Sarah's convoluted history

Jan 18, 2009 15:43

I was going to write a tl;dr about Sarah's character progression from The Time Warrior to Enemy of the Bane but I just had to look up a few facts first.

I ended up at The Doctor Who Reference Guide trying to sort out a few dates and ended up opening up a word document and plotting Sarah's chronology through the tv show, specials, direct to video ( Read more... )

books, canon crack, discussion, k9 & company, sja, spec, school reunion, audioverse

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Comments 28

helsinkibaby January 18 2009, 21:25:24 UTC
I can only speak for myself, but as a complete lover of all things canonical and backstory, I would love to read your timeline! I can't pretend that I'll know a lot about it and would be able to give much input but I'll do what I can... I think it sounds fascinating! (I used to keep one for The West Wing a long time again, and that nearly gave me grey hairs before my time... can't imagine taking on one for Who, I'd be afraid to! My hat is off to you!)


hhertzof January 18 2009, 22:10:06 UTC
I cheated and cribbed most of it from the site above, but then had to comb through to add the stories that didn't have the Doctor.

It's a work in progress.


ireactions January 18 2009, 21:33:14 UTC
I've seen fistfights break out in bars over UNIT dating, which I think is awfully sad. These are fictional characters written by a number of different writers, none of whom worried about continuity beyond what they could remember while at the typewriter. Which, I feel, is the way it should be. Anyone who really, desperately, urgently requires complete consistency really needs to get a life. People who desire for total cohesion probably want it because they're trying to replace real life with fiction and therefore need fiction to be entirely consistent. Continuity can be used as a tool to enhance the scope of stories or retroactive themes to a character. But there are people, many of them in DW fandom, who measure a story strictly by how many previous stories are name-checked, who will not accept a character doing anything he hasn't previously been seen doing... it's nuts ( ... )


hhertzof January 18 2009, 22:14:12 UTC
Fistfights? That's scary.

I did this entirely for the fun of it. I have no intention of losing sleep over it. Part of my joy is that this fandom allows and encourages alternate timelines and the ability to embrace whatever bits of the canon speak to you. I mostly posted to share some of the fun stuff I found (and if I do end up doing a ficathon, I will be highly encouraging of the crack).


ireactions January 19 2009, 21:56:56 UTC
I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I thought you were doing a fanfic comprised of flashbacks and Sarah's own commentary regarding her various adventures. I didn't realize you were doing a timeline. I guess I'm not as familiar with these abbreviations.

Sorry about that!


hhertzof January 19 2009, 22:10:47 UTC
I've done fanfics, but I'd never try to make it all work unless I were writing crackfic or Time War fic. It just doesn't. ;)

S'okay. I may not have been clear about what I was doing or why I was doing it.


cosmic_llin January 18 2009, 21:37:25 UTC
I'm also suddenly tempted to run a "reconcile some aspect of Sarah's timeline with the current series"
Ooh, I love that sort of thing... I don't lose sleep over UNIT dating, but I love it when I can work it out so that it all fits together...
Wow, it sounds like you've really been working hard on this! I'd be really interested to see it.


hhertzof January 18 2009, 22:17:03 UTC
I was thinking on the way home that when I finish it, you could have it for the Wardrobe Appreciation Society (and possibly html it up with links to the various stories), if you want. It seems silly to have a separate site/file for this.

The ficathon, if I do it, will be very encouraging of the crack possibilities.


butterbuns January 18 2009, 21:59:59 UTC
I'm blaming the time war


hhertzof January 18 2009, 22:18:24 UTC
The time war is very useful in such matters. But Eight had made things into a tangle long before that happened. ;)


avarill January 18 2009, 22:26:12 UTC
I'd love to see a Timeline! Not only is it fun to speculate, it may be helpful to some fic writers and help get plot bunnies going.


hhertzof January 18 2009, 22:31:34 UTC
I've got a little more work to do, but I'll be sure to post it when it's done.


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