Now that's out of the way I'm off to study. REALLY.

Oct 06, 2012 11:42

So, what with sudden onset Teen Wolf obsession, plus getting paperwork for theoretical study exchange, got a bit behind with uni, but last night I was back on track, studying productively! Hand on heart, plan was to watch one, maybe two eps before going to bed at a reasonable time...but then Dragonfly was staying up doing scrapbooking stuff, and then it was 3.30am and we'd finished off the whole damn show. The finale was AWESOME.

Yes, my focus is Jackson, but like everyone else, loving the Derek/Stiles, here's a few cute vids -

All the guys being hot in each other's general direction. I esp like Derek dominating Jackson.

Amusing Derek/Stiles scenes

My fave Stiles moment

I like this Derek/Stiles vid (only 2mins) it's not even the most slashy, but it has lots of Derek wolfing out and being protective, which I like.

And here's the actors slashing it up and promising more Sterek if people vote for them

It's not that I'm obsessed with naked men, I swear, it's just that the show is doing it deliberately. The whole point of this show is SEXY WEREWOLVES. Hell, Derek is even sexier wolfed out than not. *cough*

intensely focussed, pimping, picspam, youtube, werewolves

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