now say it louder, although what sense that will pound into people i don't know. but you are right, and it's frustrating as hell. in some ways, the calm ones that quietly insist it's a ~choice~ are worse than the ones that shout things with picket signs.
It very well can be. Basically everybody thinks people like the Westboro Baptist Church are complete nutjobs. But people listen to idiots like Mike Huckabee. And he's sitting there advocating for denying a class of people a right for no fucking reason despite his own ridiculous prejudices and has the gall to claim he's not homophobic? Fuck. That. Shit.
Huckabee made me so frustrated and I wasn't talking to the guy. Jon presented the most logical argument in the few minutes he had and Huckabee kept giving him some lame ass response. I used to think Huckabee was funny, but now I think he's just sad. I tried to watch an episode of his show, but I only made it as far as the end of Stephen's taped segment. Even the audience was a little scary.
It's really weird that while the government doesn't want to get involved in certain things it feels that it is perfectly alright to decree how people should be or act. It's like we still haven't gotten rid of that it's great idea to control people thought process.
And if you're going to use the freakin' Bible then stop eating shellfish and kill your son to please God. Give up all your worldly possessions. Go ahead. Do that and then get back to me and I'll reconsider your thinking. Otherwise, shut up and act like a grown-up instead of a little boy who thinks that girls have cooties.
Jon is amazing. He's far more reasonable and calm than I would be in the face of someone being so goddamned thick-headed and stupid. How do you fail to notice all of your points being summarily countered? Seriously?
The Bible is irrelevant in this discussion, frankly. Marriage is a contract with the state that provides thousands of rights not guaranteed by anything else. Religion has nothing to do with it--unless, as Jon pointed out, you choose for it to. FFS, why do people not get this?!
It is irrelevant, but people still use it for some idiotic reason. Like everyone has chosen to follow it, but they haven't.
And it's easy to get frustrated with this because people aren't seeing that rights are being violated. They're seeing something that scares them for some insane, uneducated reason.
Jon should have just punched Huckabee. That would have solved a lot of problems. Well, maybe not, but it would have been awesome. Perhaps then Huckabee would see past the end of his nose. Yeah, that's it. Someone needs to go Mary Poppins on Huckabee's ass.
Nah, I think Jon took the right tack. Getting angry and yelling doesn't accomplish anything, even if I freely admit I find it satisfying and am far too short-tempered to stay calm for very long on this topic. Luckily for me, I'm not in the spotlight and Jon is, and he is an amazing, eloquent, incredibly intelligent and calm person. He can rationally discuss something so heated without losing his temper, all the while remaining steadfastly logical, reasonable, and incredibly smart, and I respect and admire him greatly for it. It's the best thing for our side, and the best antidote to morons like Huckabee. There are angry people on both sides of the issue, so it's nice to be able to point at the ones with saint-like patience as examples. People like Jon give us a good name. =P
Comments 15
now say it louder, although what sense that will pound into people i don't know. but you are right, and it's frustrating as hell. in some ways, the calm ones that quietly insist it's a ~choice~ are worse than the ones that shout things with picket signs.
Huckabee made me so frustrated and I wasn't talking to the guy. Jon presented the most logical argument in the few minutes he had and Huckabee kept giving him some lame ass response. I used to think Huckabee was funny, but now I think he's just sad. I tried to watch an episode of his show, but I only made it as far as the end of Stephen's taped segment. Even the audience was a little scary.
It's really weird that while the government doesn't want to get involved in certain things it feels that it is perfectly alright to decree how people should be or act. It's like we still haven't gotten rid of that it's great idea to control people thought process.
And if you're going to use the freakin' Bible then stop eating shellfish and kill your son to please God. Give up all your worldly possessions. Go ahead. Do that and then get back to me and I'll reconsider your thinking. Otherwise, shut up and act like a grown-up instead of a little boy who thinks that girls have cooties.
The Bible is irrelevant in this discussion, frankly. Marriage is a contract with the state that provides thousands of rights not guaranteed by anything else. Religion has nothing to do with it--unless, as Jon pointed out, you choose for it to. FFS, why do people not get this?!
Argh. I always get so frustrated with this topic.
And it's easy to get frustrated with this because people aren't seeing that rights are being violated. They're seeing something that scares them for some insane, uneducated reason.
Jon should have just punched Huckabee. That would have solved a lot of problems. Well, maybe not, but it would have been awesome. Perhaps then Huckabee would see past the end of his nose. Yeah, that's it. Someone needs to go Mary Poppins on Huckabee's ass.
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