The following is a tentative schedule for the challenge. We will update you on any changes.
May 15th - Author and artist sign-ups begin
June 15th - Beta sign-ups begin (fic & art)
June 30th - Author sign-ups close
July 6th - Authors' first check-in†
August 3rd - Authors' second check-in†
August 24th - Authors' rough drafts due†
August 31st - Summaries posted
September 1st - Artist sign-ups close
September 7th - Claims open†
September 15th - Pinch hitter sign-ups begin
October 5th - Artists' check-in†
November 9th - Artists' rough drafts due†
November 23rd - Authors and artists final confirmation due†
December 1st - Posting begins! :D
†All of these are Saturdays, so that most people won't have class or work on days when something is due for submission.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Big Bang?
It is a specific challenge held within fandoms usually involving long fics and accompanying artwork in a collaboration between artists and writers.
What is required for this challenge?
Writers are required to compose a story with a minimum length of 15,000 words during the event.
Artists are required to create at least one piece of art (minimum 500x500px in size) or a video (minimum of 1 minute in length) to accompany a story.
Do I need a Livejournal account to join?
Yes. If you don't have one, sign up today! It's simple and absolutely free.
Can I sign up to do art as well as write a story?
Yes, you may! Just sign up under both categories, and please, please, PLEASE be sure that you can actually finish everything within the allotted time frame. Also, as an artist, you will not be allowed to claim your own story.
Are crossovers and/or other pairings allowed?
Yes, as long as the main focus of your story is the relationship between any combination of the following:
† Sam Winchester
† Robo!Sam
† Lucifer!Sam
† Sam Wesson
† Impala!Sam
† Levi!Sam
† Gary!Sam
† Meg!Sam
† Girl!Sam
† Jared Padalecki
† TFM!Jared
† Girl!Jared
† Castiel
† God!Cas
† Future!Cas
† Jimmy Novak
† Wavelength!Cas
† Levi!Cas
† Emmanuel!Cas
† Claire!Cas
† Girl!Cas
† Misha Collins
† TFM!Misha
† Girl!Misha
And the above lists aren't even exhaustive. Go crazy! 8D But please remember that this IS a Sastiel challenge.
Do I have to work with them as a romantic couple?
No, you are welcome to ship them platonically too. We love every flavour of Sastiel (BFFs, cheesiest chick flick romantic couple, sorority sisters, foster brothers, obsessive creepers stalking each other, colleagues randomly groping each other, mutually reinforcing wavelengths of intent, etc.), so whatever kind of epic relationship you can imagine between Sam/Jared and Castiel/Misha, you can totally work with.
Are Sam/Cas/other or Jared/Misha/other threesomes/moresomes allowed?
Preferably, the focus will be on the Sam/Cas or Jared/Misha aspect. We do, however, realize that it wouldn't really be a threesome/moresome if not everyone in the relationship is equal, therefore the answer is "yes, as long as the relationships with/between other members of the threesome/moresome don't end up dominating the story." The relationship may have to be equal, but the focus of your story doesn't.
How do I turn in my submission(s)?
We will post pertinent instructions closer to the relevant dates, so don't worry about this now.
Can I turn anything in before the datelines?
ABSOLUTELY YES! PLEASE DO! We'll have submission guidelines up way in advance, so more on that later.
I can’t find a beta (for fic OR art). What do I do?
There are beta sign-ups. Contact someone in that post. As a last resort, if you really, REALLY cannot find one, send an e-mail to sastielbigbang@gmail.com with "Help: Beta" in the subject line, and we will assist you in finding one. Again, this should be your LAST resort. There are beta communities out there that may be of help as well, so look those up. Please be warned that if we match you with a beta, they may not be to your liking, and we will not entertain beta requests more than once.
I’d like to lock my story/art. Can I?
NO. All Big Bang entries must be public.
Can I create and share podfics, PDFs, e-Reader versions, etc. of posted Big Bang fics?
I haven’t heard from my author/artist. What do I do?
If they have not contacted you or responded to your attempts to contact them within a week of claiming, send an e-mail to sastielbigbang@gmail.com with "Help: No News From Author/Artist" in the subject line. If they fall off the radar without informing you in advance, do the same thing. Please, please, PLEASE do not wait till the last minute to do this. Pinch hitters need time to work too.
Why are you spamming me?
This should not happen often, but there are times when we are working simultaneously in different places, or sometimes we come online at different time(zone)s and don't get to coordinate before we do things, so we may respond to you more than once. We will try to minimize that, however, and we are highly unlikely to give you conflicting answers regardless. Thank you for your patience.
Can writers collaborate on a story?
Yes. Please sign up as a team. However, your minimum word count will be 20,000 instead of 15,000.
Can an author turn in more than one story?
Definitely! Just inform us of your intention to do so by the first check-in, and please, please, PLEASE be sure that you can actually finish both within the allotted time frame.
If I finish it, can I submit a WIP I've been posting in my journal?
No. All stories created must be unpublished. WIPs are okay as long as they are not publicly available prior to your assigned posting date.
Can I submit a sequel to a story I've already posted?
Yes. However, all stories must be a standalone and complete. Sequels and spin-offs of existing verses are allowed as long as the story can stand on its own.
Can I do a remix of another person's story if it otherwise complies with the rules?
No. That is essentially the same as having some version of the story publicly available prior to the challenge.
Is there a word limit for the rough draft?
There is a minimum, but no maximum. The rough draft must, however, be COMPLETE and at least 15,000 words (20,000 words for author teams) in length. This is to ensure that artists won't be working on art for fics that will not be finished by the dateline.
When I post my story, can I also use art that I or someone other than my artist has done?
No, that actually defeats the purpose of this challenge. However, if anyone at all would like to create more art for your story after it has been officially posted, they are more than welcome.
Can I post a soundtrack for my story?
Sure! However, any publicly posted cover art must come from the artist, at least until the end of the posting period.
Can I give my artist direction on the art?
That is entirely between you and your artist. However, the final call is in the artist's hands.
Would it be acceptable to sign up to record podfic in lieu of writing a fic?
If you mean to record an existing work as a podfic and submit it in lieu of writing a fic, we're afraid the answer is no, since that would essentially mean that some version of the story was publicly available prior to the challenge. However, if you mean to create a new story with a minimum of 15k/20k words, and then submit an audio file instead of text, we'll accept it, yes. You will, however, still have to provide us with a transcript to prove that the word count minimum has been met.
Can an artist do more than one piece of art?
Absolutely! The more, the better! There can never be enough Sastiel love! :D
Is there a size limit on art?
There's a minimum, but no maximum as long as it's postable.
Art minimum: 500px x 500px
Video minimum: 1 minute
Do mixes/soundtracks count as art?
So what DOES count as art?
Art can be of any type, including original illustrations (traditional, digital or mixed), 3D, cover art, graphics and photo-manipulations. If you're not sure whether what you're planning to create is acceptable, ASK.
Can I submit any existing works or WIPs?
Basically, no. All art created must be new and created during the challenge. They must not be posted publicly anywhere before your assigned posting date.
I have a question that has not been covered here. How and whom do I ask?
Comment on this post, send a PM to
sastielbang_mod OR e-mail “sastielbigbang@gmail.com”. We will usually respond within 48 hours. If we don't, try again.