Crossover picspam

Nov 01, 2010 06:04

A picspam made for a challenge in xoverland

If you take any please:
- comment, I love to hear what you like
- credit: sarah_jones on lj, charming_angel on ij or
- do not claim as your own
- don´t hotlink

You can find all my fanart at Some graphics are linked to tutorials/psd's there.
Credit for brushes, textures, tubes, psd's, etc can be found in my userinfo.

This picspam is made for my fanfic New Worlds. It concentrates on a few scenes from the fic.
You can read the story here.

This picspam starts in chapter 9 of the fanfic. For the previous chapters I already made a picspam. You can see it here.

While Buffy and Ruby are at Fangtasia the vampire Victor attempts a coup, trying to kill Eric to take over area 5. Buffy, Ruby, Eric and Pam fight for their lives.

When everything seems hopeless the TARDIS finally comes back, bringing help to the fight against Victors vampires.
Eric is wounded badly in the fight. In an attempt to save him Buffy lets him drink her blood.

After having decided to accompany Buffy and her friends Eric packs and brings a lot of Tru Blood.
Once everything is inside the TARDIS flies off, but malfunctions. As the ship spins out of control the door opens and people fall out.

Having fallen out of the TARDIS, the Doctor & Rose find themselves in a strange new world, where they meet Kahlan Amnell.

Meanwhile Dean and Jack meet Richard, Cara and Zed, who witnessed them falling out of the TARDIS and offer to help them find their friends.

For those of you, who read my fanfic and don't want to be spoiled, you better stop here. But if you don't mind a little preview of the next chapters, feel free to scroll down and check out the rest of the picspam.

SPOILER warning!

Faith and Martha are attacked by the Mord-Sith Denna. Faith fights her. But when the Master shows up and knocks out Martha Faith gets distracted.
Seeing her chance Denna uses her agiel on Faith until she blacks out.

Dawn wakes up after falling out of the TARDIS and is greeted by a demon. Luckily she gets help from Sam and Buffy. But when she hugs Sam, he doesn't know her. Neither does Buffy. When Rose, Riley, Xander and Anya show up it becomes even more obvious that Dawn is in an alternate reality.
Then another Sam shows up, recognizing Dawn. But where are the TARDIS and their friends?

When Buffy and Eric fall out of the TARDIS they end up in Cleveland. Buffy hopes to be home, but then sees Angel, who is dead in her reality.
Angel is as shocked as Buffy, since Buffy died in his reality. They kiss.
Eric is not happy at all. Neither is Faith, who arrives while her boyfriend Angel kisses Buffy.
Faith runs off, but Angel follows her and the two of them make up. Eric doesn't mind at all, since his chances with Buffy look better again.

Amy Pond is having a déjà-vu when the TARDIS crashes in her back yard. But this time 2 women come out of it, who apparently lost their friends, including the Doctor. Luckily this realities Doctor is at Amy's and helps repair the damaged TARDIS.
Once the TARDIS is working again Willow and Ruby barely recognize it anymore. The whole control room has changed. But at least they have a Doctor to help them find their Doctor and friends.
Not wanting to miss the chance to visit alternate realities Amy and Rory join their Doctor, Willow and Ruby.

You want to know more? Go and read the fanfic. ;-)


xover: spn/true blood, xover: drwho/spn, xover: multiple, xover: lots/torchwood, xover: lots/spn, manipulations, torchwood, btvs: riley finn, lots: kahlan, doctor who: tardis, xover: btvs/drwho, supernatural, btvs: other couples, supernatural: sam winchester, picspam, xover: drwho/lots, fanart, doctor who: 11, doctor who: rose tyler, torchwood: jack harkness, xover, true blood, supernatural: dean winchester, btvs: angel/buffy, btvs: dawn summers, xover: drwho/true blood, lots, xover: btvs/lots, lots: other characters, xover ship: buffy/eric, angel: angel, xover: btvs/supernatural, lots: richard, btvs: faith lehane, doctor who: martha jones, doctor who: 10, lots: cara, doctor who: rory williams, doctor who: amy pond, fanfic: new worlds fanart, btvs: buffy summers, xover ship: dawn/sam, xover: btvs/true blood, doctor who: doctor/rose, true blood: eric northman, supernatural: ruby, doctor who, btvs: willow rosenberg

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