fandom ramblings

Jun 09, 2011 07:17

Some thought about shows I love....


Emily is back! *Yay* I love her. She's just awesome. I can't believe what a jerk her husband was. I'm not even sorry that the raptor got him.

I really hope there will be more Becker in the next episode. He seriously needs a storyline again! He wasn't in the last episode at all and now his main scene was running from a raptor, which I already saw in a preview. So, seriously, more Becker, please! And what about Becker/Jess? Jess can't just have stopped liking him, can she? I still wish there was a Becker/Jess moment after Ethan shot Becker. But no, there was none and the whole issue was simply never mentioned again, as if Becker hadn't even been shot twice with that EMD.

Alright, enough with the rambling about this show...



I finally finished watching SGU. I was way behind and didn't even mind that much. The show was good, but not that good. But season 2 really got better and now the whole show went from good to great, just to be cancelled. :-(( At the end it was almost on the same level as SG-1 & SGA in my opinion.
I loved the whole timetravel storyline with the other versions of the characters starting a whole society. Very cool.
And Eli really did become an amazing character. I loved him more and more. I also loved Eli/Ginn. I wish they could have had a happy ending.
I started to like Chloe again, loved Greer in the end and TJ was still amazing. Too bad we didn't find out if she could be cured.
The only good thing about the end of teh show is no more Rush. I mostly couldn't stand the guy.



I looove that show. They can't really be caneclling it! It's so hilarious and awesome. And not to forget it has James Murray! I missed him sooo much after he left Primeval.

I wish they had promoted Chaos properly and aired it when people were watching and knew it was on.
Well, complaining won't help. I'll just have to hope that the show will be picked up by another channel. *sighs*


Doctor Who:

OMG, I looove that show! I wasn't too thrilled about episodes 6.03-06. They were good of course, but not as good as some others. But then 6.06 aired and it made up for everything. I wish it had been longer. There definitely was enough awesomeness in that episode to make it a two-parter. But I loved it anyway.

I loved Centurian!Rory, especially when he faced the Cybermen. :-))

Vastra & Jenny were great. I wish we learned more about their storyline. How'd they meet the Doctor exactly and when? Vastra knew the Doctor pretty well. He even told her how the Time Lords evolved. So, there must be a lot of backstory between her and the Doctor for him to tell her that much.
Just one thing... Did they have to call Vastras friend/lover Jenny? Seriously how often do they have to re-use names? It's not like there are such few names. Some people actually hoped the Doctor's daughter would be back for the episode. Luckily I didn't hear about a character named Jenny being in the episode until after it was aired, or I surely would have hoped for the Doctor's daughetr, too, and been really disappointed.

Lorna Bucket was amazing, too. I totally loved her from her first scene to the last. I wish she didn't die. Hopefully we'll at least see her again as a kid when she and the Doctor run. But I fear that the Doctor already met and simply forgot her. :-(

River Song... I totally love her! I never would have thought it back when I watched the Library episode. I liked her storyline back then, too, but not the character. I guess I just didn't know enough about her or maybe I felt like Ten belonged with Rose while Eleven is more free from her. I don't know, but I started loving River more and more in season 5 and now she is the most interesting and kick-ass character of all. I wish her storyline wasn't so sad. But I guess if it wasn't it might not be as good either.
Anyway, I hope there will be lots more River in the next half of the season and in future seasons, too.

I love Amy/Rory. They are awesome together and I'm glad Amy chose him over the Doctor. I also love that River is their daughter. I don't mind that so many fans predicted and wanted it. Why shouldn't something happen that fans want? It usually doesn't, so this actually makes a nice change in my opinion. It's also very interesting.
I can't wait to see how Amy & Rory react to the whole Doctor/River lovestory. I can so see them yelling at the Doctor for dating their daughter. :-))

I totally loved the Doctor speaking, or betterunderstanding, 'baby'. :-)) Is answers to little Melody were so funny. I hope we'll see more of that.

What I wish they did add to the epsidoe though is characters like Jack, Martha & Mickey for example. The Doctor went to friends for help. Why not them? Well, I guess these characters are just not that important to Eleven anymore. But I think that sucks. They were awesome, I miss them and the Doctor really needed help. He should have contacted them.

Hm, I probably forgot something else that I loved about that episode, but I can't think of more right now.



I read and article and got majorly spoiled. I already knew that everyone will be kind of immortal in season 4. But now I also know that Jack won't be immortal. Apparently it'll be shown/said on the show very soon, so that it's not considered a major spoiler. No matter if it is a major thing or not, what I really wnat to know is how Jack will find out that he is mortal. The only reason I can see for him to find out is if he died. But well, then he'd be gone... So, how can he be sure that he is mortal?

I'm definitely looking forward to Torchwood. I missed that show and luckily for me my fave two characters are still in it!


That's enough rambling for now. Maybe I'll make more of these posts in the future to get my thoughts out. I don't really have many people to talk to about my fave shows. My friends usually don't watch what I watch. Yeah, they have bad taste... :-)) Or they only watch the shows in german, which means by the time the show's on TV in Germany my urge to talk about certain stuff is not that big anymore.

Anyway, if you want to talk about shows with me, feel free to reply. I'd love to hear your opinions. Just please no trash talking or telling me I'm crazy for thinking something. It's my opinion. If you don't like it and can't be civilized about it stay out of my journal. ;-) I won't tell you you're crazy either.


sgu, primeval: emily merchant, chaos, torchwood: jack harkness, torchwood, primeval: becker, primeval, doctor who: amy/rory, sg: tamara johansen, doctor who: river song, doctor who, sg: eli/ginn, fandom ramblings, sg: eli wallace

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