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Comments 3

milerna June 9 2011, 21:15:55 UTC
Lorna Bucket was awesome. I loved her character and her story, it's the opposite completely from Amy. The scene when she was talking to Amy and she tells Lorna how the Doctor came back for her, it was heartbreaking. It just made me think of all the people the Doctor have met that could be potential companions but just got 'forgotten'. I would really love to see more of her in the future.

I cant wait for the new season of Torchwood to begin! :)


sarah_jones June 9 2011, 21:40:45 UTC
Yes, that really was heartbreaking. Poor Lorna. She waited so long and even joined an army just to see the Doctor again. And then she died just when she reached her goal. :-(
I'm sure she's not the only one who waited and hoped for a long time to see the Doctor again. Most probably never will. :-(
Lorna definitely had a lot of companion potential.

Me neither. I'm sure it'll be awesome!

I love your icon by the way.

Almost forgot... did you get my message on tumblr? I'm still not that familiar with it. I don't think I got an answer or did I miss it?


milerna June 9 2011, 22:44:03 UTC
Yes, the one about the Daenerys/Eleven gif right? You can use it :). I think i left you a message on tumblr but maybe didnt got through.


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