So much love for season 5 Once Upon a Time

Sep 29, 2016 07:39

I've enjoyed OUaT well enough over the first four seasons, but mostly kept on with it because Bunny loves it so much. But I've really loved season 5. I've finally started to appreciate Killian, and Zelina used to set my teeth on edge, but now she's had character development and back story and I am sympathetic. But mostly, I think because of all the ( Read more... )

femslash, fairytales, bunny

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Comments 3

lost_spook September 29 2016, 07:25:06 UTC
Oh, ha, I realise that could just be my mindset, in my head I think of Killian and Robin as supporting characters even though they totally had their own storylines because they are the love interest for the female lead characters. Hummm.

Oh, no, it's not in your head. It is that way round! And OUaT has been fridging male characters since the beginning! (Graham, Daniel...) I think it's fully aware of it too. It can be silly, but it's a lot of fun and can be awesome - and it does have Jane Espenson on board.

It's very nice to see someone else on my flist still enjoying it! I love Regina & Emma in the show, and ship them AU. Lana Parrilla has the best face. I like Emma/Killian a lot, but felt they kept missing the boat a bit on Robin/Regina, where it ought to have been better. But that is also OUaT for you. I love my fairy tale meta crack, though, very much. :-)


_profiterole_ September 29 2016, 12:53:03 UTC
Glad you liked that season. Unfortunately, I was mostly bored despite arcs that initially sounded interesting, so I dropped the show this year.

Yay for Ruby/Dorothy! ♥ I'm happy I at least got to see some canon f/f before leaving. *hugs Mulan*


sarren September 30 2016, 17:11:26 UTC
Oh, that's sad. I really liked the Underworld storyline.

I want Mulan to be happy too :(


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