Juanita and Blitzen

Jan 24, 2009 11:05

On January 12th, Juanita and I went to see her retired horse, Blitzen. He lives at a farm about an hour south of the city. Juanita saw Blizten the day he was born and he was her riding partner for 15+ years. A couple years ago, he developed arthritis and could no longer be ridden comfortably, so she did the right thing and retired him to live out his days with good care and good horsey friends. I still remember reading about the day she decided to retire him. It was great to meet this horse who I had previously only read about on Juanita's journal. And even though she had not been able to get out to visit him in awhile, the instant recognition and relationship they showed was hard to miss.

Here's my favourite picture:

Before we get to the rest of the horse pictures, I have to take a moment to say...
"Eee, cute Blue Heeler puppy!"

When we got there, Blizten was in the distance under a shady tree.
After several days of high 30s temperatures, we were glad to have a "cool" 28C that day.

This young fella came trotting over for some attention too.

Blizten was happy to see his mum. :)


Handsome boy.

Naughty boy! He ran away when Juanita was grabbing something from the truck, hehe.

I adore how he's looking at her here, snuggling right up.

Our pretty background.

I made Juanita stick a carrot down her dress for Blitzen to grab, haha!

I LOVE the way her stay hair is framing her eye here.

Juanita looked at something in the distance and I said, "Ooh, do that again!"

After my camera battery died (I forgot my spare at home -- oops), Juanita let me hop up for a minute.
I know, no helmet... big slaps!

horses, photo post, friends, perth

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