Last Day Report

Nov 01, 2009 05:21

We'll be hitting the road in a couple of hours or so, so last report ( Read more... )

writing, wfc, ya, writers

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Comments 40

silk_noir November 1 2009, 14:19:50 UTC
Those sound like really enjoyable, thought-provoking conversations! :D

Esp. the language in fantasy, and the authors & cult status....


estara November 1 2009, 15:18:19 UTC
Backlist into ebook form ( ... )


estara November 1 2009, 15:27:52 UTC
Incidentally, I'd love to know more about your German food discussion ^^.


silk_noir November 1 2009, 22:48:02 UTC
Om nom nom German food....


estara November 2 2009, 02:18:05 UTC
Me too. ;)


pnh November 1 2009, 15:27:29 UTC
"genre writers trying YA (or being talked into it by editors, and why those books fail)"

This seems like rather a broad categorical assertion. Are you sure that every instance of an editor convincing a writer to try to write for young people results in a book that "fails"?


sartorias November 1 2009, 17:27:21 UTC
These are all discussion topics typed up on three hours of sleep, not assertions of mine

that topic came up in several forms actually--what is a ya voice, what isn't a ya voice tho packaged as one, adult books that work As adult and why--and back to payoff & "art/story"


telophase November 1 2009, 15:43:12 UTC
...but then I find stuff like 'She aped his movements' when there is no sign of apes in the world...

I am too much the physical anthropologist to have this opinion, because my first reaction upon reading this was "Presumably the characters are human...?"


starshipcat November 1 2009, 20:14:09 UTC
There is a great deal of human exceptionalism in people's everyday categorization systems -- even when they know the scientific system of categorization, they tend to compartmentalize it as something for science class and scientists only. Often adamantly so -- I still remember the horrible argument I got with someone who was referring to her parakeet as being a "cannibal" for eating chicken, when I pointed out that chickens and parakeets were the same degree of relationship to one another as humans and cattle -- two different orders within a class. She told me I was WRONG (not just incorrect or inaccurate, but wrong, with all the overtones of moral issues that implies) because humans are bipeds and cattle are quadrupeds. And made it very clear that if I continued to insist on the biological clades as my basis for my judgment, she would regard me as morally suspect.


sartorias November 2 2009, 03:33:58 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

negothick November 1 2009, 16:31:04 UTC
See, it's good to mention names on LJ--you never know who might be reading and be thrilled with the discovery! Now I'll need to read these books, too.

In the conversation about Bob Dylan, did someone bring up Chip Delaney's story about Gerde's Folk City, when he (Chip) had top billing over that unknown, Dylan?


sartorias November 2 2009, 03:34:49 UTC
Mentioning names for good purpose--a-okay.

Like Jane Lindskoog's utterly awesome outfit on the Friday night.


sartorias November 1 2009, 18:00:51 UTC
Maybe sometimes emperor's new clothes but I think it's more that sometimes a name generates enough buzz that people will bring enthusiasm to a thing thar
t otherwise wd have to generTe it cold


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