits because of its shock value. While it's ultimately a song about a horror movie (as most of their songs were about), I really liked the whole 'I've got something to say,' since it was like a message to Gaara haha. Also it ties with Naruto's deep dark secret XD to be revealed later. The second song is
Scar Tissue by the Red Hot Chili Peppers since Flea has AMAZERING bass skills and I wanted the song to be something that would remind Naruto of the bass. I also feel like the lyrics fit well with the chapter haha. As always delete after 48 hours and support the artists!
Previous Chapters:
part i part ii part iii part iv part v part vi * * * * * * * * * *
Cracks in the Sidewalk
part vii
* * * * * * * * * *
"Gaara!" cried Naruto as he dashed through the crowd, zipping between giggling girls and boasting boys. He took care to avoid a cluster of football players gathered around a row of ugly orange lockers, spinning instead into a shy girl with glasses who gave a surprised yelp. The athletes guffawed at the sight and snickered the boy's clumsiness. The blond apologized as he picked up a stray book that he slipped from her arms before returning to chasing the redhead. "Gaara, wait up!"
The redhead ignored the calls behind him as he plowed slowly through the crowd, his tiny body slicing like a knife through the stream of students who poured from the classrooms. He glared at the people surround him as if they were rotting fish floating belly-up down the current. He flung those who got in his way carelessly aside, not bothering to dodge collision. He glowered at those who tried to act back, boring holes into their skulls with his insomnia eyes, scaring them into silence. He sighed in annoyance as he felt a hand grip his leather jacket, nails bearing into the hide in exhaustion. Gaara turned to look at the blond from the corner of his eye and said, "What?"
"Join my band!" beamed Naruto through stressed breath. He flashed a light-bulb smile.
"No," replied Gaara flatly, turning to continue his stalk up the hall.
"What?" shouted Naruto, running to block the boy's path. "Why not? It'll be fun!"
"Will you be in it?" asked Gaara, his bored eyes turning travelling to terrorize others around him.
"Of course!" replied the blond proudly, pointing to himself. "I'm the vocalist!"
"Then no," said Gaara with fatalistic finality. He walked around a stunned Naruto who was still gesturing enthusiastically at himself.
"Why not?" cried Naruto, disappointed. Gaara stopped on his own for once and seemed to ponder the question, though it was more of an opportunity for Naruto to consider the answer for himself. He rolled his eyes when only expectant silence radiated from the other boy. He turned to face the blond fully, studying the puzzled eyes, pouting mouth, the rosy cheek. His intense gaze drew a shiver from Naruto who writhed inwardly for the verdict.
"Sing," ordered Gaara, green eyes narrowed and challenging, his lips pressed into a line.
"What?" sputtered the blond. He suddenly seemed shy and small in the fluent crowd of students milling through the hallway. "Now? In front of everyone? But we're at school!"
"See?" said Gaara, face dark with contempt. "You don't even have the balls to sing in front of people, to show everyone what you can do. How can you even think of being a singer?"
The redhead turned on his heel, spinning like a razor, tearing through hopes and dreams like a knife, and continued to make his way down the corridor. Naruto stood in the same spot, his small body jostled relentlessly by the sheep-people around him. His head was lowered in either shame or anger or fear or hatred and his hands were clutched into tight fists that shook in misery. His hair was getting long, the blond locks falling into eyes, streaking his sight like prison bars. His breathing was ragged, like tears or screaming. His body was tense, like howls or killing.
And then he snapped, his body collapsing under the weight of his stasis, his limbs falling into technicolor motion. His angry feet carried him to a table that stood to the side of the hall. His hands swept in grand, desperate movements to clear the flyers sitting neatly and photocopied on the surface, sending the multicolored paper drifting like snow on the floor. He then hoisted himself on top of the clumsy furniture, his feet planted firmly on wobbly structure of plastic and metal. And then he bellowed, "Hey Gaara!"
The redhead turned just in time to hear the howl-sneer that ricocheted through the halls, turning heads wherever it landed.
I got something to say
I killed your baby today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead
Students everywhere froze their movements to stare at the boy, shining like a beacon in the mess of schooling. His voice, loud and wailing and malicious, ripped through the air in waves that paralyzed. Some gathered before the table to look at the crazed brilliance of Naruto's boldness, basking in his shocking messages, slurping up carnage like strawberry-flavored milk.
Well I got something to say
I raped your mother today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as she's spread
Gaara's ears perked as the familiar melody reached him amid the buzz of the hallway. He turned to find Naruto standing above the rest, screeching angry words dipped in purposeful imperfection to the gathering crowd. His hand pointing one moment to a quiet boy splattered with freckles and topped with carrot hair, another to a chattering girl caked in makeup and expensive perms. And then to himself in wordless accusation. Himself with his narrow, spitting eyes. Himself with his crouched and tight spine, hunched over to sing to the crowd. Himself with his tart tongue and bright cheeks, glowing with exhilaration.
Sweet lovely death
I am waiting for your breath
Come sweet death, one last caress
Some boys in varsity jackets scowled at the lyrics, faces turning dark and bruised. They pushed through the crowd, making their way to Naruto's makeshift pedestal. The four of them screamed obscenities at the boy who continued to sing regardless, his voice becoming even more luminous, even more biting. His song passed over their shouts, bending over their heads like a holy message from some far-away deity. It became even more coarse, even more vicious, even more hurt and angry and sorrowful and laughing and disgusted. And in the end, everyone in the hall knew that it was for them that Naruto was singing for, those four boys dressed in blue and orange, cheeks and hearts hollow, faces sharp and sinfully angled. And they knew too, which made them all the more angry.
Sweet lovely death
I am waiting for your breath
Come sweet death, one last caress
They began shaking the table, causing Naruto to waver in his balance, almost falling. They started to claw feverishly at him, eventually pulling him down like revolutionaries against a figurehead. The blond gave a cry as fists rained down on him. He coughed as a kick found his ribs, his body cringing in pain. But he didn't fight back, instead he merely curled into a ball, all his energies used to keep living, keep breathing. And then he heard a cry as a snap of knuckle against bone sounded through the corridor. That was followed by a scream as he heard the dull impact of a kick. He looked up from his position to find Gaara standing over him, emerald eyes for once alive and lustrous and sorely malicious and twisted. He watched as the redhead's face cracked to show the gruesome red of grotesque smile. The sight sent shivers down Naruto's spine; and yet, he was entranced.
Teachers rushed to the scene to pull the five of them apart: four bruised and torn boys with wounded prides and one with a broken nose and a wiggling redhead with fists still itching for the fight. Naruto crawled out of his spot under the table and stared in awe at the damaged boys and at Gaara who only sported a single scratch on his cheek.
"You boys will be coming with us," said one stern teacher. "That includes you, Mr. Uzumaki."
* * * * * * * * * *
"Jesus Christ, Naruto," shouted the principal, slamming her fists against the table in disbelief. "You got on top of a table and sang a song about killing babies and raping mothers?"
"Yes?" offered the blond weakly. He smiled apologetically at the woman who towered over him ominously, wincing at the soreness on his cheek.
"Yes what?" shouted the principal. Her brown eyes radiated a split message of compassion and duty, shifting to the door every few seconds, ever mindful of the secretary eavesdropping outside. It was obvious that she wanted to forgive the battered boy, but she knew that protocol forbid her from it. A woman sporting a harsh bun covered with graying hairs glared into the office, causing them both to wince.
"Yes ma'am?" replied Naruto meekly. He looked at the woman with her catty glasses and wrinkles, recognizing her as the mother of one of the football players. The stern woman glowered at his direction and turned away, denying his existence. Naruto slouched further in his seat, hoping to disappear from view altogether.
"Don't do it again, brat," growled the woman, though it sounded more like a defeated sigh. She was an imposing woman, standing tall and strong in her black suit which filled out well with her full figure. She walked confidently to the door where she closed the blinds. Then she reached over and ruffled the boy's messy hair affectionately.
"So," began the blond, eyes hopeful, "does it mean that I'm not going to be punished?"
"Hell no," laughed the woman, reveling in her power. Naruto's face fell and he groaned. "You've got detention for a week, starting today. Now get outta here."
The boy grumbled as he rose from the chair and made his way to the door. He shot the principal a sour look before turning the knob, already dreading the faces of the bruised and torn boys.
"Oh, and send Mr. Sabaku in too," called the principal from behind her desk. She was hunched behind her desk, sorting through her drawers for something, though, Naruto knew that she was taking a quick swig of whiskey before the next student came in. He rolled his eyes at the woman's behavior, though he couldn't blame her for yearning for the hot comfort of alcohol running down her throat.
"Yes," he said. He thought for a second before quickly adding, "Ma'am."
He twisted the knob and braced himself for the flood of florescent lighting and sullen Southern mothers tending to pouting athlete sons. He grimaced as everyone glared at him as if he were some grotesque escapee of a carnival show. Naruto stuffed his hands into his pockets and sank into himself, collapsing his stomach and walking like a hook, his eyes never leaving the ground. He saw Gaara, sitting in a corner with his arms crossed and eyes sharp as always. The rest of the boys stayed away from him as if he were the devil, clinging to the opposite of the room like sheep herding together against cold. The redhead looked at him with a questioning expression sitting in his lips.
"It's all you, Gaara," Naruto whispered as he stood before the boy. "Good luck, man."
He studied the texture of the carpet as he listened to the shuffle of fabrics and chains from Gaara: boots crusted with mud and laced to perfection shifted, dog collars clanged with the armor of his jacket, piercings swished through air. Naruto's heart sank as Gaara rose to his feet but didn't move, standing perfectly still before him. He knew that the redhead wanted answers, wanted an explanation, but his mouth was dry, his tongue caught. And somehow Gaara understood the silence, reading the cypher of his speechlessness.
"Naruto," said Gaara, "I'll join."
Naruto's head snapped up to look at the boy, to thank him, but it was already too late, Gaara had already disappeared into the office.
* * * * * * * * * *
Naruto trudged through the mud, grumbling about hags and rednecks and spit wads and detention. He groaned as the boo kbag rubbed against a bruise on his rib and shifted the bag on his shoulder. He grimaced as he felt the bruise on his cheek grow and solidify, changing from a swollen red to a monstrous green-yellow. He licked the scab on his lip, wincing at the metallic taste of blood. He sighed as he saw the blood staining his shirt in dark botches and rubbed his neck that had previously been coated with blood from his busted mouth. He walked with his face down and cursing, wishing that he could take time to sit and sleep.
"You look like shit," came a cool voice. Naruto lifted his head to find Sasuke leaning against his car with a cigarette hanging from his fingers, the smoke winding into the cloudy sky, blending with the gray clouds.
"What are you still doing at school?" asked the blond, too tired to think of a witty retort.
"Heard you got into a fight," replied Sasuke with a shrug. "Wanted to see how badly you got screwed up myself before you had the chance to go home and clean up."
"Shut the fuck up and give me a ride," growled Naruto as he flung open the passenger door and threw his backpack into the car carelessly. He collapsed into the leather seat and sulked in the wedge between the cushioned door and chair, his head pressed against the window. Sasuke scowled at him before sinking into the driver's seat.
"Apparently no please or thank you," mumbled Sasuke under his breath as he started the car. The lilting sound of Red Hot Chili Peppers filled the car, carrying the soothing sounds of smooth basslines and mellow guitar to Naruto's ear. His muscles unwound like springs as the music tended to his wounds and his face softened.
Scar tissue that I wish you saw
Sarcastic mister know it all
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you 'cause
With the birds I'll share
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
Naruto opened his mouth in an almost-purr as his cares seemed to slip from his body. Sasuke studied Naruto as he drove, his own muscles relaxing, his anxiety fading. He watched as the blond began nodding to sleep, head tilting forward, then backwards, hands gripping the sides of the door as if he were falling. Naruto's golden locks fell into his eyes, not in a rumpled way, but in an innocent way. His skin shone in an honest ginger, his cheeks rosy in a natural pink. Sasuke's right hand ghosted the chords over the steering wheel as he fell into a comfortable silence.
Push me up against the wall
Young Kentucky girl in a push-up bra
Fallin' all over myself
To lick your heart and taste you health 'cause
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
"Gaara's going to join the band, Sasuke," whispered Naruto as his jewel eyes slid closed. "Everything's going to be all right."
"Yeah," whispered Sasuke in return as Naruto fell into a deep sleep. "Yeah."
Soft spoken with a broken jaw
Step outside but not to brawl
Autumn's sweet we call it fall
I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl and
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view
With the birds I'll share
This lonely view