Title: The War of Fate
Series: Fate - Part II of III
Category: Smallville/Supernatural
Genre: Romance/Angst/Drama/Humor/Action
Ship: Chloe/Dean
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 4,156
Summary: Following the loss of his brother, Dean vows to keep his promise and live the apple-pie life with Chloe, but God has other ideas. Trying to put himself together, Dean sets
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Comments 19
It was awesome! I so loved Bobby/Chloe arguments! lol! They make a good team!
Dean's a dumbass I so want to smack him! Uh, but love him anyway:)
Hope to see more from you soon!
Dean's confused and hurt and he'll continue his dumbassery, haha. Having her away only seems to be making it worse, but relief is nie! (ish)
Update to come very soon - tonight, lol.
Bobby and Chloe are great together, their banter always make me laugh. As for Dean, my heart goes out to the poor guy, it's not easy being Dean at the moment, to many conflicting feelings. But the one I was really looking forward to, was Devin. I know it was only a introduction to her, but the vote is in; I like her!! She seems to be a cool lady and I hope she's one of the good guys, because I could definitely see her being a part of Team Free Will *wink, nudge*
Very glad to hear that! *phew*
Writing Chloe and Bobby's banter has been really fun and flows easy. Writing Dean's anguish is a lot harder, but definitely interesting.
Ah, Devin, she is so awesome to write. A little more into her character next chapter and then some startling twists. :)
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Oh, he's breaking my heart too! Unfortunately, it's not soon to change. What relief that comes soon will be fleeting for awhile yet. :(
Updating tonight! :)
This part of the story is too depressing..I mean, where's the so called 'soul mate' love? It just disappears due to SAM not being here..
It really doesn't matter what I say but really, an OC!! URGH!
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