012- You can't backslide if you never made any progress lol

Sep 27, 2010 15:53

Never have I been so glad to have not been affected by a flood.

[Inmate Filter]

I'm curious how many of you have need of certain plants from the garden. I seem to have acquired a job there and as my Warden isn't supervising me at the present moment, I'm curious how many of you would be willing to organize something of a trade- plants for favors. ( Read more... )

[!] my loyalties are flexible, [!] judges your lack of security, [!] don't need this redemption crap, [!] plotting plotting plotting, [!] it takes a thief

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Private - If this isn't cool at all I can totally edit. willkissawookie September 28 2010, 00:58:12 UTC
Sark, I should be returning to supervise you shortly. I only needed a few days and I think it's been a little longer than just a few days.


Private- IT'S FINE. He will be sneaky. :c sarkraticmethod September 28 2010, 01:28:07 UTC
It has. I was starting to wonder if perhaps you'd given up on our bonding exercise.


Re: Private- Oh Sark. You nerfherder. willkissawookie September 28 2010, 02:37:17 UTC
I wouldn't give up on you, Sark. Ever.


Re: Private- YEP. sarkraticmethod September 28 2010, 18:14:22 UTC
Right. [REPRESSED AWKWARD IS A GO.] So I should expect to see you this afternoon?


Re: Private - She needs to ask him about progress at some point. willkissawookie September 28 2010, 20:20:08 UTC
[A pause.] Yes. I'll be up there soon.


Private/ SPAM? - Yeees. SOBS. AND HOW HE HASN'T MADE ANY. /smacks his stubborn head sarkraticmethod September 29 2010, 17:02:16 UTC
I'll be waiting.


SPAM - Leia will be so sad. :c willkissawookie September 29 2010, 17:37:46 UTC
[Leia made her way quickly up to the garden, her gait more confident than it had been in a long while and when she opened the door, attempted to be strong and sure despite the long list of doubts that had been bothering her since the breach.]


[Nonetheless, her hair wasn't in its usual neat braids, but in a few loose ones bound at the back of her head in a faux-ponytail.]


SPAM - IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT, LEIA. He's a bitch. :| sarkraticmethod September 29 2010, 18:05:42 UTC
[Sark had traded in his suits for- GOD FORBID- jeans, which was annoying on numerous levels, but he wasn't about to go wading through the garden in his nice pants- although he was still wearing one of his black dress shirts with the sleeves rolled up.

He was tending to some of the flower beds with such concentration that he didn't notice- or at least, didn't acknowledge, which would likely be more accurate- Leia until she called his name.]

Leia. You're looking better.


Re: SPAM - IT'S BEEN ALMOST SEVEN MONTHS MAN. willkissawookie September 29 2010, 18:09:06 UTC
[Leia smiled down at her inmate as she slowly moved through the garden to his side. She was wearing a plains set of trousers and a powder blue blouse that looked more military grade than her usual attire.]

I'm feeling better as well, thank you.

[She glanced down at his tending before back up at him.]

Sorry for my absence. We need to talk about the breach, but we can work while we do it if you'd like.


SPAM - ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN... Seven months? Oh, KIDS. :| sarkraticmethod September 29 2010, 18:23:42 UTC
[He nodded soberly.]

By all means. Before we begin, however, I must tell you I'm actually rather glad you assigned me here. I'm beginning to find the work and atmosphere far less taxing than anything else on the Barge.

[Also he doesn't have to deal with other people's messes. That's a plus. Annnd it provides him with business opportunities. Leia need not know that. He's trying to set an example as a "model Inmate" here.]


Re: SPAM - Hahahaha willkissawookie September 29 2010, 18:28:20 UTC
[Leia's smile grew at that. Maybe she was doing something right after all, even after feeling like nothing she did was making any difference. She knelt down and began to help as best she could, not at all afraid to get her hands dirty.]

Is it the quiet or the plants?

[She would have seen both as essential to her own temperament, considering just how hectic things could get below deck.]


SPAM sarkraticmethod September 29 2010, 18:38:28 UTC
The quiet, although the plants are quite relaxing. [And maybe there's some lesson here about promoting life, rather than eliminating it, but Sark never was a killer for the sake of killing.]

I was expecting more of an explosion after that last flood, but I suppose there are worse things. The... God-fearing town and the carnival fiasco, for example.

[Ah, yes. He's wandered back to the point.]


Re: SPAM willkissawookie September 29 2010, 18:45:48 UTC
[Leia nodded as she pulled out a weed and set it to the side. There was certainly something therapeutic about digging through dirt. But the issue was back again, the mention of the breach didn't escape her and she nodded again.]

Who were you during the breach? I didn't see you among the... carnival people.


Re: SPAM sarkraticmethod September 30 2010, 19:59:42 UTC
[Sark pats the soil around a plant, for all the world tending it with utmost care, as opposed to sizing it up to see if it has any value on the Barge's version of the black market.]

One of the townspeople. [An awkward pause.] A choir boy, actually.


Re: SPAM willkissawookie October 1 2010, 21:19:56 UTC
[Good thing Leia doesn't know about this black market, or that her inmate actually can be bad sometimes.]

A choir boy. [She's not really heard that term before but it doesn't take much to figure out what that might be.]

And you stood up for the carnival?


Re: SPAM sarkraticmethod October 3 2010, 17:38:52 UTC
They sing in churches. [Don't worry, Leia. Sark has your outer spacey "I don't understand that reference" stuff covered.]

I did. ...Or rather, he did. I'd prefer to disassociate myself from a role I was playing unwittingly. Nothing he did was my choice and shouldn't reflect upon me.


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