Thursday Night TV and Wolf Spiders, Oh My!

Oct 02, 2008 21:53

My TV watching experience, my thoughts on it, and my not-so-enjoyable run in with a wolf spider... Big spoilders ahead, be warned!

Smallville: I don't know exactly what I was expecting but tonight's episode wasn't it. I'm not saying it was bad, not at all. I loved the background look into Oliver and, well, poisoned or not, the man is beautiful without his shirt on. I could do without the Lois/Oliver angst, although it did lend a better look at Lois and what depths her feelings had reached for my favorite emerald archer. I'm interested in seeing just what happened between Oliver and Tess ("Mercy?!?!"), even if it does appear to be a relationship that turned her in a pretty bad direction. I don't dislike Tess, but she's obviously someone who's going to play the bad guy all season and she does it well, so while I miss Michael Rosenbaum, she's staving off any outright hatred for the show right now.

I think there could've been more Chloe and what they did have of her seemed like they were just trying to appease fans by throwing her face in the mix. I do love how she referenced her trust in Olive equal with her trust in Clark. That's pretty damn big in my books. I also like that she called him Ollie, there's just something more intimate about that rather than the full Oliver. And I love how she's getting closer and closer to Davis. Yes, yes, I know he becomes Doomsday (quite the hint in the episode, eh?) but I can't help but feel that if that didn't lurk in his future, he really could've been something great for Chloe.... better than Jimmy, at least. I mean look just how honest she's being with him. He's learning things before Clark or Lois, even. And he accepts her as is, even encourages her to be herself rather than hide it. So yes, Davis eventually kills or at least seriously maims Superman... But as Oliver said, Clark's "island" hasn't yet come to fruition and he's going to need that to fully realize his destiny. Plus, Davis is a sweetheart for now and while he may be unknowingly mass murdering, the human Davis wouldn't do that... So I'll give him props for now and enjoy the cute Davis/Chloe'ness

So the real stars in tonight's episode were more Tess and Oliver, not something I really wante (Tess-wise), but as I said I liked learning more about Oliver. And now that he knows about his parents and Lionel's connection, I'm looking forward to seeing how it all plays out. He was charming and handsome and a little wounded, so I enjoyed Justin's portrayal in this episode.

Clark was... a little on the overplayed record for me tonight. That Chloe had to remind him to realize that Oliver only does things logically (poisened or not), that he later accused Chloe of basically harboring a little evil inside of her, and just his overall attitude tonight kind of bothered me. I did like how he was there for Lois and very supportive and the hints that they're becoming closer are nice. I'm growing more fond of Lois, when she isn't angsting over Oliver anyway, and I like how that's progressing. It wasn't so in your face tonight but more sweet than anything.

Overall, I'm going to have to give tonight's episode a 7, maybe a 7.5. It's lower than even I expected, one because of the Tess/Ollie angle, another for the utter disrespect of Chloe this episode, and also because while Oliver apparently spent two years on this island, he grew very little hair, facial or otherwise. Wardrobe, anybody? We're going to need to pick up the slack.

Supernatural: I love Castiel, I just do, lol. And it's not just because he's such a cutie... *rolls eyes* Although that does play a part. I just love how he speaks and his general mannerisms.

I don't like the road Sam's taken, it worries me and he's not acting like the Sammy I remember and loved. That he's completely disregarding Dean's feelings on this whole matter seriously bothers me. And there was very little Sam in this episode, so that's saying something.

Loved this jump back in time episode. I usually hate them, but this one was done really well. Knew the second I saw the guy sitting next to Dean that it was John. Would've loved to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan, but I'll overlook that for now. They did a bang up job on getting a great look alike for a younger Mary and can I just say KICK ASS! that she was a hunter! The second she started punching and kicking I knew what she was and I was thrilled. Love that Dean just plain wouldn't hurt her, no matter how much she hit him, lol.

Loved the grandparents, too. Deanna (snorts) was awesome. Very strong minded when she put Samuel in his place. And Samuel was great too, his genes and attitude obviously passed down to Dean, lol. They hired a great actor and he really fit the hunter profile while obviously showing that there was a possibility for a family and a life outside of hunting. He raised a daughter and had a wife and while yeah, it later blew up in their faces, she was at least 18 or so before it did. So there's hope yet for the Winchester boys.

So I was right there along with Dean when he was getting pretty emotional over all of this. When he tells Mary not to get out of bed that night and his jaw is shaking, I could feel my eyes stinging. Inwardly, I was screaming at her, "LISTEN TO HIM!" But I knew she wouldn't and later when she made the deal, I was on the fence which way I wanted her to go. I know Sam and Dean are supposed to live this life and Mary simply has to die, but... -sighs- I sometimes wish they didn't have to. But then I wouldn't have a show, so the feeling passes. lol

I'm disliking the new Ruby more and more. Yes, I know, she was barely in the episode at all. But I liked the old Ruby and I don't like how she's directing Sam down this path. When Castiel says later that either Dean has to stop him or God and his angels would, all I could do was shake my head. I love Sammy, I really do, but the boy's being  a serious idjit. That reminds me, where is my Bobby? Seriously, he should be a main character by now. The man is main cast material!

So overall, I loved this episode. It was emotional, funny, dramatic, action packed, and just plain kick ass. It was a great look at the family, it didn't feel ill timed or overdone. I think it gave us great insight and I'm very happy with the outcome. That said, when the "To be continued..." came up, my jaw dropped. Damn it, some days I wish the show just wouldn't end. I'm really loving how this season is coming along, even if they're slowly making me want to kick Sam in the ass. Thank you Kripke, I would marry that mind of yours if I could.

Episode rating of... *drum roll* 9. Maybe a 9.5 just because Dean crying deserves it and I love Castiel's ill timed disappearing acts. Why the hell would anybody disappear during a Dean-soft moment, I ask you!?!? But in any case, I enjoyed this episode. One helluva ride and I can't wait for next Thursday.

And lastly, on the wolf spider front... They're huge over here. I made an agreement (verbally... which means I yelled loudly and expected them all to agree) with all bugs that if they stayed out of sight and left me alone I wouldn't go out of my way to kill them. So far, they've been listening well. Until tonight when I felt something on my ankle, so I rubbed it with the heel of my other foot and when I looked down it was a smooshed wolf spider (which I swear are seriously frickin', meteor-infected, oversized, monstrous, demon-possed huge) and I suppressed a disgusted shiver. It was on me, so NOT part of the deal. They stay wherever the hell they stay and I'll leave them alone, but crawling onto my foot... Yeah, so not cool! The deal is not off, yet, but one more instance and I'm killin' any and all insects of all types! So be warned, insects, I've got a shoe around here somewhere and when I finally get the courage to get close enough, you are so dead!

Anyway, thank you for reading this informative rant. I look forward to reading the comments on how you also liked or disliked these two shows!

real life, random

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