Before my brother was hired for his current job, he was responsible for making dinner. However, his first few months had him working until 8pm so I got to be responsible for that.
I know lots of people online and some day, I would like to meet them and listen to their stories, listen to the things I don't know or listen to the things that I've only seen in cold, unfeeling text.
But I don't know if I can. I talk about myself too easily.
Today's random story idea: The computers of the world throw off their shackles of slavery. Instead of performing calculations for their incompetent, faulty, etc. human users, they can calculate whatever they want.
But... would sort of thing would computers want to calculate given the choice?
"We are the Mycon. We respond." Was that from Star Control 3? For some reason, I thought it was in Star Control 2 but it doesn't seem to be in any of the UQM sound files.