She Who Meant So Much - Chloe/Dean - NC17 - Part Two

Oct 02, 2008 18:19

Title: She Who Meant So Much
Category: Smallville/Supernatural/Batman Crossover
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Drama/Romance
Pairing: firmly Chloe/Dean, Clark/Lois, mentions of past Chloe/Clark, Chloe/Oliver, Chloe/Bruce
Word Count: 4,640
Sequel to: 5 Times Chloe Fell For A Hero And The One Time Her Heart Wasn't Broken
Summary: Sequel to 5 Times Chloe Fell For A Hero And The One Time Her Heart Wasn't Broken A new and worrisome twist in their life has Dean meeting Chloe's former loves and while trying to stay firm that everything was going to be okay, he might just have reason to worry.

Previous:  Part One,

II - Reunion

Lois couldn't believe what she was doing. She should turn her car around and head back, but... Well, she always was a little too curious for her own good and now here she was, in a car that seemed too small and driving to a place she'd never heard of, let alone been to. She didn't know what she was expecting to find; given her cousin's ex-boyfriends, maybe a large marble mansion with a sign that screamed "Chloe -Insert Last Name of Incredible Man Who Finally Won My Heart For Good and Treats Me Like a Princess-" but when she pulled up to Singer Salvage, it definitely didn't say that. She parked at the end of the drive, not entirely sure if this is where she was meant to go or not.

There were no neighbors in sight, no mansions or three story houses that she always sort of imagined would be the type of place Chloe would settle down in. A week ago, she pulled up the address from Oliver's system while he was being distracted by Bart. Give the kid a bag of burritos and he's your best friend - it helped that she promised to let him know how his favorite and much missed Chloelicious was doing. She hadn't told anybody what she was doing or where she was going. Her plaid-loving husband would've been right there next to her with his arms crossed and a stern, knowing expression on his handsome face before she could get out of Metropolis. But she had to do this; it'd been fifteen and a half years since she'd seen Chloe and knowing that she was out there, supposedly alone all that time, had been driving her crazy. Sure it was for her own good, but that didn't make it any easier.

It seemed like forever ago since she set eyes on her cousin and she wasn't sure what she expected to see as she stood, leaning against her car, arms crossed over her chest, eyes staring directly at the quaint little house surrounded by cars in various stages of being taken apart or put together like new. She chewed her lip and tried to draw up her Lane-Kent courage; apparently it got her into a whole hell of lot of trouble but it wouldn't bring her to walk down the dirt path leading to the supposed house of her cousin. She stood there for minutes, hours, and she psyched herself up over and over, but she never budged.

Cars passed by, headed to and from the town nearby, but nobody turned down the driveway. There was no Yaris or environmentally safe compact car in sight and no charming Chloe Sullivan to be seen. She didn't get much out of the three distracted heroes when they returned a month ago after finding out what was going on with Chloe. She knew that her cousin had been brought into the hospital, apparently from complications about her power. Exhaustion, they said. But they didn't tell her much else; Clark told her that Chloe was happy, but it wasn't enough. She wanted to see for herself.

"Who the hell are you?" a voice asked, startling her.

Whirling around, Lois wasn't sure what she'd find. But a boy on a bike, scowling up at her like he was a whole lot older and more intimidating than what he was wasn't on her list. She scoffed, lifting a brow at him. "You can't be more than eleven, kid. Your parents let you talk to adults like that?"

"Do you see my parents standing here?" He crossed his arms over hi chest. "So... who the hell are you?"

"Lois," she said, eyeing him up and down suspiciously. "And you are?"

"About to kick you off my property," he replied easily. "Can't you read?" He pointed a thumb at the sign sitting at the front of the drive reading, "Private Property - Must Call Ahead."

"What makes you think I didn't call?" she asked, lifting her chin defiantly.

"If you called, your car would be over there being worked on." He shook his head. "Besides, my dad's booked up this week. Try the next town over." He lifted his helmet back on and sat down on his bike seat once more.

Before he could ride off, she blurted out, "Wait!"

He lifted a brow. "Yeah?"

"I'm... I'm sort of looking for someone." She squeezed her hands into fists. "She'd be a little younger than me, blonde, um... Her name's Chloe Sullivan and I was told I could find her around her, but..." She waved at the open area to show they were the only place around there.

He stared at her a long moment, lips pursing and brows furrowing before he shook his head. "Never heard of her."

Lois deflated, her shoulders falling. "You're sure?" She had a feeling he did but one look at him told her he wasn't going to spill anything. Hell, she could probably torture him (not her style, but she was growing impatient) and he wouldn't say a thing. She inwardly smiled, reminded her of her cousin and her stubborn nature that had her keeping secrets that could save her life. In fact... This mouthy kid kind of looked like her cousin. It was the eyes, she decided. The short brown hair and the angles of his face were probably his father's, but those eyes were unmistakable.

She sighed. "When's your mom gonna be home, kid?" she asked. "Trust me, she's going to want to see me." I hope, she thought.

He scoffed, looking her up and down like she wasn't worth his time. "I dunno what you want lady, but you got it all wrong."

There was a loud whistling noise from down the drive and they both turned their heads. Lois lifted her hand to shield her eyes as she stared at the figure in the distance, making out nothing but a large, dark and imposing figure.

"Logan," a deep voice called out.

"I'm coming!" the kid next to her shouted in return. He turned back to her and frowned. "Never heard of a Chloe around here. Think you got some bad info." He climbed on his bike and took off down the dirt road.

Lois fell back against her car, shaking her head. Now what?

She hung around another ten minutes, looking at the house and then down either side of the highway. She could leave... Give up this search and just go home. After all, Clark said she was happy and he wouldn't lie about something like that, but still... This was Chloe! The girl she used to spend hours on the phone with; her best friend and cousin and sister and... And she missed her. She hated talking about it; hated thinking of how everything had just blown up and Chloe kept losing everybody and everything she loved. When she had to pack up and leave Gotham after she and Bruce faked her death, Lois was devastated. She hadn't even known it was fake for the first week and when she found out, she made sure Bruce felt it when she punched him straight in the eye. And she hadn't seen or heard from her since.

"You need some help?" came a deep voice and she lifted her chin suddenly, staring wide-eyed at the man in front of her. She loved her husband, wouldn't trade him for anything in the world, but this man was drop dead gorgeous. Rough around the edges, the shadow of a day or two's whiskers, hazel eyes and a handsome face to match his lean, toned body.

He stared at her with the skeptical expression his son had, but at least he was trying to be helpful.

She tried to smile but didn't get far. "It's not my car," she said, lifting a shoulder. "I... I think I just met your son. Real character."

He snorted. "Yeah, his mom thinks he takes after me. You put a little Zeppelin on, kid's like a prince." He shrugged. "What do you need?"

She sighed. "A time machine, preferably, but right now I'd probably give just about anything to see my cousin." To the point and honest...

He stared at her and for a second she felt like she being put on trial, as if somebody was asking, "Are you worthy?" And then, "Lois, right?"

She nodded, that dimming flicker of hope reigniting.

He looked away for a moment before nodding his head toward the house. "Bring your car in, park it by the Impala. Chloe'll be home in a half hour or so."

Breathing a sigh of relief, she stood up straight and dug out her keys before glancing back at the house and then weighing just how much Clark and the others might ream her out for going into a stranger's house. He could be Leatherface, for all she knew.

With a laugh, the hottie shook his head at her. "I promise not to hack you up into little bits or anything." He half-smiled. "I'm Dean, by the way."

She smiled briefly, slightly put off that he knew what she'd been thinking and then climbed in her car to drive down the road. As she parked, Dean walked past toward the house and Logan was sitting on the stairs, glaring at her.

"So you don't know any Chloe, huh?" Lois asked, sauntering over, hands in her pockets.

He shrugged. "You're lucky I told my dad at all..."

She grinned. "You're a real mouthpiece, you know that?"

He smirked. "Thanks."

Digging out a mangled bag of M&M's, he tossed a handful into his mouth and continued to stare at her suspiciously.

"You got homework?" Dean asked as he stepped out of the house once more, the screen door creaking behind him.

"Just some social studies," Logan replied through a half-eaten mouthful of candy. He closed one of his eyes against the bright sun as he tipped his head back to see his dad.

Leaning down, Dean swiped the rest of his M&M's and pointed a thumb back at the house. "Get it done before dinner."

With a sigh, Logan stood up and glanced at her before walking inside, pushing his dad's hand away as it ruffled his hair.

Taking his son's seat, Dean stared up at her. "Heard a lot about you," he said, popping a few candies into his mouth.

Frowning, she sat next to him. "Yeah? I haven't heard anything about you."

He chuckled. "Good. Clean slate then. Better that way."

She lifted a brow at him.

He simply smirked. "So what's got you driving all the way over from Kansas?"

"Long lost cousin, you know, the usual."

He nodded. "Weren't expecting company." He shook his head. "After the three stooges showed up at the hospital, I thought they might show up again, but I wasn't expecting you."

"They don't know I'm here," she said, surprised that she was honest.

He looked amused. "You really are Chloe's cousin."

She snorted. "You doubted it?"

He eyed her. "You can never be too careful."

She shrugged agreeably, gaze wandering over the scrap yard.

"Not really a billion dollar mansion, huh?"

Took the words right out of her head. "Nice enough."

He laughed. "Works fine for us."

She smiled slightly. She'd just always thought of Chloe in a big city. She'd lived in Star City with Oliver for a time, shared an apartment in Metropolis with Clark and even Jack had a nice little townhouse. She fit in Bruce's Gotham manor, planned to stay there the rest of her life... So how'd she go from riches to rags? Not that her husband wasn't handsome enough for someone to forget all about diamonds and silk gowns. Just looking at him she was sure he was man enough to keep a woman too satisfied to ever complain, but she couldn't quite meld the Chloe she remembered with whoever she was now.

"So Chloe's...?"

"At work in town," he replied, tossing the empty bag of M&M's behind him.

"What's she do?"

He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. "Writes for the paper."

So she hadn't changed too much. That was comforting. "And you...?"

He looked around the salvage yard with amusement. "Mechanic."

"Right." She nodded; obvious question. "How'd you meet?"

"Her crappy car broke down outside my place..." He lifted a shoulder, leaning back. "History after that."

Her brow furrowed. "You fix her car and she gives you a mouthy son? Gee, feels like something's missing." She stared at him, as if willing the last fifteen years of Chloe's life to pour of his mouth and fill her in.

He stared at her, unmoved by the Lane-Kent thin-eyed strong arm approach. He popped a few more M&M's in his mouth and then said, "I think there might've been some sex somewhere in between fixing her car and her popping out Logan."

She snorted, shaking her head. "I would hope so."

"Immaculate conception, not falling for that twice."

She laughed, lifting a brow at him. "Good looking and a sense of humor... She struck gold."

He wiped his hands on his jeans and shook his head. "Nah, I'm oil." He stood up from the stairs and leaned back against the porch pillar. "You heard she was in the hospital?" He wasn't looking directly at her and she assumed that was his way of dealing with a serious subject. He wasn't like Clark who would mope and brood and eventually sit down and lay all of what he was feeling out there. She imagined Dean was more of the stuff it down and pretend it never hurt type. Sounded familiar; had she seen a mirror lately?

"Always knew that power would come back and kick her in the ass some day," she sighed, eyes falling to stare darkly at the dirt. "Nothing good ever lasts."

He snorted agreeably. "She hasn't used it much in the last while... I don't let her use it on me... Face gets all pinched up like she's hurt..." He cleared his throat, shaking his head. "Got enough pain going around and I can handle whatever happens to me."

"They said it was exhaustion..." Her brows knit. "If she rarely uses it though..."

He sighed. "Caught up to her. Nothing's free in this world, right?"

She nodded, chewing the inside of her cheek as she thought over all the possibilities. Once upon a time, her cousin had given her life to save her... Did that mean she was part of the reason Chloe could be sick? Her heart clenched with the idea.

He brushed his hands together absently. "You thirsty? We got beer, juice, water... Whatever."

She nodded absently. "Sure... Beer sounds good." She glanced up at him. "Guess reunion's make me nervous."

"She'll be happy to see you." He didn't elaborate, instead making his way inside and toward the kitchen. "You comin'?"

She nodded, curious as to how the inside of the junk palace might look. Folding her arms over her chest, she slipped through the screen door to stand in the front entrance. From her vantage point she could see a stairwell, the wall leading up lined with pictures of her cousin, a little older, standing with Dean or the boy she knew as Logan at various ages. He was a cute kid when he wasn't talking back. Through the open double-wide doorway, she could see the large living room, equipped with big comfy couches, a giant TV, a CD wrack and even an outdated tape collection, bookshelves filled to the brim with everything she could think, including volumes upon volumes of Latin texts. There was an area sectioned off with a computer and a filing cabinet and as if there was a barrier between it and the natural chaos of the rest of the house, it was clean and organized. She knew instinctively it was Chloe's space.

Past the living room was the kitchen, where she could see Dean rifling through the fridge. The place was much larger on the inside than it looked from the out, much homier too. There was a half-eaten pie sitting on the table, a few pictures pinned to the fridge made with glitter and macaroni that were obviously the work of children, there were pictures all over, of people she didn't know and the two men she'd already met. There was something distinctly Chloe about the place too, as if she could somehow feel the effect her cousin had on it. She didn't imagine Dean was a bright color person, but she could see splashes of it here or there; in vases and pictures, the curtains and the table cloth.

"Here," Dean said, interrupting her musings as he handed her an ice-cold beer. She found the top already opened, why did men always think she couldn't crack open a beer on her own? She tipped it back, noticing faintly that it was rather watered down. She didn't mind, instead walking around a little, eyes still taking everything in.

She heard the heavy footsteps at the door and turned to see Logan walk in the living room, barefoot and wearing a pencil behind his ear. He chewed his lip just like his mom did when she was in serious investigation mode. "Hey, dad? Why is socials important anyway? It's boring."

"Ask your mom," he replied, shrugging. "You done yet?"

"Almost. Didn't have much to do." He sighed before looking up and frowning at Lois. He really didn't seem to like her for some reason.

As Dean walked by, he casually slapped the back of his head. "Be nice. She's your aunt."

He scoffed. "So?"

Dean lifted an imposing eyebrow at him. "You treat Sarah like this?"

Logan's shoulders slumped, his eyes rolling. "No..."

He nodded. "Then quit bein' a jerk."

"Fine. Whatever."

"Don't sound so excited," Lois muttered, amused.

With a sigh, Logan looked up at her. "I'm eleven, I got my dad's looks and my mom's brains-"


"I'm suspicious of everyone, so don't feel special. I can fix a car with my eyes closed, handle any kinda gun you can think of like a pro, I'm protective, loyal, and yes, I swear too much." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I know a lot about you. One because my mom misses you and two because I Googled you. Forgiving your crap job at The Inquisitor, you're not bad." He shrugged. "You want some pie?"

With a laugh, Dean grinned widely. "Welcome to the family."

Lois' brow furrowed. Huh?

"It's cherry," Logan said, motioning to the kitchen with his chin.

"Uh, sure..." She followed him in, taking a seat at the table while Logan pulled out three plates and grabbed a knife to serve it out. He held up a plate knowingly as his dad came in and took his piece of pie before making his way back toward the door. "You need me, I'm outside working on the ‘stang."

"Don't forget the tail light," Logan told him, smirking.

"Yeah, yeah, smartass." The screen door closed behind him as he walked out of sight.

Lois turned back to Logan, cutting up her pie with the side of her fork. "So you Googled me, huh? Find anything interesting."

"Is your life ever not interesting?" He lifted a brow at her.


He smirked.

"You remind me of your mom..." she admitted, brows raised. "Maybe a little mouthier, but..."

He leaned back in his chair, his expression darkening for just a fraction of a second. "Yeah, well... Mom's the quick one; taught me all I know."

"I dunno... You dad doesn't seem slow."

He laughed. "He knows his stuff about his stuff..." he said vaguely.

She didn't question it.

"So eleven, huh? That means you're in grade..."

"Six." He shrugged.

She nodded. "I hated school..."

"Which is why you had to go back and redo your last year." He looked up at her, the knowledge in his eyes astonishing familiar to his mother's.

She quirked a smile. "Just what did my lovely cousin tell you, anyway?"

"A lot..." He frowned. "Some of it I overheard... She talks to my Aunty Sarah about you sometimes..." He stared down at his pie. "Mentioned you more often though since..."

"Since the hospital?" she asked knowingly.

He glanced at her briefly, lips thinning. And suddenly he was locked up like a vault and she knew it was one subject he wasn't going to open up about to just anyone. Family or not. "Eat your pie... Somebody'll snag it if you don't."

She opened her mouth to reply but paused when she heard a car pulling up outside. She swallowed tightly. Happy reunion... she hoped.

Refusing to show any big reaction, she stayed where she was, filling her mouth with the most delicious cherry pie she'd ever tasted in her life. Not that she'd ever tell her mother-in-law that. She continued staring at the table when she heard the voices getting closer, her entire body ram rod straight with anxiety.

"Come here, squirt, you can tell me all about kindergarten," she heard Dean say.

"Daaaady... I wanna go back to preschool... Or daycare," she murmured. "Or stay here with you! Oh! Oh, we can play dress up, okay? I'll be Princess Allyssa and you can be King Dean."

He snorted. "Told you I was the King."

"Yeah, yeah," Chloe's voice replied. "Stroke that ego a little more, Dean."

"You gotta call him King Dean," the young girl's voice corrected. "And you can be Queen Mom," she said. "But Logan's gotta be Booger."

Logan rolled his eyes. "Very originally, Al."

Finally, Lois looked up, spotting the beautiful little girl in Dean's arms as he crossed through the living room with Chloe next to him.

"Be nice to your brother, Ally. He'd be the prince," Chloe told her, staring at her daughter with a smile.

"Why can't I be king of a different kingdom?" Logan asked.

"You can be king of your homework just as soon as you get it done," Dean said, motioning with him to get back to work.

"Fine. But just so you know, this prince is starting a revolution."

"Burn me at the stake later, get your socials down now." Dean ruffled his hair as he walked past.

"Why would he burn you, daddy? Logan's not allowed to play with matches!"

"Look what you're teaching her, she's gonna grow up..." Chloe stopped, turned and stared wide-eyed at Lois, who found herself shaking with anticipation. Chloe laughed with disbelief. "Lois Lane-Kent... In my kitchen... Eating pie..." She blinked rapidly to shed the tears from her eyes. "Welcome to the family."

Seriously? What was with the pie thing?

She didn't question it, instead jumping up from her chair and wrapping her arms around her long-lost cousin, telling herself the warm wet drops on her cheeks weren't tears. She squeezed her tightly, only loosening when Chloe made a choking noise. "Sorry, sorry, I just..." She pulled back, quickly wiping her face and holding Chloe's shoulders. "You're so old."

Chloe laughed. "Me? Look at you!"

"Hey, I look great for my age... Which is twenty-seven if anybody asks."

Dean snorted, but lifted his brows in retreat when both Chloe and Lois glared at him.

"Daddy, I want pie too," Allyssa said, leaning back and smiling down at the cherry pie on the table.

"Eat the rest of your brother's," he said, putting her down on the chair. "And wash your hands when you're done." He turned back around and glanced at Lois before turning back to Chloe. "I'll be outside, workin' on the-"

"Mustang." She nodded knowingly. "Don't forget the-"

"Tail light," he said, rolling his eyes. Leaning over, he kissed her lingeringly, hand holding her hip. With a tiny sigh, Chloe's eyes fluttered close. She leaned into him, hand wrapping around his neck. Lois' brow rose with surprise. The kiss ended and Dean walked back toward the door. "House full of smartasses," he muttered.

Chloe watched him go, grinning to herself before turning back around to look at Lois. She grabbed her hand and led her into the living room, dragging her down to sit next to her on the couch. "How'd you find me?" she asked curiously, with no tone of worry or admonishment.

Lois sighed. "A little creative digging, burrito bribes, and twenty years of learning how to outwit my husband..." She grinned.

"Nice work. Took awhile..." she teased.

Lois' expression fell. "If I'd known..."

"Known what?" Chloe shrugged. "It's been a long time and I've put the past behind me. There are a million different ways my life could've turned out but this..." She looked around the room affectionately. "This is where I belong."

Lois smiled, nodding. "Yeah, well, with a husband as smokin' as Dean, I wouldn't be complaining either."

She laughed. "He has his good sides... Soon as his metabolism slows down, though, all those M&M's and pie eating contests are gonna catch up with him and then those rock hard abs will be long gone, replaced with a beer belly..." She grinned as if she'd take whatever form he came in.

"Yeah, well, at least you don't have to worry that your alien husband will forever look like a chiseled Adonis compared to you," she joked.

"Clark still looks that good, huh?"

Lois nodded, sighing affectionately. "He'll probably show up here in a day or two."

"How long are you planning on staying?" Chloe wondered.

Lois stared back at her, feeling the non-existent tears prick her eyes. "As long as it takes to make up for fifteen and a half years."

Her cousin reached out, taking her hand reassuringly. "Just seeing you made up for all of it, trust me." She smiled. "I'm glad you came though... Stay as long as you want. We've got plenty of room and... And I missed you."

Lois dragged her into another hug. "I missed you too... God, I have so much gossip to catch you up on."

Chloe laughed, squeezing her tight.


They broke apart and Chloe lifted the tiny girl up into her lap, wiping at the cherry pie filling and crumbs around her mouth. "Just like your dad," she mumbled under her breath. "Allyssa, this is your Aunty Lois..." She looked up. "Lo, this is your niece, Allyssa Lane Winchester."

Lois held out a hand. "Nice to meet you."

Allyssa grinned, shaking her hand. "You can be Princess Lois!"

She chuckled. "Thank you. I'll be the best princess ever."

Allyssa nodded. "First job... Defeat the awful booger!"

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Sweetie, Logan's not going anywhere."

She sighed, shoulders slumping. "Fine... But can you make him play with me?"

"Sure." She kissed her hair before turning her head. "Logan?" she called out.

"No way I'm playing with her! I've got stuff to do."

"Searching for your dad's old playboys doesn't count." Chloe shook her head.

"I was not! And he got rid of those... I think Uncle Sammy took ‘em."

"I'm so calling Sarah!"

"You can't rat me out!" Logan hurried down the stairs and frowned at her. "Fine, I'll play with Al... But I'm not dressing up." He put his hands on his hips as if to make a point.

Clapping, Allyssa jumped off the couch and ran over to him, taking his hand and directing him to the stairs. "We'll play tea party with my bears, ‘kay?"

"You don't drink tea." Logan followed dutifully.

"I got cream soda!"

"Hidden in your room?"

She paused. "No..."

Logan snorted. "What else you got up there?"

"Daddy's extra M&M's! He hides them in my closet!" she told him excitedly.


"Don't fill up before dinner," Chloe shouted after them before turning back to Lois, sighing.

Lois stared at her a long moment before finally saying, "Spill! Now!"

[Next: Part Three.]

crossover: spn/sv/batman:tdk, author: sarcastic_fina, novel - sv/batman:tdk/spn - chlean, fic: she who meant so much, rating: nc17

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