random update and beecher/keller picspam

May 15, 2010 22:24

Good riddance Heroes. You won't be missed.
I'm pretty sure no one is mourning over the show being canceled, except maybe for Sylar/Claire creepy fans.
Oh, well.

On a more positive note, I did an OZ marathon last week. After 7 years, I'm still trying to convince my friends to watch the show only to squee over Beecher and Keller's relationship.
I've ( Read more... )

tv: oz, heroes is a pile of shit, otp: beecher/keller, i love tags, photoshop is my boyfriend, !picspams, tv: heroes

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Comments 26

levitatethis May 15 2010, 21:19:58 UTC
This makes me happier than I can say. Oz always puts a grin on my face and this picspam is **shiver** so good :-) You should post it (or a link to it) at oz_rapsheet. It would be very much appreciated :-)


sara_stc May 15 2010, 22:04:42 UTC
Heee, I'm really glad there is at least one OZ fan on my f-list (:

You should post it (or a link to it) at oz_rapsheet.
Thank you. I would have x-posted it but I didn't find any b/k comm here.
I wonder why OZ doesn't get more love, except for the last season, It's one of the best acted/written shows I've ever seen.


levitatethis May 16 2010, 01:19:55 UTC
Oh man, anytime you want to talk about "Oz" drop me a line :-) In the last year I've managed to turn at least 5 friends onto this show...7 years after the fact, but still.

Even though I watched the show when it first aired, I didn't get involved in fandom for it until last June (almost coming up on a year now). So I missed the hey day of the fandom. But it's still going strong, albeit with a smaller group. Stories are still written somewhat regularly (I contribute when I can), challenges for the communities still go on throughout the year. It's worth checking out. I have some comms linked on my profile page if you're interested in checking them out.


sara_stc May 16 2010, 08:37:59 UTC
May I say your icon is distracting me? I don't think I'm really able to form coherent thoughts at the moment. XDWow, 7 is a pretty good number (: I wish I had the same luck ( ... )


luci_2 May 15 2010, 22:56:41 UTC
Came here through OZ Rapsheet. Thanks for posting. It's always wonderful to see the
laundry room scene. Your picspam does it justice.


sara_stc May 15 2010, 23:20:02 UTC
The laundry room scene is definitely one of my favorite b/k moments.
I'm glad you liked the picspam.


frelling_tralk May 15 2010, 22:57:46 UTC


sara_stc May 15 2010, 23:20:16 UTC


numenora May 16 2010, 00:07:47 UTC
I still love them, too. No other couple compares to these two. Yep, I'm still aqueeing! ♥


sara_stc May 16 2010, 06:55:31 UTC
They're definitely squee-worthy!
Love your icon, btw (:


numenora May 16 2010, 10:28:41 UTC
Thanks! One of my LJ friends made it and a few others for me. :-)


trillingstar May 16 2010, 03:54:15 UTC
YAY. The laundry room kiss makes all *happy sigh*. Very pretty.

P.S. The Great Big Oz Resource List. Oz is such a small fandom - there aren't any strictly B/K comms, but there's leeloni for all things Tergesen/Meloni, and also an art comm, oz_graffiti.


sara_stc May 16 2010, 07:07:53 UTC
Thank you!
For being such a dysfunctional pairing, It's very surprising how many sweet moments they shared.

Thanks for the tip. Will definitely check oz_graffiti out ;)


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