It's Far From Over: chapter 3

Aug 08, 2012 04:19

Title: It’s Far From Over
Rating: M
Genre: crossover, sci-fi, fantasy, action, adventure, romance, mostly het
Fandoms: Animorphs, Army Wives, BTVS, Doctor Who, Eureka, Hawaii Five-0, Legend of the Seeker, NCIS LA, Primeval, SG-1, SGA, SGU, Supernatural, Torchwood, Veronica Mars & Warehouse 13 (set mainly in the Stargateverse)
Characters: Aiden Ford, Allison Blake, Amy Pond, Bobby Singer, Cameron Mitchell, Cara Mason, Castiel, Chase Moran, Chin Ho Kelly, Chloe Armstrong, Claudia Donovan, Claudia Joy Holden, Daniel Jackson, Danny Williams, Dean Winchester, Denise Sherwood, Douglas Fargo, Eli Wallace, Elizabeth Weir, Evan Lorne, Eric Beale, Everett Young, Faith Lehane, Frank Sherwood, G. Callen, Grace Monroe, AU!Gwen Cooper, Helena G. Wells, Henry Deacon, Hetty Lange, Hilary Becker, Holly Marten, Jack Carter, Jack Harkness, Jack O'Neill, clone!Jack O’Neill, Jennifer Keller, Jenny, Jo Lupo, Kensi Blye, AU!Jo Harvelle, John Sheppard, Kahlan Amnell, Kono Kalakaua, Laura Cadman, Lori Weston, Martha Jones, Marty Deeks, Matthew Scott, Mickey Smith, Myka Bering, Nell Jones, Rachel Berenson, Richard Cypher, Riley Finn, River Song, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Rory Pond, Rose Tyler, Roxy LeBlanc, Sally Sparrow, Sam Carter, Sam Hanna, Sam Winchester, Stephen Hart, Steve McGarrett, Tamara Johansen, Teal'c, Teyla Emmagan, the Doctor (10.5 & 11), Trevor LeBlanc, Vala Mal Doran, Veronica Mars, Willow Rosenberg, Zane Donovan, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander + some minor characters
Pairings: Faith/Riley, Elizabeth/John, Sam/Jack O., AU!Gwen/Jack H., TJ/Cam, Martha/Becker, Rachel/Stephen, Lori/Steve, Kahlan/Richard, Cara/Ronon, Vala/Daniel, Kensi/Deeks, Cadman/Danny, Claudia/Eli, Veronica/Dean, Teyla/Teal’c, River/11, Rose/10.5, Jennifer/Rodney, Nell/Eric, Kono/Callen, Roxy/Trevor, Allison/Jack, Jo/Zane, Claudia Joy/Michael, Pamela/Chase, Denise/Frank, Amy/Rory, Chloe/Matthew, AU!Jo/clone!Jack O., Jenny/Ford, Sally/Mickey, Malia/Chin, Grace/Henry, Willow/Sam, past Willow/Kennedy
Summary: After an attack on the SGC the Stargate Program finds out about the supernatural and a secret plan of an old enemy who is set on taking over the Earth. Greatly weakened in numbers the Stargate Program begins to recruit while starting to hunt down their enemy.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters or fandoms. I wish I did… *g* I don’t make any money with this! I’m just writing the story for fun and hope someone else will enjoy it, too.
Spoiler Warnings: all of Animorphs, season 1-5 of Army Wives, all BTVS & ATS seasons (no Comics), season 1-6 of New Who, all of Eureka, season 1+2 of Hawaii Five-0 (2010), all of Legend of the Seeker, season 1-3 of NCIS LA, season 1-5 of Primeval, all of Stargate, season 1-6 of Supernatural, season 1-3 of Torchwood, all of Veronica Mars, season 1-3 of Warehouse 13
Other Warnings: some characters deaths (but no one listed under characters)
I’m German and my English isn’t and probably never will be perfect. I hope I don’t make too many mistakes. Feel free to point out errors so I can learn and improve.

Thanks again to my wonderful beta landiana24 for betaing this chapter! :-)

Story Introduction with character info, etc *~*~* Story Master Post *~*~* Fanart (new and older ones that fit this story)

Fandoms & Characters in this chapter:

BTVS: Faith Lehane, Riley Finn, Willow Rosenberg
Hawaii Five-0: Danny Williams, Frank Delano, Grace Williams, Kamekona, Kono Kalakaua, Steve McGarrett, Wo Fat
Stargateverse: Chuck, Evan Lorne, Jack O'Neill, John Sheppard, Laura Cadman, Ronon Dex, Sam Carter

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

chapter 3: Job Offer

Day 3 - Atlantis - holding cell area - morning:

“What you’ll get for the information?” John echoed looking at Wo Fat, who had been cleaned and bandaged up after his encounter with the Yakuza. “How about we don’t lock you up with a hungry life sucking Wraith,” he suggested, feeling annoyed. “Cause you know, we do have those around.” Well, they did have Todd, who was a Hybrid now, but he could still feed. Not that they’d actually let him feed on anyone. The thought was temping though.

Wo Fat looked at John as if he was crazy. Great, maybe the man actually had no idea that his boss was an alien and not just a human criminal? Not that it mattered, as long as Wo Fat gave them Ba’al’s location John could care less if he knew that Ba’al was a Goa’uld.

“Maybe I should ask the questions,” Ronon suggested, looking menacing.

“Not yet,” John decided, then left the cell. He had to talk to O’Neill. Maybe they could use some kind of truth serum. Wo Fat was pretty beat up already. Torture of any kind didn’t really seem like a good plan to John. Not that it ever was of course, but sometimes the ends justified the means in his line of work. They were fighting for the survival of the human race after all, and with Ba’al involved who knew what was at stake.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Day 3 - Atlantis - control room - morning:

“Tell me you have good news,” Jack O'Neill said as he saw Sheppard coming towards him.

“Not yet,” John admitted. “So far Wo Fat isn’t talking. I was thinking about having the scientists come up with a truth serum.”

“Whatever it takes,” Jack stated. They needed to find Ba’al as quickly as possible, before the damn Goa’uld could get any further with his plan, and he did have a plan, Jack was sure of it. The attack on Stargate Command surely was only the beginning. “Just get the information we need.”

“Yes, sir,” John said. “I’ll keep you updated.”

“Good. Now, tell me, what did you think about the Five-0 people,” Jack wanted to know. Sam had told him that Commander McGarrett was all over them, refusing to leave while Wo Fat was in their custody.

“Honestly, sir? I’d offer them a job,” John stated. “They are good in a crisis, and captured Wo Fat twice.” Yes, he and his team had helped, but without Five-0’s help John wasn’t sure if they would have found Wo Fat before the Yakuza got bored and killed him.

“I’ve been thinking the same thing,” Jack admitted. He had decided to think outside the box when it came to recruiting. If Ba’al was trying to get spies inside the Stargate Program it would be better to hire people Ba’al wouldn’t have thought of. And since they were sending civilian scientists off world, why not cops? If they were good enough to be on a Task Force, they probably were good enough for the SGP. Plus, they already signed the non-disclosure agreements.

John smiled, liking the idea of working with Kalakaua, Williams and McGarrett. Hopefully they’d take the job.

“Going somewhere?” John then asked, noticing the General’s uniform. It had to be official business for O’Neill to dress up.

“Just doing some recruiting,” Jack replied, then glanced to the technicians in the control room. “Ready?”

“Yes, sir. The Hammond is in orbit and ready to beam out.”

“Good. I’ll see you later, Colonel,” Jack said before glancing at the technician with a grin.

“Beam me out, Scotty.”

John snorted as the General disappeared in a bluish light.

“It’s Chuck,” the technician muttered.

John just smirked. He liked O’Neill’s humor, and god only knew, they were in dire need of some humor around this place.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Day 3 - Atlantis & Hawaii - conference room & Five-0 headquarters - around noon:

“Did Wo Fat talk?” Danny Williams asked looking at the screen in their headquarters. They were having another live feed conference with Atlantis. Atlantis… he still had a hard time wrapping his mind around that one. Sure, that aliens were real was tough, but there had been several freaky incidents over the past years that were all explained away by some rather shady sounding cover stories. He had believed them of course, but in hind-sight… A lot of things did make sense now. People standing on the roof of their buildings for no good reason, sightings of alien ships over London from people that did not seem crazy, and he’d never forget the days his daughter Grace had stopped at the same time as all other children, pointing at the sky and reciting numbers. Plus, those planets he had seen in the sky himself the day those robot things were all over the news had so not been caused by hallucinations and terrorists! Still, Atlantis being real was something entirely different. It was a myth! Or it was supposed to be. Danny guessed that nothing really was impossible anymore.

“Not yet,” Colonel Samantha Carter answered. “We’re working on that. It’s not really why we’re having this video conference.”

“Then what is the reason?” Kono asked looking at the blonde who was sitting next to Steve on the screen. Had something else happened that they needed to deal with? They still had to find Delano after all. That was enough work for just her and Danny, since Chin was still at the hospital with Malia and Steve in Atlantis, sort of guarding Wo Fat.

“We’re offering you a job,” Sam stated.

“Seriously?” Kono asked, surprised.

“Seriously,” Steve said with a small smile.

“But what about Five-0? And what about Delano?” Kono asked.

“You would have to leave Five-0 of course, which the Governor assured me would be continued with suitable replacements,” Sam said. “But we are fully aware of your history with Frank Delano and what he did to you. You can work on catching him first, and we are even willing to assist you in any way we can.” Sam understood the need to close a case, especially if you were involved personally. She didn’t expect them to just leave and let Delano go free, if the local police didn’t find him.

Wow, Kono thought. They really must think highly of them if they wanted them to work for them badly enough to even offer assistance while they were in the middle of their own crisis situation. She kind of liked the thought. The Stargate Program surely wanted only the best.

“Commander McGarrett has also informed me of your personal situation, Detective Williams,” Sam went on.

Danny looked at her, then Steve. “He did what?” What was Steve doing talking about his private life to strangers?

“I’m not sure if you are aware of it or not, but Atlantis is located not far from San Francisco, where your ex-wife wants to move,” Sam continued.

Now Danny looked at the screen rather dumb-founded.

“Think about it, Danny, no messy trials or arguments with Rachel. And I’m sure Grace would prefer it that way, too,” Steve said.

“I know very well what would be best for my daughter,” Danny replied, still feeling a little annoyed that Steve blabbed about his personal life to this Colonel. Who else did he tell about Danny’s business? On the other hand, Steve was completely right. If he did move there would be no custody battle. He was sure Rachel would take the custody modification back if he told her he’d come to California with them. Plus the only reason he did want to stay were his team mates and friends. Steve looked like he already settled into Atlantis, and by the glint in Kono’s eyes he was sure she wanted the job. Hell, so did he. He had never been able to see himself as anything other than a cop, but he did the job to keep people safe. Now that he knew that the entire planet needed protection, how could he turn down a job that would allow him to do just that, protect the entire human race from a threat most people didn’t even know existed?

Steve smiled. By the look on Danny’s face he knew that he had him. It was the perfect solution for his friend’s problem. And as for himself… well, he had missed the military. He could go back on active duty and do what he did best, protect his country, or in this case, the entire planet. The only thing keeping him in Hawaii now was his friends, and most of them could come to Atlantis as well.

“Chin and Malia are getting job offers, too,” he said. He had made sure of that. Chin would never come without Malia, and the Stargate Program did need new doctors anyway. Malia wouldn’t be able to work with children anymore, but she was an oncologist, and the Stargate program offered the chance to try and find cancer cures through extraterrestrial means. If Steve were in Malia’s shoes he’d jump at the opportunity. She could work as a regular doctor within the Stargate program as needed and do her own research in addition. He guessed it would be up to her now if she wanted the job. He had done his part in making sure she got the offer. Of course she first had to recover, but according to Chin things looked better already. She was out of surgery, which had gone well.

“Both of them?” Kono asked, her smile widening. Chin would never leave without Malia, so this was the perfect solution. Kono didn’t know if she would have gone without Chin, but now that he and Malia would get job offers, too, what was there to stop her from going? Her personal life was in shambles anyway. She had told Adam that they were done while locking him up. Leaving and starting a new life might be best and help her in moving on. She’d miss Hawaii, but Atlantis… she could live in the mythological city itself!

“Where do I have to sign?” she asked, causing a laugh from the others. She grinned sheepishly, but seriously, she better sign something before they took back the offer.

The printer started to work on its own again.

“A job contract is being printed as we speak,” Sam said with a smile, glad that the negotiations were going so well. “Have a look at it and get back to me. As for catching Delano, I am going to send you two people to help with the investigation. I’m afraid we can’t spare more right now, but since Commander McGarrett is already here and your colleague, Lieutenant Kelly, is guarding his wife at the hospital I think you deserve at least some help.”

“Thank you,” Kono said, still grinning.

“Yes, thank you,” Danny added.

“You are very welcome. I am told our people are ready to…” Danny didn’t hear what else she said as a bright light suddenly appeared in the room and two people showed up out of nowhere.

“What the…” he muttered.

“Oh, didn’t you know…” Steve started with a big grin on his face. “We have beaming technology, too.”

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Day 3 - Atlantis - around noon:

Sam was still smiling when she and Commander McGarrett left the conference room. The look on Detective William’s face when Lorne and Cadman beamed in had been priceless. She definitely already liked the Five-0 people and had a good feeling about them joining the Stargate Program. Jack had been right. Looking for new people to join them in places they didn’t usually recruit was a great idea. She was pretty sure Ba’al hadn’t bothered to plant a spy in Five-0. She doubted that he even knew who they were, regardless of their interaction with his human agent Wo Fat.

Sam hadn’t gotten far when Major Finn walked towards her. He had officially joined the Stargate Program this morning and would become a team leader. With his military record they were glad to have him, especially since they were in dire need of new team leaders.

“Colonel Carter, I’ve arranged for a meeting with Willow Rosenberg,” he said, bringing Sam to a stop.

“Right.” Sam nodded. Miss Rosenberg was the genius who hacked into Stargate Command and protected Robin Wood’s laptop. She was also a witch. Sam had been looking forward to meeting her. First they needed to make sure they could trust someone who was able to hack into their highly protected systems, and second Sam personally wanted to get to know whoever was capable of doing something like that. On top of that Sam had never met a real witch before. That the supernatural existed hadn’t come as a total shock. If you dealt with aliens on a daily basis you learned to expect the unexpected. Still, it was kind of new and also a little exciting.

“Commander McGarrett, I will see you later. I have to attend to this,” she said.

----- -----

About ten minutes later they were in the control room. Sam had located Willow’s mobile, which she guessed was untraceable unless the witch wanted it not to be, and gave the coordinates to the Hammond who were ready to beam Miss Rosenberg in. Sure enough a moment later a beam of light in the gate room announced the new arrival.

“Willow,” Riley called hurrying down the steps into the gate room.

Hearing his voice Willow looked up, a smile appearing on her face. She really had missed Riley. It had been way too long since their last meeting.

“Riley,” she called hurrying towards him and pulling him into a hug.

Letting go of him again Willow continued her previous examination of her surroundings. Wow, she really was in Atlantis! And the city looked impressive. Then her gaze fell on the Stargate. Wow! It could open a wormhole to other planets! She had to find out the details of how that worked. And she had been beamed here! She needed to find out how that worked, too. Of course she knew all about magical teleportation, but beaming through technology… well, she could guess how to do it, but still… the geek in her demanded to know the specifics.

“Welcome to Atlantis,” a voice said, forcing Willow to tear her eyes away from the Stargate. Turning around she met the gaze of a blond middle-aged woman with a knowing smile on her face. Willow guessed she knew exactly how impressive the city was and what Willow’s first instincts were.

“Colonel Carter, I presume,” she said. She had talked to the Colonel over the phone, so it was logical to assume that it was her.

“Miss Rosenberg, it is a pleasure to have you here.”

“It’s a pleasure to be here,” Willow stated grinning. At first she had been a little apprehensive when the Watchers Council suggested her to be the liaison between them and the Stargate Program, but once she found out the details she had been excited. It wasn’t that she didn’t have enough to do as a watcher of at least 20 slayers, a witch and an active fighter of the supernatural, but the opportunity to see Atlantis, the Stargate and maybe even alien planets was too good to pass up. She would just have to organize her time accordingly.

“But please call me Willow.”

“Alright, Willow. And you can call me Sam.”

Willow grinned at her and nodded. Sounded good to her. The whole Colonel thing seemed a little intimidating anyway, not in a threatening way, but so formal and… military.

----- -----

Faith was sitting in a conference room… again. They were still sorting through all of Robin’s files. There were so many. Faith had no idea how he got all this information, and how it couldn’t have been enough for him to bring down this Ba’al already. Maybe he didn’t have time to read it all yet either. He should have asked for help. He should have asked her for help. Their relationship had been going well again after all. They weren’t exactly together, but Faith had thought about giving it another shot. She thought he had, too. Well, maybe he had planned to tell her about all of this. They did have a date after all. He just hadn’t been alive to make it.

Sighing Faith pushed away a stack of papers and grabbed her glass with her left hand. Her right arm was still bandaged up. She would have to go to the infirmary later, have them remove the bandages. She was sure her slayer healing abilities had already taken care of her injuries by now. She really hoped that they had. She was tired of the bandages, and tired of being treated like she needed help by everyone around her. Her guards had gone from guarding her to trying to take care of her. Well, at least she was no longer a prisoner, but a guest. Maybe she would even be allowed to walk around on her own, but she had a feeling she wasn’t going to find out any time soon. Her guards seemed to have taken a liking to following her around. Not that she minded that part much, Faith thought taking a sip from her glass. Sergeant Stackhouse was kind of hot after all. She wasn’t so sure about Lieutenant Miller, but he was nice at least, and he did help with the files. She hated sorting through files. It was a job for watchers, not slayers.

The door opened and Faith was pulled out of her thoughts when Riley entered. Well, there was hotness... As much as she tried to tell herself that Riley Finn was off limits after what happened in the past between them she couldn’t help but notice each time she saw him how great he looked. That combined with the knowledge of how he was in bed seemed to make her whole skin tingle. She wanted him, badly, which was kind of ironic, since he was the only man in this huge city that she couldn’t have. He sure as hell wouldn’t want her, not after she had sex with him pretending to be someone else. And why would he want her anyway? Buffy was his type, not her.

Pushing away the thoughts about Riley Faith noticed Colonel Carter coming into the room after him, followed by…

“Willow!” she called getting up with a smile on her face.

“Faith!” Willow called hurrying into the room and hugging her.

“Umpf,” Faith muttered. She had never really gotten used to or comfortable with people hugging her, but Willow never seemed to care about that.

“Sorry,” Willow apologized quickly. “Are you alright, Faith?” she glanced at her friend a little worried. Her whole arm was bandaged up.

“It’s nothing,” Faith said with a shrug. “Slayer, remember? I’m gonna go to the infirmary later, have them get rid of it. I’m sure it’s all healed up now.”

“Are you sure? It looked rather bad when we beamed you out of Stargate Command,” Sam stated, remembering the state Faith had been in. She had been lucky though, in comparison to most other survivors. Only a few had less severe injuries, most were still in Atlantis infirmary… or dead. But Sam was determined not to think about that right now.

“So, that’s how I got out of there,” Faith said. She had wondered about that already. “Beaming technology, cool! And yeah, I’m sure. Slayers heal fast,” she added, trying to reassure Colonel Carter. The older woman seemed to have taken a liking to her ever since Faith started helping them. It was kind of nice and Faith didn’t want her to worry.

Riley watched the interaction of the women while sitting down. Both women really seemed to care about Faith. Colonel Carter could be fooled of course, since she hardly knew Faith, but Willow knew her for years, and she did know about Faith’s past as well, had been there when Faith turned evil. If he remembered right Faith had even threatened Willow’s life at least once. For her to care about Faith as much as she obviously did the slayer really must have changed. Of course Willow had assured him of that several time already, but being told and seeing Willow and Faith interact was a whole different story. Seeing it kind of made him feel better about his own… feelings towards Faith. Not that they were actual feelings. He did NOT have romantic feelings for Faith! But for some reason he cared about whether or not she really had changed. He wanted her to have changed. After Willow told him that Faith was fighting for the good side now Riley had thought about their encounter a few times. Faith had been so lost when they met. She was kind of like a scared little girl that needed help. He should have helped her, but at the time he thought she was Buffy, and when did Buffy ever really need him? She simply didn’t. He had actually felt kind of good when she seemed to need him that one night. Only it hadn’t been Buffy at all, and afterwards he had been too pissed at Faith for messing up his relationship with Buffy to realize what he had seen that night, that she was scared and needed help. Luckily she had managed to get better on her own.

Riley was pulled out of his thoughts when the women sat down and Colonel Carter pulled a laptop towards her.

“There’s a file we haven’t been able to decrypt yet,” Sam said opening a folder and pushing the laptop to Willow. “I’ve got to say it, I’m really impressed by your computer skills,” she added with a grin at the redhead.

Willow beamed at Sam. She had read the Colonel’s file before coming here and knew that the woman was probably one of the most brilliant scientists on the entire planet, so getting praise from her was better than candy, and who didn’t love candy.

“Thanks,” she said blushing slightly and quickly turned to the laptop. “But I’m afraid this encryption isn’t mine.”

“Oh,” Sam said. “Well, you still did hack into the SGC, and we didn’t manage to get into the laptop in the first place,” Sam stated.

“If it wasn’t you, Willow, then who did encrypt it?” Faith asked, interrupting the chorus of praise.

“I don’t know,” Willow admitted. “Maybe Robin got his hands on the file but never managed to open it himself.”

“You mean it could be one of Ba’al’s files that your friend got his hands on?” Sam asked, sounding excited. If that was true there might be an important lead in the file.

“Could be,” Willow agreed.

“Might be something important,” Faith said.

“Why don’t we find out?” Willow suggested as she grinned and started to get to work.

----- -----

About an hour later Willow let out a shout of triumph.

“Finally,” Faith muttered, sat up straighter and peered at the laptop.

“Just one text file,” Sam said looking at the laptop from Willow’s other side.

Willow opened the file, then frowned. There were a bunch of symbols in it. She had no idea what they meant. Under it stood: ‘Bring me the Confessor’. Willow didn’t know what that meant either. Great, had all that work been for nothing?

“A gate address,” Sam stated excitedly.

Willow turned to her. “The symbols mean another planet?”

“Yes, the symbols are dialled and a wormhole to another planet established.”

“So, Ba’al wants something from that planet,” Riley said.

“The Confessor, I guess,” Willow added. “Any idea what that means?”

“No,” Sam said. “Ba’al isn’t the religious type, at least not unless he is the god people are worshipping. Don’t know what he’d want with a confessor.”

“How about we find out?” Faith suggested.

“And how exactly are you planning to do that?” Riley wanted to know.

“Go to the planet of course,” Faith stated. “What else do we have that Stargate for?”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Sam said. “You’re not part of the Stargate Program and you’re injured.”

Faith scowled at her. “I’m perfectly fine, and as for the Stargate Program part, where do I sign up?”

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Day 3 - Hawaii - Five-0 headquarters - afternoon:

“You just had to shoot him, didn’t you?” Danny asked feeling exasperated as he looked at the redheaded marine. “What’s with soldiers all being so trigger-happy anyway?” he demanded to know. As if having Steve as a partner wasn’t bad enough. Couldn’t Colonel Carter have sent someone less ‘Steve-like’ to help them out? It would have been a nice change.

“He was going to shoot you,” Cadman stated for what felt like the hundredth time. Detective Williams had done nothing but complain and bitch the whole drive back from their failed attempt to get information from one of Delano’s associates. The man probably didn’t even know anything, and even if he did, should she have let him shoot Williams? Well, it would have shut him up…

“You could have aimed at the leg,” Danny said. “Why is that so hard for you guys?”

“Us guys?” Cadman asked with a raised eyebrow while getting out of the car and heading towards Five-0 headquarters. “Just in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not a guy.”

Danny glared at her. As if that wasn’t obvious, he thought. She was actually rather feminine and pretty… no, she was downright hot, which was why he had volunteered to pair up with her instead of Major Lorne. He had also thought, or better hoped, that she would be the more reasonable of the two, since she was a woman. He guessed he had been wrong about that. Not that he knew if Lorne was reasonable, but Cadman definitely wasn’t. She was just like Steve. Shoot first and ask questions later seemed to be something they taught in every branch of the military, while they neglected to mention that corpses couldn’t talk.

“The military,” Danny muttered. “I meant the military.”

Cadman smirked. She knew that of course, but irritating bitchy men was kind of fun. She had figured that out a long time ago, when she started working with Rodney McKay. Williams seemed to be just as fun to irritate as her favourite scientist. And on top of that he was actually rather hot. She liked the combination.

“How about next time you try shooting the criminal in the leg while he aims a gun at my head,” she suggested.

Danny frowned. “I had the situation under control.”

“If you call attempting to annoy the man to death having control of a situation then yes, you were in complete control.”

“That’s the whole point, I didn’t want him dead.”

“Ah, looks like you’re getting along brilliantly,” Kono said walking up to them and dragging a cuffed man with her.

“You call that getting along?” Major Lorne asked snorting slightly.

“Sure, Danny getting all whiny and bitchy with you means he loves you,” Kono stated.

Danny snorted. “Excuse me?”

Kono just chuckled and dragged the cuffed man into the building.

----- -----

“He isn’t talking,” Danny said about half an hour later, feeling frustrated.

“Maybe he just doesn’t know anything,” Cadman suggested. “Delano knows you’re after him, he’d be stupid to tell someone you knew was associated with him where he’s hiding.”

Danny sighed. She was probably right. “I wish we had another subject to interrogate…”

Cadman groaned. “Not again…”

“Guys,” Kono called, interrupting them.

Danny turned to her, not liking the sound of her voice. “What is it, Kono?”

“I think I’ve got an e-mail from Delano, with a link to a video.”

Danny stepped next to her, looking at the screen, his eyes narrowing. What the hell was Delano up to now?

“Should we look at it?” she asked glancing at Danny. He thought for a moment, then nodded.

As soon as Kono clicked on the link a live feed video popped onto their screen.

“Finally, I thought I was going to have to wait all day,” Delano said, sounding slightly bored.

“What do you want?” Danny asked. A fugitive contacting them couldn’t be good.

“What do I want? Hm, world peace, no sickness… ah, wait, that’s more up your alley, isn’t it?” Delano answered with a grin. “But enough about that. Since you pretty much locked down the island and I can’t leave I got a little bored and decided to play a game…” he added and turned a computer screen into the camera.

“Son of a bitch,” Danny shouted. “I’m gonna kill you!” The screen Delano had turned was divided into three parts. On the top left they saw Kamekona in his shrimp truck, under it the underside of the shrimp truck where a bomb was ticking down. On the right side Grace was bound to a chair, gagged, blindfolded and with a bomb strapped to her.

“Danny,” Kono muttered through gritted teeth, placing a hand on his arm. She felt just as pissed and scared as Danny - well, maybe not exactly as pissed and scared as he did, since it was his daughter, but she did care about both Grace and Kamekona, too - but losing control wouldn’t help now. “What do you want?” she asked, looking at Delano.

“Me? Nothing. Just thought I’d tell you that you have 15 minutes to get to them…” he gestured at the screen. “Oh, and if you think about tracing this video-feed… well, you can do that of course, but I’d hurry if I were you. If you get to them in time… you could at least say your goodbyes.” The video feed went dead.

“I had McKay trace the video feed,” Lorne said as soon as the screen went blank.

“Son of a bitch,” Danny screamed again. “I’m never gonna get to her in time!”

Cadman stepped to Danny, placing her hands on his arms and holding him still.

“Calm down. Freaking out isn’t going to help now. Where are they?”

“Grace is at home. At this time with traffic… I’ll never make it! I have to go…”

“Detective Williams,” Cadman started, but he ignored her, storming off. “Danny!” she shouted. “Tell us where they are and we’ll beam over!”

That stopped Danny in his tracks. Right, they had beaming technology! He quickly gave them the address.

“Go,” Kono said. “We’ll take care of Kamekona.”

------ ------

Danny and Cadman appeared next to Grace in almost no time.

“Grace, honey, Daddy is here. Don’t worry, we’re going to fix this,” he said while Cadman had a closer look at the bomb. Grace squirmed slightly in the chair. “Don’t move,” Danny told her. He was about to get rid of the gag and blindfold, but Cadman held him back.

“Don’t touch anything,” she warned.

Danny sighed but nodded. “You got a bomb squad you can get here?” he asked silently, looking at Cadman.

“We don’t need one. I can do this,” Cadman stated and quickly relied to the Hammond what kind of tools she’d need.

“You can do this?” Danny asked.

“I’m a bomb specialist.”

“She’s a bomb specialist… of course she is,” Danny muttered. She probably liked blowing stuff up as much as Steve did.

“Got a problem with that?” Cadman asked just as the requested tools were beamed down to her.

Danny glanced at her. “Well… no.” Right now, he really couldn’t be happier about that. His daughter had a bomb strapped to her and his temporary partner was a bomb specialist. Maybe she was useful after all… They’d see about that… if they survived this.

“You sure you know what you’re doing?” Danny asked looking over Cadman’s shoulder.

“Stop crowding me… and talking,” Cadman told him firmly.

“Sorry,” Danny muttered stepping back a little.

“Okay, done,” Cadman stated a minute - that seemed like a lifetime to Danny - later.

“Really?” Danny asked as relief started to flood through him.

“Really,” Cadman confirmed while starting to free Grace from the disarmed bomb. This really hadn’t been hard, but she guessed that the hard part was getting to the bomb in time… well, hard for anyone but them. She was really glad that the Hammond was still in orbit. She would have hated for anything to happen to Grace, and Danny. She kind of liked him, especially after seeing how much he cared about his daughter.

Danny quickly removed the blindfold and gag. As soon as Grace was free Danny pulled her into his arms. “It’s okay monkey, everything’s fine now,” he told her while watching Cadman talk over her radio.

“They got Kamekona out of the truck and the area evacuated,” Cadman said. “But I gotta go, have a look at the bomb.”

Danny nodded, then grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it. “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome,” Cadman said smiling and ruffled Grace’s hairs slightly before stepping back. “You’ve got a very brave daughter, Danny.” Then she disappeared in a ray of light.

“Where’d she go, Danno?” Grace asked looking around.

“To save the day one more time,” Danny answered looking at his daughter, a smile appearing on his face. “You okay?”

“I am now,” Grace said wrapping her arms around her father tightly.


Book Cover fanart for this chapter:

Chapter 4


btvs: faith/riley, fanfic, xover: btvs/stargate, btvs: faith lehane, sg: laura cadman, fanfic: it's far from over, hawaii 5-0, hawaii 5-0: steve mcgarrett, sg: evan lorne, sg: jack o'neill, xover ship: cadman/danny, sg-1, sg: sam carter, xover, sga, sg: ronon dex, hawaii 5-0: kono kalakaua, hawaii 5-0: danny williams, xover: h50/stargate, btvs: willow rosenberg, hawaii 5-0: other characters, sg: john sheppard, btvs

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