Now that's out of the way I'm off to study. REALLY.

Oct 06, 2012 11:42

So, what with sudden onset Teen Wolf obsession, plus getting paperwork for theoretical study exchange, got a bit behind with uni, but last night I was back on track, studying productively! Hand on heart, plan was to watch one, maybe two eps before going to bed at a reasonable time...but then Dragonfly was staying up doing scrapbooking stuff, and ( Read more... )

intensely focussed, pimping, picspam, youtube, werewolves

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Comments 3

cricketk October 6 2012, 12:05:43 UTC
There's pandering to our tastes and then there's the relentless button-pushing of Teen Wolf.

Oh show. The things you do.

Also, the actors have received the scripts for 3.01. The guy who plays Peter Hale posted a pic of the front cover this morning.


sarren October 6 2012, 13:47:54 UTC
When does season 3 start then, early next year? Ooh, 24 eps I see.


cricketk October 6 2012, 14:46:48 UTC
I think they start filming in November, not sure when eps start airing. Apparently they've moved production to LA, so no more lacrosse in sub-arctic temperatures, but I have no doubt that everyone will still be taking steamy showers and having Super Important Conversations while wearing only towels.


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