It's Far From Over: chapter 4

Aug 08, 2012 06:45

Title: It’s Far From Over
Rating: M
Genre: crossover, sci-fi, fantasy, action, adventure, romance, mostly het
Fandoms: Animorphs, Army Wives, BTVS, Doctor Who, Eureka, Hawaii Five-0, Legend of the Seeker, NCIS LA, Primeval, SG-1, SGA, SGU, Supernatural, Torchwood, Veronica Mars & Warehouse 13 (set mainly in the Stargateverse)
Characters: Aiden Ford, Allison Blake, Amy Pond, Bobby Singer, Cameron Mitchell, Cara Mason, Castiel, Chase Moran, Chin Ho Kelly, Chloe Armstrong, Claudia Donovan, Claudia Joy Holden, Daniel Jackson, Danny Williams, Dean Winchester, Denise Sherwood, Douglas Fargo, Eli Wallace, Elizabeth Weir, Evan Lorne, Eric Beale, Everett Young, Faith Lehane, Frank Sherwood, G. Callen, Grace Monroe, AU!Gwen Cooper, Helena G. Wells, Henry Deacon, Hetty Lange, Hilary Becker, Holly Marten, Jack Carter, Jack Harkness, Jack O'Neill, clone!Jack O’Neill, Jennifer Keller, Jenny, Jo Lupo, Kensi Blye, AU!Jo Harvelle, John Sheppard, Kahlan Amnell, Kono Kalakaua, Laura Cadman, Lori Weston, Martha Jones, Marty Deeks, Matthew Scott, Mickey Smith, Myka Bering, Nell Jones, Rachel Berenson, Richard Cypher, Riley Finn, River Song, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Rory Pond, Rose Tyler, Roxy LeBlanc, Sally Sparrow, Sam Carter, Sam Hanna, Sam Winchester, Stephen Hart, Steve McGarrett, Tamara Johansen, Teal'c, Teyla Emmagan, the Doctor (10.5 & 11), Trevor LeBlanc, Vala Mal Doran, Veronica Mars, Willow Rosenberg, Zane Donovan, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander + some minor characters
Pairings: Faith/Riley, Elizabeth/John, Sam/Jack O., AU!Gwen/Jack H., TJ/Cam, Martha/Becker, Rachel/Stephen, Lori/Steve, Kahlan/Richard, Cara/Ronon, Vala/Daniel, Kensi/Deeks, Cadman/Danny, Claudia/Eli, Veronica/Dean, Teyla/Teal’c, River/11, Rose/10.5, Jennifer/Rodney, Nell/Eric, Kono/Callen, Roxy/Trevor, Allison/Jack, Jo/Zane, Claudia Joy/Michael, Pamela/Chase, Denise/Frank, Amy/Rory, Chloe/Matthew, AU!Jo/clone!Jack O., Jenny/Ford, Sally/Mickey, Malia/Chin, Grace/Henry, Willow/Sam, past Willow/Kennedy
Summary: After an attack on the SGC the Stargate Program finds out about the supernatural and a secret plan of an old enemy who is set on taking over the Earth. Greatly weakened in numbers the Stargate Program begins to recruit while starting to hunt down their enemy.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters or fandoms. I wish I did… *g* I don’t make any money with this! I’m just writing the story for fun and hope someone else will enjoy it, too.
Spoiler Warnings: all of Animorphs, season 1-5 of Army Wives, all BTVS & ATS seasons (no Comics), season 1-6 of New Who, all of Eureka, season 1+2 of Hawaii Five-0 (2010), all of Legend of the Seeker, season 1-3 of NCIS LA, season 1-5 of Primeval, all of Stargate, season 1-6 of Supernatural, season 1-3 of Torchwood, all of Veronica Mars, season 1-3 of Warehouse 13
Other Warnings: some characters deaths (but no one listed under characters)
I’m German and my English isn’t and probably never will be perfect. I hope I don’t make too many mistakes. Feel free to point out errors so I can learn and improve.

Thanks again to my awesome beta landiana24 for betaing this chapter! :-)

Story Introduction with character info, etc *~*~* Story Master Post *~*~* Fanart (new and older ones that fit this story)

Fandoms & Characters in this chapter:

Army Wives: Michael Holden, Roxy LeBlanc
LOTS: Cara Mason, Kahlan Amnell, Richard Cypher, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander
Stargateverse: Cameron Mitchell, Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Sam Carter, Teal'c, Teyla Emmagan, Vala Mal Doran

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chapter 4: Invitations

Day 3 - Legend of the Seeker planet:

“Kahlan,” Richard screamed while fighting off one of the strangely dressed men that had attacked them and dragged Kahlan off. Cara and Zedd were fighting next to him. Unfortunately there were a lot of the enemy and they had strange weapons with which they were shooting at them. It looked a bit like lightning when they hit a person. They had seen it when Kahlan was hit and fell to the ground unconscious. For a moment Richard had feared the worst when she collapsed, but since the strangers dragged her off he assumed she was still alive. What would they want with a dead body?

Deflecting one of the attacker’s shots with his sword Richard saw a huge ring come to life by magic out of the corner of his eyes. The ring had been empty before, then some kind of magic seemed to billow out of it. Now the inside of the ring was full of bluish light.

“By the gods, the legend is true,” Zedd exclaimed.

“What legend?” Richard demanded to know.

“The legend tells of a portal to other worlds. The wizards of old have long wondered if it is true, but none of us ever managed to get the portal to work.”

“Not even you?” Cara asked.

“Not even me,” Zedd confirmed.

Richard frowned, not liking that at all. If the strangers managed what Zedd couldn’t do they must possess powerful magic.

“They are dragging Kahlan through the portal,” Cara called sounding frustrated.

“Then we’re going after them,” Richard decided. He would not abandon Kahlan, especially not now that they finally could be together.

“Run,” Cara called when the last of Kahlan’s kidnappers backed through the ring. They did, running as fast as they could and jumping the final distance, throwing themselves through the portal.

----- -----

Once on the other side Richard barely had time to look around as more shots were fired their way. Then the portal within the ring disappeared behind them. Crap, he guessed they were stuck here until they managed to make their enemy tell them how to open a portal back home.

The three of them advanced on their enemy with Zedd magically blocking their shots and disarming them. Then Richard and Cara attacked with their sword and agiels. They managed to take down three enemies before more of them appeared. Richard cursed. How many of them were there? He had barely finished that thought when another portal appeared in the ring behind them. Great, with more people coming through the portal they’d be surrounded. However, as soon as people did come through their enemy started shooting at the newcomers, who returned fire. Richard wasn’t sure what kind of weapons they had, but they seemed effective, and since they seemed to be on their side… for now… Richard really didn’t care what they fought with.

----- -----

“Take cover,” John called as soon as they and SG-1 were through the gate. The Stargate symbols from the file Willow Rosenberg decrypted had led them to this planet, and they had planned to search it with two teams, but apparently that was unnecessary. Ba’al’s people were right here and already shooting with Zat guns at them. They headed towards nearby rocks, but Rodney went down before they made it there. John cursed.

“Teyla, Ronon, get him,” he called while firing his p-90 at their attackers to give them cover. Mitchell joined him, quickly followed by the rest of SG-1. As soon as Teyla and Ronon had the unconscious Rodney behind a rock the others went for cover as well.

“Looks like Ba’al’s people are already in a fight,” Cam called.

John peered over the rock he was behind. Cam was right. A man was fighting with a sword and a woman with some kind of sticks. They probably weren’t from an advanced civilisation. Then John’s gaze fell on an old man who was…

“Did he just shoot fire from his hands?” he called disbelievingly.

“Unless he had a flame thrower tugged up his sleeve, yes, I believe he did,” Daniel answered.

“Well, magic is real, as we have recently been informed of,” Cam stated.

“You think he could be the Confessor Ba’al wants?” Ronon asked.

John glanced at his team mate. “Could be.” He wouldn’t put it past the Goa’uld to want a wizard, or whatever the hell the guy was.

“I don’t care if Ba’al wants him, but he’s not getting him!” Vala exclaimed. “Imagine him with a host like that…” she trailed off.

“Right,” John muttered. He really didn’t want to imagine that. “Let’s round them up. Teyla, stay with Rodney.” That said he gave a few signals and they attacked.

----- -----

When the newcomers really joined the fight their enemies started to drop pretty quickly, much to Richard’s delight. Their weapons were very effective, especially since they could use them from a distance.

“Leave some of them alive,” John called. “They might have useful information.”

“Fine,” Ronon grumbled setting his gun to stun and shooting one of Ba’al’s people with it.

Richard briefly held his arms up. “We’re not with them. They kidnapped our friend.” He called, hoping that these people wouldn’t attack them as well.

John nodded at the sword-wielding man. It was kind of obvious that they weren’t with Ba’al’s men. Even their clothes were a dead giveaway.

Richard nodded back, relieved, then looked around for Kahlan. She was on the ground a few feet away, still unconscious. He walked towards her, but before he managed to get to her one of their enemies reached her first, pulling her towards him and holding a knife to her throat.

“Stay away from me,” he called loudly. “I’m going to leave through the Chappa’ai unattacked, or she dies! Put your weapons down.”

“Easy,” John called, lifting up his hands slightly, as the man pressed the knife harder to the woman’s throat, drawing blood.

“Kahlan,” Richard muttered as her eyes flew open. The pain must have woken her up.

Kahlan’s eyes locked with Richard’s as she took in her surroundings. Someone was holding her and had a knife pressed to her throat. That was when she remembered the attack and being shot with some kind of painful magic.

“Get back,” the man holding her screamed next to her ear, making Kahlan wince slightly. Having had enough she grabbed his arm and yanked it away hard, making him drop the knife. Then she drove her elbow into his stomach, spun around and knocked him out.

John stared at the scene in front of him. One second they were in the middle of a hostage situation, the next the hostage turned it all around. Damn, she was good, and definitely no damsel in distress. “Nice,” he muttered whistling slightly.

Kahlan turned around, a satisfied smile on her face.

“Are you okay?” Richard asked rushing to Kahlan’s side and looking at the wound on her throat. Luckily it was just a scratch.

“I’m fine, Richard,” Kahlan assured him.

“Nice moves,” Vala stated with a grin, before adding. “So, which one of you is that Confessor?”

Daniel grimaced. Trust Vala not to waste any time, even with introductions.

“I am,” Kahlan stated.

“Why do you want to know?” Richard asked suspiciously.

“We found out that an enemy of ours was after a Confessor. We didn’t know any specifics, just this location,” Cam explained. “So we decided to come here, see if we could find out more.”

“Guess we arrived just in time,” John added.

“Yes, you did. Thank you for your help,” Zedd said, then decided that it was time for introductions. “I am Zeddicus Zu’l Zorander, wizard of the First Order, and these are Cara Mason, Kahlan Amnell, the Mother Confessor and Richard Cypher, the Seeker.”

“Nice to meet you, I am Colonel John Sheppard and these are my friends Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell, Daniel Jackson, Teal’c, Vala Mal Doran and Ronon Dex” John said gesturing at each of them in turn. “Oh, and Teyla Emmagan and Rodney McKay are back there.” He pointed towards the Stargate.

“Seeker?” Vala mused. “Seeker of what? And what does Confessor mean?”

“You have never heard of the Seeker? Or of Confessors?” Kahlan asked surprised.

“We’re in another world, Kahlan,” Richard informed her.

Kahlan turned to him, surprise and shock written all over her face. “We are what?”

“They took you through a portal in the ancient ring,” Zedd explained. He was sure Kahlan as a confessor knew about the ring and its legend.

“We followed before the portal closed,” Cara added.

“Wormhole,” Daniel stated.

“What?” Richard asked.

“It’s not a portal, it’s a wormhole. And the ring…,” Daniel said, gesturing at the gate. “…is called a Stargate or Chappa’ai, in their language.” He gestured at the people on the ground, who were either dead or unconscious.

“You know a lot about this Stargate,” Richard observed. “And you came through it. That means you know how to make it work,” he stated, but it was more of a hopeful question.

“Yes, we do,” Daniel answered.

“Then you can help us get home,” Cara said.

“Er,” John muttered. “Do you have a gate address?”

“Symbols that tell us where to send you,” Daniel clarified seeing their blank looks.

“No,” Zedd stated.

“Does that mean we can’t go home?” Kahlan wanted to know, feeling uneasy.

“Not right now. The Stargate leads to a lot of different worlds. Without an address we don’t know where to send you,” Daniel explained. “I’m sorry.”

“McKay can check the DHD, see which addresses were dialled last, but as far as I understand it that takes time and it still leaves us with a few dozen choices,” John added. “I’ll make sure he does it though.” Who knew, maybe they’d even find something concerning Ba’al on one of those planets.

“Thank you,” Zedd said.

“And we can ask them, once they wake up,” Ronon added gesturing at Ba’al’s people and starting to check which ones were alive.

“In the meantime, how about we don’t stay here,” Cam suggested. “There might be more of Ba’al’s people around.”

“Good idea,” John agreed. “You could come with us to our pl… world,” he suggested, looking at the four strangers. Ba’al was after the Confessor, so they better kept her safe until they figured out why exactly he wanted her.

Richard looked at Kahlan, Zedd and Cara. Trusting these people might be a risk, but they had helped them defeat the people who kidnapped Kahlan, and they were offering to help them find a way home, which they might never find on their own. Besides, what else could they do? Staying in this world, where Kahlan’s attackers had taken them and could find them again at any time? No, they definitely couldn’t stay here. It was too big a risk. He saw Kahlan nodding at him, guessing his thoughts, so he turned back to the others.

“We accept your offer.”

----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Day 3 - the Hump Bar, near Fort Marshall - late afternoon:

Roxy LeBlanc looked up when she heard someone sitting down at the bar. Finally another guest, she thought. Since Fort Marshall was closing soon a lot of soldiers had already left and the Hump Bar was feeling it. Roxy was pretty bored most of the time, with nothing to do but clean her already spotless bar… and miss her best friend Pamela, who had already moved to California with her family. She quickly pushed that thought away. It was too depressing.

Looking at the grey-haired man sitting at the bar Roxy was a little surprised. She had never seen him before. They hadn’t had a lot of new faces around here recently because Fort Marshall was closing. She also noticed that he looked tired.

“Long day?” she asked.

Lt. General Jack O’Neill snorted slightly, but not in a happy way. “More like long days,” he answered.

The look on his face didn’t let Roxy doubt it. She had seen a lot of soldiers wear it. It was the look that she had learned to associate with ‘I have seen too much in my life and it is weighing me down’.

“How about a drink and some Gambo?” she suggested. “Might do you some good.”

Jack looked at her, thinking. When had he last eaten? This morning? Yeah, he was pretty sure Sam dragged him to Atlantis’ mess hall this morning. Someone even offered him froot loops. As if he’d ever eat those again!

“Just between you and me… would you eat it if you were me? It is food, right?” he asked. He was kind of hungry, but Gambo? It sounded weird.

Roxy chuckled. His face reminded her of her sons TJ and Finn, when she told them to eat food they had never tried before and were not sure they ever wanted to.

“Definitely,” she assured him. “It’s our special. Everyone loves it.”

Jack wrinkled his nose, making her laugh slightly. Then she turned around and called to the kitchen for some Gambo.

“If you don’t like it you don’t have to pay for it,” she assured him.

“What makes you so sure I even want to like it now?” he asked with a mischievous smile.

Roxy grinned. She liked his humor, and it made him look years younger.

“You should do that more often. It suits you,” she stated.

“Do what?” Jack asked.

“Smile,” she answered.

Jack chuckled. Yeah, it had been a good idea to come to this place while he waited for General Holden to get back from Washington. Apparently a surprise visit to Ford Marshall hadn’t been his best idea, but he was trying to stay under the radar. If no one knew what he was up to Ba’al couldn’t find out and use it to his advantage. Yes, he was probably paranoid, but better paranoid than played by a Goa’uld. And besides, having to wait for General Holden didn’t turn out to be so bad after all. Someone at Ford Marshall had suggested the Hump Bar, and Jack thought he now knew why. If the food was half as good as the bartender he was sure it was edible.

“So, what are you drinking?”

“Just some coffee.”

“You sure? It’s pretty late already,” Roxy stated glancing at the clock. A lot of people had trouble sleeping if they drank coffee at this hour.

Jack snorted. “Trust me, my day is far from over,” he stated. Besides, if something kept him awake at night it definitely wasn’t coffee.

“I know I don’t even know you, but I’m pretty sure you work too much,” she stated while placing the coffee next to him.

“Can’t argue with that,” he agreed. “But it comes with the territory, if you have two jobs.”

“I tried that once. It was exhausting,” Roxy stated. Especially while being a single mother, she added in thoughts. Luckily she had found Trevor and he turned her life around.

“Tell me about it,” Jack muttered.

“Maybe you should get rid of one of the jobs,” she suggested. He didn’t look like he did it because he needed the money. Besides, he was a soldier. If they had two jobs, it had to be something important, right? Especially with him being a… she looked at his uniform to check for a rank and noticed that it looked a little… off.

“Can’t,” he simply stated, not elaborating. ‘I have major trust issues right now because an evil alien blew up our secret military base’ would probably sound a little crazy.

“Hm, how about delegating?” she asked. “There has to be someone you can tell to do your least favourite duties, right? I mean, you’re a…” she glanced at his uniform again, but for some reason couldn’t find the rank where it was supposed to be.

Jack grinned, yes, he should definitely let someone else do some of his least favourite tasks, like meeting with the IOA or sitting in conference rooms all day.

“General,” he said, finishing her sentence. “Lieutenant General Jack O’Neill, United States Air Force.”

Oh, that’s why the uniform looked a little different, Roxy thought. She probably should have seen that, but it was the first time she had seen someone from the Air Force up close.

“What’s an Air Force General doing here, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Just a little recruiting,” Jack stated.

“Seriously?” Roxy wanted to know. “At Ford Marshall? I thought the different military branches didn’t get along.” Had she misunderstood something… again?

“In my line of work we don’t really care about that,” Jack stated. Yes, there was a lot of rivalry among the different military branches, but who cared about that on another planet? He certainly didn’t. It was about having the best person for the job, regardless of their military background, or even lack thereof.

“And what line of work would that be?” Roxy asked curiously.

“I’m afraid that’s classified.”

Somehow Roxy wasn’t surprised about that answer at all. He gave off that ‘mysterious vibe’.

“Now you made me curious,” she said with a grin.

Jack chuckled.

“Roxy, the Gambo,” a voice from the kitchen called.

“Ah, right,” Roxy muttered rushing off. Once she got back she put the Gambo down in front of Jack.

“So, it’s Roxy?” Jack asked, but it was more of a statement.

“Oh, sorry, I haven’t even introduced myself, have I?” she muttered and held her hand out. “Roxy LeBlanc.”

Jack shook her hand before eyeing the Gambo.

“It’s not going to bite you,” Roxy said chuckling.

“You sure about that?” he asked mischievously. There seemed to be some fish swimming in that Gambo…

“So, LeBlanc…” he started before trying the Gambo. Hm, he had definitely eaten worse. “…I think I offered your husband a job today.”

“Seriously?” she asked again. “I mean… you did? And it’s classified?”

Jack smirked. “Yes, seriously.” Lieutenant LeBlanc’s record was outstanding, and Jack had liked what he saw while observing the man’s training today. So he had invited him and several other soldiers for tests the next day. “There are going to be some tests tomorrow, but if he’s as good as his record claims we’re happy to have him.”

“But you’re not going to tell me what kind of job it is?”


“Not even a tiny hint?”

Seeing her ‘puppy-dog look’ Jack chuckled, but shook his head firmly.

“Not even where the job would be?”

Well, telling her that couldn’t hurt, could it? “California,” he finally answered, leaving it vague.

“Really?” Roxy asked beaming.

“I take it that’s good?”

“Perfect! My best friend just moved to California. Her husband left the Army. He was a member of the Delta Force, but all the secrets were hard for his family, so he finally decided to give the private sector a try… in California.”

“And you’d love to be able to see her more often again.”


“Well, tell your husband to give his best tomorrow.”

“Oh, you can count on that!”

Jack grinned, liking her enthusiasm. “I hope he does well,” he said. “Maybe you could open your own bar…”

“I already did. I own this place,” Roxy stated proudly. Well, she still did for a few days. “But with Fort Marshall closing I had to sell it. It’s actually my last week here.” She sounded a little wistful. She’d miss the Hump Bar!

“I tell you what… if your husband gets the job, I’m gonna let you open a place like this in our base of operations,” he promised.

“Really? You’re not kidding?”

“No, I’m not,” Jack assured her. He really liked this place and Roxy. For the first time in days he felt like he could relax a little. And the city was big enough. He had even seen an abandoned part of the city with shops and restaurants when he first came to Atlantis and got lost. Maybe it was time to reopen at least one of those ancient places again. “Atlantis really could use a place where people can go to relax after their shifts are over,” he mused.

“You named you secret base Atlantis?” Roxy asked in a conspiratorial tone of voice, leaning in close.

Jack stared at her a little shocked, then groaned. “I said that last part out loud, didn’t I?”

“Sure did,” she stated smirking. “But your secret’s safe with me, I promise.”

“It better is or I’m going to have to arrest you,” he said jokingly. Truthfully though, he was actually the one he would have to arrest in that case.

“I really must be overworked,” he muttered. Otherwise he never would have slipped up like that. Or maybe it was the loss of so many friends and co-workers.

“I told you, you need to delegate,” Roxy stated firmly.

“I think you’re right. Know any trustworthy Generals I could hire?”

Roxy looked at him, then grinned. “As a matter of fact, I do. I don’t think General Holden has gotten his new orders yet. And he’s a great General, cares about all the people under his command, not just the higher ranked soldiers, and he’s a pretty nice guy, too. I’m sure you’d like him.”

Jack smiled. He had hoped she’d say that. He had briefly met General Holden years ago, before he even joined the Stargate program. Holden and his unit had saved his life after his plane went down. When Jack heard that Fort Marshall was closing and that Major General Michael Holden was currently in charge of it he had decided to come and check it out to do some recruiting. He had been thinking about offering Holden a job as well. Jack wasn’t willing to give either of his jobs up right now, but he was willing to share the responsibility and work. Since he was a Lieutenant General himself he outranked Holden, which meant he could let Holden help him out and still have the final say in every area he deemed necessary, especially since Holden had no experience in extraterrestrial matters. Once he got to know Holden better and trusted him enough he could rethink splitting the two jobs up again. Hearing Roxy praise Holden confirmed Jack’s decision. Most people probably wouldn’t value the opinion of a bar owner, but that was exactly why he valued it. She had nothing to gain by recommending a General. Plus, a Lieutenant’s wife talking like that about a General must mean that he really made an impression. Generals and the wives of Lieutenants didn’t necessarily mix. A lot of them were a little ‘elitist’, which was something Jack didn’t like. His soldiers all risked their lives on an almost daily basis and deserved to be treated with equal respect.

Before Jack had a chance to reply the chair next to him started to move.

“General O’Neill,” General Michael Holden said. “I am sorry you had to wait. When I came back from Washington and heard you decided to go to the Hump Bar I came over as quickly as I could.”

“General Holden,” Jack said, shaking the man’s hand. “It’s no problem that I had to wait. I came unannounced. And besides, Roxy has been keeping me company.”

Michael turned to Roxy with a smile. “I’m sure she did,” he said. “Hello, Roxy, nice to see you again. Oh, and Claudia Joy told me that she will come by the bar later with Denise.”

“General Holden,” Roxy said in greeting and smiled at the news. “Can’t wait. I’m dying of boredom around here. Well, unless mysterious Air Force Generals show up to entertain me.” She chuckled. “What can I get you General Holden?”

----- -----

Having left the two Generals to talk among themselves Roxy turned on the TV in the corner of the bar. It was a goodbye present from Pamela, since she would no longer be able to entertain Roxy when the bar was almost empty. Or maybe Pamela just hadn’t been able to fit it in the moving truck anymore and wanted a new one anyway.

Zapping around she came to a news report. It looked like there had been a public shooting.

“Roxy, can you turn the volume up?” Jack called.

“Sure,” she answered and complied.

Jack stared at the TV, where a news reporter talked about a shooting in LA, or better an execution. The whole thing had been filmed. Jack’s eyes fixed on the ‘victim’. The man looked awfully familiar.

“I’m sorry, General Holden, I need to make a call,” he stated getting up and pulling out his mobile.

“Sam, turn on the TV,” he started once she picked up, then told her the channel. He knew when she was watching it by the sound of her sucking in a breath.

“It’s the man in the picture,” Sam muttered. “The one in Robin Wood’s files.”

“That’s what I thought,” Jack stated. They hadn’t been able to identify him yet. Maybe they just caught a break. “Find out what that shooting was all about and who the shooter is, then call me back.”


Book Cover fanart for this chapter:


(chapter 5)


army wives: roxy leblanc, xover: lots/spn, fanfic, sg: cameron mitchell, lots: richard, lots: kahlan, fanfic: it's far from over, sg: rodney mckay, army wives: other characters, lots: cara, sg: jack o'neill, sg: vala maldoran, sg-1, sg: teal'c, xover, sga, sg: ronon dex, lots: kahlan/richard, sg: teyla emmagan, lots: zedd, sg: daniel jackson, army wives, sg: john sheppard, xover: army wives/stargate, lots

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