Sarah's convoluted history

Jan 18, 2009 15:43

I was going to write a tl;dr about Sarah's character progression from The Time Warrior to Enemy of the Bane but I just had to look up a few facts first.

I ended up at The Doctor Who Reference Guide trying to sort out a few dates and ended up opening up a word document and plotting Sarah's chronology through the tv show, specials, direct to video release, comics, audios, comic strips, and short stories - or at least attempting to. There are chronologies for the Doctor and for the "universe" but there doesn't seem to be a complete one encompassing all of Sarah's myriad adventures.

It was interesting, to say the least, even if I ignore the UNIT dating controversy. Her timeline was messed up in Interference, there's a story in the DWM 1992 Holiday Special which has her 7 years old at the time of the events in An Unearthly Child (by the current chronology, that's only a year before Andrea's death), and she may or may not have been married at one point to a man named Paul Morley sometime in the mid to late 90s. Along the way, she's met Dodo, Benny, Victoria, Sam, Fitz, Jo, Liz and Ace and fought the Master twice (once with the Doctor, once on her own). The only Doctors she doesn't seem to have run across are Six and Nine, the Fourth Doctor did come back to apologise, and the Tenth Doctor clearly got his maths wrong when he said he'd regenerated half a dozen times since he saw her last.

I'm torn between posting this now and asking for input and comments and trying to polish it and write some more notes first.

I'm also suddenly tempted to run a "reconcile some aspect of Sarah's timeline with the current series" or "the many pasts of Sarah Jane" ficathon. Or maybe I'll just blame the Time War and move on with my life.

Input is welcome. Encouragement will be viewed with appropriate suspicion and horror.

books, canon crack, discussion, k9 & company, sja, spec, school reunion, audioverse

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