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Comments 3

"It's Only Just Beginning" fic. lizfan3 November 2 2010, 22:30:20 UTC
Hi. Have you written chapter 17 of "It's Only Just Beginning" yet? PLEASE update that awesome story!! You left your fans hanging & it's been almost a year since you last updated it.


Re: "It's Only Just Beginning" fic. sarah_jones November 2 2010, 23:18:39 UTC

I know, it's been a while and I'm really sorry about that. I'm kinda stuck with that fic at the moment. Nothing I write seems to sound good. :-( I hope that will change soon. I'm working on a picspam for it right now, hoping that that will help me get back into writing for that story. I definitely haven't given up on it. But I can't promise that I'll manage to write more soon. Sometimes a story just flows easily (like New Worlds does right now) and sometimes it doesn't. :-( *sighs* Let's hope that picspam will do the trick and inspire me...




Re: "It's Only Just Beginning" fic. lizfan3 November 2 2010, 23:53:25 UTC
Yes let's hope. "It's Only Just Beginning" is one of my favorite stories on LiveJournal.


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