It's Far From Over: chapter 2

Aug 06, 2012 23:10

Title: It’s Far From Over
Rating: M
Genre: crossover, sci-fi, fantasy, action, adventure, romance, mostly het
Fandoms: Animorphs, Army Wives, BTVS, Doctor Who, Eureka, Hawaii Five-0, Legend of the Seeker, NCIS LA, Primeval, SG-1, SGA, SGU, Supernatural, Torchwood, Veronica Mars & Warehouse 13 (set mainly in the Stargateverse)
Characters: Aiden Ford, Allison Blake, Amy Pond, Bobby Singer, Cameron Mitchell, Cara Mason, Castiel, Chase Moran, Chin Ho Kelly, Chloe Armstrong, Claudia Donovan, Claudia Joy Holden, Daniel Jackson, Danny Williams, Dean Winchester, Denise Sherwood, Douglas Fargo, Eli Wallace, Elizabeth Weir, Evan Lorne, Eric Beale, Everett Young, Faith Lehane, Frank Sherwood, G. Callen, Grace Monroe, AU!Gwen Cooper, Helena G. Wells, Henry Deacon, Hetty Lange, Hilary Becker, Holly Marten, Jack Carter, Jack Harkness, Jack O'Neill, clone!Jack O’Neill, Jennifer Keller, Jenny, Jo Lupo, Kensi Blye, AU!Jo Harvelle, John Sheppard, Kahlan Amnell, Kono Kalakaua, Laura Cadman, Lori Weston, Martha Jones, Marty Deeks, Matthew Scott, Mickey Smith, Myka Bering, Nell Jones, Rachel Berenson, Richard Cypher, Riley Finn, River Song, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Rory Pond, Rose Tyler, Roxy LeBlanc, Sally Sparrow, Sam Carter, Sam Hanna, Sam Winchester, Stephen Hart, Steve McGarrett, Tamara Johansen, Teal'c, Teyla Emmagan, the Doctor (10.5 & 11), Trevor LeBlanc, Vala Mal Doran, Veronica Mars, Willow Rosenberg, Zane Donovan, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander + some minor characters
Pairings: Faith/Riley, Elizabeth/John, Sam/Jack O., AU!Gwen/Jack H., TJ/Cam, Martha/Becker, Rachel/Stephen, Lori/Steve, Kahlan/Richard, Cara/Ronon, Vala/Daniel, Kensi/Deeks, Cadman/Danny, Claudia/Eli, Veronica/Dean, Teyla/Teal’c, River/11, Rose/10.5, Jennifer/Rodney, Nell/Eric, Kono/Callen, Roxy/Trevor, Allison/Jack, Jo/Zane, Claudia Joy/Michael, Pamela/Chase, Denise/Frank, Amy/Rory, Chloe/Matthew, AU!Jo/clone!Jack O., Jenny/Ford, Sally/Mickey, Malia/Chin, Grace/Henry, Willow/Sam, past Willow/Kennedy
Summary: After an attack on the SGC the Stargate Program finds out about the supernatural and a secret plan of an old enemy who is set on taking over the Earth. Greatly weakened in numbers the Stargate Program begins to recruit while starting to hunt down their enemy.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters or fandoms. I wish I did… *g* I don’t make any money with this! I’m just writing the story for fun and hope someone else will enjoy it, too.
Spoiler Warnings: all of Animorphs, season 1-5 of Army Wives, all BTVS & ATS seasons (no Comics), season 1-6 of New Who, all of Eureka, season 1+2 of Hawaii Five-0 (2010), all of Legend of the Seeker, season 1-3 of NCIS LA, season 1-5 of Primeval, all of Stargate, season 1-6 of Supernatural, season 1-3 of Torchwood, all of Veronica Mars, season 1-3 of Warehouse 13
Other Warnings: some characters deaths (but no one listed under characters)
I’m German and my English isn’t and probably never will be perfect. I hope I don’t make too many mistakes. Feel free to point out errors so I can learn and improve.

Thank you to my beta landiana24 for betaing this chapter again! :-)

Story Introduction with character info, etc *~*~* Story Master Post *~*~* Fanart (new and older ones that fit this story)

Fandoms & Characters in this chapter:

Hawaii Five-0: Adam Noshimuri, Danny Williams, Kono Kalakaua, Chin Ho Kelly, Steve McGarrett, Wo Fat
Stargateverse: Jack O'Neill, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Sam Carter, Teyla Emmagan

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chapter 2: Five-0

Day 2 - Puddle Jumper - on its way to Hawaii:

“We should go surfing here some day,” John said as they approached Hawaii in a cloaked jumper, so nobody would be able to see their approach. “The waves are amazing.”

“I wish we could have come during the day,” Teyla said. “I heard this place is beautiful.”

“It is,” John agreed. “But this is important. Who knows when Ba’al might decide to break this Wo Fat character out of prison. We need to get him now. Next day off though, we’re all coming here for a little vacation.” He grinned before pulling up some data on the screen. He needed to know how to find the prison and where best to hide the jumper. They could leave it cloaked of course, but being invisible wouldn’t help if someone ran against it.

A map of the city and coast below appeared on the screen. John was about to check for a landing place when Ronon appeared next to him and pointed at the far left side of the screen.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“A boat I think, why?” John answered not really paying much attention to it.

“Isn’t that a human life sign?” Ronon added pointing close to the boat.

“Of course it’s human. There aren’t any aliens nearby. Present company excluded of course,” John stated with a smirk. Well, hopefully, he added in thoughts. Who knew how many Goa’uld Ba’al had on the planet and how many of them were already on their way to get Wo Fat?

“That’s not what I meant,” Ronon said. “The life sign is in the water.”

“And the boat appears to be leaving,” Teyla added, understanding what Ronon had seen. “It seems to be rather far from the coast. Can someone swim that far?”

John looked at the life sign in the ocean and frowned.

“The better question would be: Why would anyone want to in the dark?” He had a bad feeling about this. “Let’s check it out.” If it was just a crazy person taking a late night swim they could stay cloaked and leave without anyone noticing. If someone was in trouble, well it was their duty to help, wasn’t it?

Flying towards the life sign John made the jumper hover just above the ocean.

“Looks like whoever is down there is under water,” he stated, looking out into the inky darkness of the sea.

“Open the hatch,” Ronon said while walking to the back and grabbing a flash light.

“We’re directly above the life sign now,” John called lowering the catch.

Ronon nodded at John, then jumped out of the ship.

Walking to the back of the jumper Teyla looked out, waiting impatiently as time passed. She was just starting to think that she should join Ronon when her friend appeared, and he wasn’t alone.

“Anything?” John called from the front of the jumper.

“Ronon has her,” Teyla called. “She seems to be bound.”

John narrowed his eyes at hearing that. He felt vindicated in his suspicion. Holding the jumper in place he turned to the back of the ship and watched as Teyla helped Ronon get the woman inside.

“She’s not breathing,” Teyla said while getting rid of the duct tape over the woman’s mouth.

“You know CPR, right?” John wanted to know while making the jumper check for local hospitals.

Teyla glared at him. “Sergeant Bates made sure every team member did,” she stated not too happily before performing four rescue breaths, then beginning chest compressions.

John had a feeling that Sergeant Bates had been less than friendly when requesting Teyla learned CPR. Maybe he had hoped to find a reason to ban her from being part of a team. As if Teyla would fail to excel at anything.

They were heading towards the closest hospital when John heard coughing from the back of the jumper. He guessed that meant their guest was awake. Good for her, probably not so good for him. She couldn’t have waited and woken up once they landed and had gotten her out of the highly classified puddle jumper, could she? Of course not. He was sure General O’Neill or Sam would give him an ear-full about this later. But what were they supposed to do, let her drown?

----- -----

Kono coughed, trying to catch her breath, then glanced around. She had no idea where she was.

“Welcome back,” a woman Kono had never seen before said. “Please do not be alarmed. I am Teyla Emmagan, and these are my friends Ronon Dex…” She gestured at the long-haired man next to her who was dripping water. Kono guessed he must have been the one to get her out of the ocean… the ocean. That asshole had actually dumped her into the ocean and left her! “… and Colonel John Sheppard.” Teyla gestured behind her to the far end of… whatever the hell they were in.

“What…” Kono started, but didn’t know how to finish that sentence. Her mind was spinning and she just didn’t know what to ask first. What happened? Where was she? And especially what the hell could this thing they were in possibly be? It looked… kind of sci-fi.

“We found you in the ocean,” the woman continued.

“Bound and gagged,” the man - Ronon, if Kono remembered right - said.

“Yeah, why exactly was that?” John called from the front of the jumper while glancing over his shoulder.

Kono turned to him, glaring a little. That’s what she would like to know. Why had she been abducted and used to threaten her cousin Chin? And by whom? Did these people have anything to do with it? But why would they rescue her if they did?

“Who says you’re the one who gets to ask the questions?” she asked while pushing herself up, then stumbled slightly and had to lean against the wall. Were they on a boat? Whatever they were in was definitely moving.

“I do,” John stated. “You know, since we went to all that trouble of saving you in the middle of a highly classified mission and all.” Risking exposure in the process, he added in thoughts. At least the woman didn’t seem to need to go to the hospital anymore. Letting the prison doctor have a quick look at her should be enough, and maybe afterwards they could take her with them and have someone deal with getting her to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

“Classified?” Kono asked. Yeah, somehow she really didn’t doubt that. Whatever kind of boat they were in, it screamed classified. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. The question now was if this classified mission had anything to do with her and Chin… oh god, Chin! She needed to make sure he was alright.

“So, since you went through all that trouble to save me, like you said, I can assume you’re not in league with whoever dumped me in the ocean,” she said in more of a statement than a question.

“Correct,” John answered.

“Good, cause I need to call my cousin. You got a phone in this highly classified boat?”

“Why?” John asked not correcting the boat comment.

“Because I was kidnapped, bound and dumped in the ocean. And whoever is behind it was threatening my cousin. I need to make sure he is okay.”

John glanced at her. He liked her priorities. She didn’t freak out about the ship she was in, didn’t ask questions about it or how they found her in the dark to fish her out of the ocean. She concentrated on what was most important.

“I don’t have to tell you not to mention any of this,” he stated gesturing around. “Right?” It would probably be better not to let her talk to anyone before she signed a non-disclosure agreement, but she had been dumped in the ocean and left to die. If her cousin was in the same kind of danger he might be dead before the agreement was signed. John didn’t want that on his conscience. He was already carrying enough guilt around for a lifetime.

“Buddy, I really could care less about your highly classified mission right now,” Kono stated, feeling a little exasperated. “And no, I won’t mention this,” she added, just in case he needed it spelled out.

John nodded. That was good enough for him… for now.

“What’s the number?”

Kono gave it to him, expecting him to pull out a phone, headset, or maybe type it into the boats communication system. He didn’t, in fact she didn’t really see him do anything. However, she did hear a ringing tone over the boats communication system soon. Weird. How did that work? She briefly glanced at the other two, who were now sitting down. Maybe one of them started the call.

The ringing continued as Kono made her way to the front of the boat and sat down in a chair next to Colonel Sheppard. That was when she got a good look out of the ‘boat’. “Woah,” she muttered. They were not in a boat. They were flying! And right now they landed in a deserted alley near the local prison. Kono was just about to ask what the hell was going on when Chin picked up.

“Hello?” The edgy tone in his voice made Kono snap out of it. Chin was what was important now.

“Chin, it’s Kono…”

“Kono! Cuz, are you alright?” he asked immediately, interrupting her.

“I’m fine, Chin,” she assured him.

“Thank god,” he answered, relief evident in his voice.

“What about you? And what happened?” she wanted to know.

“I’m… okay. But Malia was shot. We’re on the way to the hospital now.”

Kono’s eyes widened. “Is she going to be okay?” Please don’t let her die, she thought. Chin and Malia had just gotten married and were finally happy after what happened in the past. Chin deserved to be happy, and he loved Malia with his whole heart. She simply couldn’t die now.

“I hope so,” was all he said.

So it was bad, Kono thought balling her fists. Whoever was behind this was going to wish they were dead.

“It was Frank Delano, Kono.”

“What? How the hell did he get out of prison?” she asked in disbelief. They had brought the former police officer down and locked him up months ago.

“I got him out. He had you and Malia, Kono,” Chin said, his voice breaking slightly.

Kono closed her eyes, sighing. So that was why she had been kidnapped. And since she went undercover to bring Delano down he was majorly pissed at her of course, which meant he wanted her dead no matter what Chin did.

“I’m sorry, Kono. But I gotta go now. Malia…”

“It’s okay Cuz, take care of her. I’ll call Steve and Danny and we’ll get Delano,” she assured him. And she was going to figure out what this classified shit was all about, she added in thoughts. Just another day on the job…

----- -----

John had listened closely to what they talked about. It sounded like they were in serious trouble.

“You two cops or something?” he asked.

Kono nodded. “Five-0.” Seeing his blank look she added: “The Governor’s Task Force. I’m Officer Kalakaua.”

“Ah,” John nodded, remembering now. “You were the ones who caught Wo Fat.”

“What do you know about Wo Fat?” Kono asked suspiciously.

“He’s the reason we’re here. We’re picking him up.”

Kono stared at him. “What for?” she demanded to know, feeling uneasy.

“He’s in league with someone we need to find.”

“You’re not cutting him a deal for information!” she exclaimed angrily. They had been after Wo Fat for too long. He was not going to weasel his way out of prison after they finally caught him!

“That’s not the plan,” John quickly assured her. “We’re the good guys here. And trust me, the guy we’re after is a lot worse than Wo Fat.”

Somehow Kono doubted that, but if it was true she didn’t even want to imagine what that man was like.

“Alright, we can talk about this later. I need to call my colleague and boss. We need to catch Delano.”

John nodded, pulling out his mobile this time and handing it to her. “Go ahead. You can do that on the way to the prison.” They didn’t have time to waste, and before Officer Kalakaua signed a non-disclosure agreement he wasn’t going to let her out of his sight. Besides, he was going to have the prison doctor check her out. He wasn’t going to risk that she had water in her lungs and died in her sleep after they pulled her out of the water.

“Teyla, you’re staying with the jumper until we’re back,” John said as he got up and walked through the ship.

Teyla nodded. She would prefer to go with them, but someone should stay with the jumper, make sure no one found it by accident.

They were just exiting the jumper when sirens erupted from the direction of the prison. John groaned. That was not a good sign!

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Hawaii - Detective Danny Williams’ car:

“You’re where?” Danny asked incredulously. He was on the way to Five-0 headquarters after getting a call from Kono, who asked him to inform Steve of what happened, too.

“Japan,” was Lt. Commander Steve McGarrett’s answer over the phone.

“I heard you the first time,” Danny muttered, feeling agitated and even more frustrated than he already had. Why the hell had Steve run off without telling him where he went… again?

“Then why…”

“What the hell are you doing in Japan… again?” Danny demanded to know, cutting Steve off. “No, don’t tell me, I really don’t want to know. Besides, you better get your ass back here NOW! We’ve got some serious trouble.”

“Danny, I…”

“Oh no, you ARE going to come back,” Danny stated firmly, recognizing Steve’s tone of voice. It was the ‘you are not going to like what I have to say, Danno’ voice. “Shit is going down big time, Steve, and when I say big time, I mean really big time. Frank Delano is on the run, Kono has been kidnapped and almost drowned, Malia was shot, a secret military branch wants to talk to us, and oh, Wo Fat is on the run, too! So, yes, Steve, whatever the hell you’re doing in Japan… again… will have to wait.”

“I’m on my way to the airport,” Steve stated, not sounding pleased. “But now slow down and tell me what the hell happened! Are Kono and Malia okay?”

“Kono is fine and Malia is in the hospital,” Danny said, then started to relay to Steve what Kono had told him.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Day 2/3 - Atlantis - a balcony:

General Jack O’Neill looked up when he heard footsteps coming closer. He groaned slightly. It was the middle of the night. He just wanted to enjoy a few minutes of uninterrupted solitude outside before going to bed. It had been a long day, or rather long days. He could hardly remember the last time he had had a good nights sleep. Couldn’t they just leave him alone for today?

“Jack,” a voice said and he looked up, a small smile appearing on his face. Maybe he didn’t need to be alone after all.

“Sam.” She was definitely always welcome, no matter how tired Jack felt.

“I’m afraid I don’t have any good news,” she said sitting down next to him.

Jack groaned. “Of course not,” he muttered.

“Wo Fat escaped before John’s team got to the prison.”

Jack closed his eyes for a moment. “Of course he did,” he stated sarcastically. Why would they catch a break now?

“John, Teyla and Ronon are still in Hawaii, working with the local Governor’s Task Force to catch him. They are the ones who caught him in the first place.”

“They think he’s still on the island?” Jack asked.

“Yes. HPD is monitoring the airports and all streets out of the city. But…” she didn’t have to complete her sentence.

“Yeah,” Jack muttered. They both knew that Ba’al might have ways of getting in and out of a city that didn’t involve human transportation. If he really wanted Wo Fat off Hawaii the man might be far away already.

“Maybe we’ll get lucky,” Sam offered.

“Maybe,” Jack agreed. They had to catch a break any day now, right?

Taking a deep breath of fresh sea air Jack looked out at the ocean as they fell into companionable silence. His hand found hers instinctively, as if it had a mind of its own. Jack knew he probably shouldn’t hold Sam’s hand out in the open, but it was dark, and he honestly didn’t care, not anymore. They had kept their feelings bottled up inside for too long. When he left the SGC and took over Homeworld Command they finally started a relationship, but with their work schedules they barely saw each other. He had been due to retire in two weeks, and they were finally going to be together for good. That was before Stargate Command had been blown up. He should have known that it wasn’t a good idea to try and retire. Something bad always happened when he did. And this time it was really bad. Hank Landry was dead, which meant Jack was back in charge of the Stargate Program. He hadn’t been able to turn down the offer. He didn’t really trust anyone else enough to do the job right now. Still, he wasn’t going to give up his relationship with Sam for it. He was done pretending they were just friends. They’d keep it on the down-low, but if someone found out they would just have to deal with it. There wasn’t anyone else with Jack’s kind of experience who could do his job… either of his jobs, so he wasn’t too worried about him being replaced. They needed team leaders badly, too, so Sam’s job was pretty save as well.

Sam smiled when he took her hand, glad that he wasn’t trying to go back to being just friends. She honestly didn’t think she could take that anymore.

“I’m going to leave you in charge tomorrow,” he said after a while. “I’ve decided to do some recruiting by myself. Since Ba’al is involved we can’t rule out a plot to get spies into the Stargate Program. The more personnel I pick myself the better I’m going to feel.”

“Me, too,” Sam agreed. She trusted Jack’s judgement. Still, she wished they didn’t have to do any recruiting at all. She already missed their old colleagues terribly.

“When is the funeral going to start?” she asked.

“0900, the day after tomorrow. Afterwards the new recruits are coming in for tests,” he answered.

Sam sighed. “I’m sure we’ll find good people,” she said hoping to sound reassuring. Then she leaned in closer and added: “Come on, let’s go to bed.” It was getting really late.

“Mine or yours?” he asked flippantly.

Sam chuckled. Trust Jack to brighten up the mood. “So we’re doing the whole sneaking around thing now,” she stated. “I think I like it.”

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Day 3 - Hawaii - Five-0 headquarters:

“I don’t get it, where the hell are they?” Kono muttered frustrated. They had tried to find both Wo Fat and Delano for hours, interviewed the usual suspects for information and even locked down the local airport and harbor. It was amazing what you could get done with a secret military organization on your side. She had a feeling that they might not just have a governor on speed dial, but the president himself. On the other hand that kind of implied that whoever they were after was really, really dangerous.

“Hiding somewhere, trying to wait this out,” Danny suggested eyeing their ‘guests’ suspiciously. So far they had done nothing but help. Still, he had no idea what their ulterior motives were. Why were they here? What exactly did they want from Wo Fat? And who the hell were they anyway? “If we had more information about the man helping Wo Fat we might be able to find him faster,” he said casually.

Teyla smirked. She kind of liked the Detective, and she did like Kono as well. Maybe they should tell them more, but it wasn’t her decision. She glanced at John.

“I’ve been thinking the same thing,” John said walking towards them. “Just got confirmation to read you in.” He had barely finished that sentence when the printer in the office came to life.

Kono and Danny both turned to the printer surprised.

“Non-disclosure agreements,” John stated.

A moment later Rodney appeared on a big screen via live feed from Atlantis.

“How…” Kono muttered.

“Oh, please, your security is a joke,” Rodney stated. “Well, maybe not a joke, it’s actually quite good, but for me…”

“Rodney,” John said in a reprimanding tone of voice.

“Fine,” Rodney muttered crossing his arms in front of his chest and leaning back in his chair. “Have they signed the non-disclosure agreements yet?”

“Still printing,” Ronon stated.

“Dr. Rodney McKay, Officer Kono Kalakaua, Detective Danny Williams,” Teyla said gesturing at each of them in introduction.

----- -----

“You believe them?” Danny asked as he joined Kono in the kitchen area. “I mean, aliens? And Atlantis!” It sounded like a bad joke, or out of a Science Fiction movie.

“You haven’t seen their invisible space ship,” Kono stated.

“Seriously?” Danny asked.

“Oh yeah,” Kono answered.

“Wow… just wow,” Danny muttered. All that was missing now were witches and vampires.

“Yeah, it’s hard to wrap your head around,” Kono agreed while peering at her mobile, which showed that she had a message. “I need to call Adam.”

“Why?” Danny wanted to know, not sounding too happy. He still couldn’t believe that Kono could actually date the son of the head of the local Yakuza. Granted, he wasn’t as bad as his father, but still… he wasn’t a saint either.

“We were supposed to have a date, but I got kidnapped,” Kono stated. Adam was probably worried about her. She glanced at her watch. It was still very early, but if he hadn’t shown up for a date she’d be worried and wouldn’t care if he woke her up.

“Whatever,” Danny muttered. “I’ll go entertain our alien hunters.”

----- -----

Kono stormed back into the room and looked at the grumpy scientist on the screen. “Can you trace the phone I last called?”

“Why?” Rodney asked sounding irritated.

“Just do it, McKay,” Kono told him firmly.

Rodney glanced at John, looking exasperated.

“What she said,” John stated with a smirk before turning to Teyla and whispering: “I like her.” Teyla smiled, amused.

“Fine,” Rodney muttered, complying. “Number?”

“What’s going on?” Danny asked after Kono gave McKay the number.

“I think the Yakuza has Wo Fat,” Kono stated. Adam hadn’t admitted anything, but Kono had heard some of his men talking in the background.

Danny stared at her. He should have thought of that. Adam hated Wo Fat almost as much as Steve did. He probably had some of his men watching the prison, in case Wo Fat escaped. The man didn’t trust the system much. Danny couldn’t fault him for that right now. On the other hand, Wo Fat had extraterrestrial help. They couldn’t blame the prison for losing him in that case, right? Yes, they could, Danny decided.

“Let’s go,” John said after Rodney gave them a location.

“Are we going to take your highly classified space ship?” Danny asked, not sure how he’d feel about that.

“Why? Not in the mood to fly?” John asked.

“Er…” Danny muttered.

“You can walk if you prefer that,” Ronon stated.

“I do have a car,” Danny pointed out just before his mobile rang. “It’s Steve,” he said while following the others.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Day 3 - Hawaii - Yakuza hideout:

Gun in hand Kono hid behind a pillar. They were in some kind of warehouse. Adam was standing a few feet away. Wo Fat was bound to a chair, looking bloody and beaten up. Adam’s men didn’t seem to care and continued hitting him. Kono gritted her teeth. She hated Wo Fat and he certainly deserved torture in her opinion, but she wouldn’t do it herself, and she really didn’t like that Adam ordered it. He had assured her over and over again that he wasn’t like his father. She had believed him, wanted to believe him, because how else could she date him? Part of her had always warned her to stay away from him, but he was charming, good looking and could be rather funny. She had let him fool her. But that was over now. She had forgiven him too much already. Capturing Wo Fat and not telling her was the last straw!

Glancing around Kono saw Colonel Sheppard give his people and Danny signs. Soon they had Adam, his men and Wo Fat surrounded. Then one of the Yakuza must have spotted one of them and started shooting. In a matter of seconds all hell broke loose.

“Adam, tell them to stop and surrender,” Kono called. Adam spun around and looked at her, a pained expression on his face.

“Kono,” he muttered.

“Do it!” she ordered, her voice firm and cold. She wouldn’t betray any emotion, not this time.

Ordering his men to stop shooting Adam looked at Kono. “We were just…”

“What, having some fun?” she asked bitterly. He simply shrugged. Danny made a step out from where he was hiding, handcuffs in hand, then shots erupted again.

“No, stop it,” Adam called, but no one was listening to him. Great, Kono thought firing her own weapon and hitting the man shooting at Danny.

“Don’t hit Wo Fat,” John called loudly. He thought he heard Ronon mutter ‘fine’ and turn his gun to stun. Good! Maybe they all should have taken Zat guns along. On the other hand, if Wo Fat was hit with one of those twice he’d be dead, not stunned. Maybe bullets were better after all.

About five minutes later all of Adam’s men were on the ground, either unconscious or holding their bleeding wounds. Wo Fat still sat in his chair, breathing. Kono didn’t know if he had been hit in the crossfire, since he was pretty bloody to begin with. Glancing around she looked for Adam, who was nowhere in sight. Then she heard a shot and rushed off in that direction.

“I don’t think so,” a voice called.

“Steve,” Kono said giving her boss a smile. He was blocking the exit and had apparently fired a warning shot. Adam was standing between Steve and her, his hands raised in surrender.

“Ah, there you are,” Danny said walking towards them. “What took you so long?”

Steve smirked slightly. “Book ‘em Danno.”

Kono would have laughed if it hadn’t been such a long and tiring day, or better days.

----- -----

A few minutes later Adam, the Yakuza and Wo Fat were all in cuffs and HPD sirens could be heard in the distance. Teyla and Ronon were both holding Wo Fat. Kono wasn’t sure if it was to make sure he wouldn’t escape or to hold him up.

“So, what’s going on?” Steve asked. “And where are you planning to go with Wo Fat?” He was feeling a little irritated. He had just found out that his mother was alive and in fact the mysterious Shellbourne when Danny called him, telling him what was happening in Hawaii. Finding out that Wo Fat was on the loose again Joe had relocated Steve’s mother once more while Steve flew back to Hawaii on a Navy plane.

“Sorry, can’t tell you,” Danny stated.

Steve looked at his partner irritably. Now was really not the time for Danny to sulk about him running off on his own again!

“You haven’t signed one of those at least a dozen pages long non-disclosure agreements,” Danny elaborated.

Kono snorted and Steve gave her an irritably look.

“He’s not kidding. They really are that long. And if we tell you anything before you signed one I’m pretty sure they have the right to lock us up for good,” Kono explained gesturing at Sheppard and his people.

“Fine, just give me one of those agreements and I’ll sign it,” Steve muttered. He had been on enough classified missions to know the drill.


Book Cover fanart for this chapter:


Chapter 3


fanfic, fanfic: it's far from over, sg: rodney mckay, hawaii 5-0, hawaii 5-0: steve mcgarrett, sg-1, sg: sam carter, sga, sg: ronon dex, hawaii 5-0: kono kalakaua, xover, sg: jack/sam, sg: teyla emmagan, hawaii 5-0: danny williams, xover: h50/stargate, hawaii 5-0: other characters, sg: john sheppard

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