012- You can't backslide if you never made any progress lol

Sep 27, 2010 15:53

Never have I been so glad to have not been affected by a flood.

[Inmate Filter]

I'm curious how many of you have need of certain plants from the garden. I seem to have acquired a job there and as my Warden isn't supervising me at the present moment, I'm curious how many of you would be willing to organize something of a trade- plants for favors. ( Read more... )

[!] my loyalties are flexible, [!] judges your lack of security, [!] don't need this redemption crap, [!] plotting plotting plotting, [!] it takes a thief

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Comments 122

inmate filter - this dude still treats plants like money. in case he goes hoooooooome. 453gof_flesh September 27 2010, 21:00:01 UTC
Make that alcohol or cigarettes instead of favours and you're on. [Wheeze, wheeze]


Inmate filter- IF CLAPET WERE A RICH MAN. LA DEE DEEDLE DEEDLE DIIIIE. sarkraticmethod September 27 2010, 21:31:34 UTC
You're assuming I have need of either. [Lineface, Clapet. Your bartering skills need work. :|]


Re: Inmate filter- 453gof_flesh September 27 2010, 21:34:31 UTC
They are the most valued commodities around here. You're exchanging something with limited appeal for something with mostly universal appeal.

They can essentially function as currency. You don't need to have a need for them.


Re: Inmate filter- sarkraticmethod September 27 2010, 21:50:01 UTC
On the contrary. I know a great many people here who could do quite a lot of damage with plants. And favors are a much more valuable currency to me.


inmate filter fortytwoseconds September 27 2010, 21:39:56 UTC
What do plants do?


inmate filter sarkraticmethod September 27 2010, 21:54:14 UTC
On their own, very little. In the hands of someone with enough time on their hands and a decent grasp of chemistry and biology, I can imagine a number of things. Psychotropic drugs, poisons, and the like.


inmate filter fortytwoseconds September 27 2010, 21:59:50 UTC
Oh, I get it. Weird.


Re: inmate filter sarkraticmethod September 27 2010, 22:06:08 UTC
And yet profitable.


Filter preachyrose September 27 2010, 22:23:43 UTC
While I don't mind you smuggling what you will out of the gardens, it would not be in your best interest to cause the death of any of the plants.


Filter sarkraticmethod September 28 2010, 01:33:57 UTC
I don't intend to kill anything. If I'm to avoid suspicion, I need to make this look as though a Warden was simply taking what they needed, themselves. If I go at this like an amateur, they'll suspect something is amiss.


Filter preachyrose September 28 2010, 01:37:31 UTC
And all of us will be under suspicion. But I've been taking things from the garden since I started working there. They won't notice anything.


Re: Filter sarkraticmethod September 28 2010, 01:39:49 UTC
Really? Remarkable. And here I thought with what they're keeping in there, they would be, well... Keeping better track.


Private - If this isn't cool at all I can totally edit. willkissawookie September 28 2010, 00:58:12 UTC
Sark, I should be returning to supervise you shortly. I only needed a few days and I think it's been a little longer than just a few days.


Private- IT'S FINE. He will be sneaky. :c sarkraticmethod September 28 2010, 01:28:07 UTC
It has. I was starting to wonder if perhaps you'd given up on our bonding exercise.


Re: Private- Oh Sark. You nerfherder. willkissawookie September 28 2010, 02:37:17 UTC
I wouldn't give up on you, Sark. Ever.


Re: Private- YEP. sarkraticmethod September 28 2010, 18:14:22 UTC
Right. [REPRESSED AWKWARD IS A GO.] So I should expect to see you this afternoon?


Filter amagicalmystery September 28 2010, 01:21:35 UTC
That's...a thought. I never even tried access to the gardens, figured I'd be watched in nothing flat.

What sort of favor would we be bestowin'?


Filter sarkraticmethod September 28 2010, 01:36:48 UTC
I've been working there for a month now without incident, I can probably avoid detection better than most. It's risky, but the end result would be worth it.

I draw the fire for someone else, I expect the same will be done for me when I need it. If I'm caught at this, no one really gains anything, do they? I'm certain the exchange of favors can be made to be worth anyone's while.


Filter amagicalmystery September 29 2010, 04:24:49 UTC
You make a sound point. Though it goes without sayin', I can back out of this any time if I don't like it. Don't know you well enough to leave out an escape clause.

We'll start small - if you can find any High John the Conquer root out in that garden, I'd be much obliged.


Re: Filter sarkraticmethod September 29 2010, 17:07:03 UTC
That sounds reasonable. And I'll see what I can do.

[...brb, hitting the library on plant books. HE SELLS WEAPONS, DAMMIT. AND PRICELESS ARTIFACTS. This is the weirdest market ever.]


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