MKSP: 106 Just My Bill

Mar 10, 2009 22:41

Michael Knight Sex Project: Episode 106 Just My Bill

The damsel-in-distress in this episode is more of a dame-in-distress--a middle-aged state senator who's straight-spoken, gutsy and awfully cool. Also, she's not even remotely interested in Michael. She does have an assistant, if I remember right, so Michael may be in with a chance of seeing some action there.

This isn't one of my favorite episodes because Michael and KITT don't get as much of a chance to interact as in some other episodes. And when they do, they're almost never alone together, which also changes the dynamic. However, an evening watching even a less-than-entirely-satisfactory Knight Rider episode is still a lot of fun.

--The episode starts with Devon accompanying Maggie as she inspects a construction site. She's obviously a very hands-on state senator and appears to be well liked. (And Devon's cute in a powder-blue hard hat. :D) And check out Maggie's *huge* big glasses. :D 1982, baby, yeah!

--Devon wants to talk to her privately, but Maggie's not going to take time out of her busy schedule to allow him to do that, so if he wants to talk her he'll have to do it while she's working. Hee.

--Yay, Maggie's standing up against a power bill that will damage the environment and hurt the common people. And she's taking the time to explain to these construction workers why the bill's against their interests.

--Maggie: "Devon, I'm currently opposing a lot of bills. You'll have to be more specific."

--She's dead set against having a bodyguard, until she and Devon almost get smished by a falling load of concrete. That brings her 'round.

--Bonnie's working *under* KITT, lying on the floor of the semi, and the jumpsuit still doesn't get dirty!! :D

--Not even on the back where she was lying on the floor.

--She's making a very delicate adjustment to something on KITT, but I can't hear exactly what. It sounds like "laser darts" but since KITT doesn't *have* laser darts obviously my ears are being especially crappy this evening.

--KITT: "Bonnie, with those hands you should have been a surgeon." Hee!! :D

--Michael doesn't want to get a new case just yet because he has a date. Hee!! Apparently Devon broke his date for him. :D Poor Sabrina was just heartbroken.

--Gosh Bonnie's pretty. (I think I say that about once an episode don't I?)

--Apparently KITT gave Devon Sabrina's phone number. :D Hee!! It makes my little heart happy that KITT helped Devon break Michael's date. Happy indeed.

--Michael's telling KITT to try not to look too conspicuous, when he's the prettiest (and cleanest) car in the parking garage. :D KITT always attracts attention.

--Oh, yeah! I just adore the fact that when Michael gets spiffy for things like funerals and going to the state legislature, he puts on a dress shirt and a jacket over his jeans. With the big belt buckle that brings such tremendous joy to my heart. Apparently the halls of government don't even merit a tie. :D

--Michael's got KITT illegally parked in the garage at the state building, and KITT's left to keep himself from getting towed. Because that's not conspicuous at all.

--Maggie does have an assistant, Jane (we find out her name later). She's not showing the slightest bit of interest in Michael so far, but things might change.

--Michael overhears Maggie getting into it with the sponsor of the Bad Power Plant Bill, Forbes (I think that's the name anyway, so I'm going with it). Maggie: "The people of this state will not be swindled out of their natural resources." Oh, would 'twere that the real world had more state legislators like her.

--That's some serious Power Hair on Maggie. Like Nancy Reagan's. Scary stuff.

--Maggie: "Devon's more of an old lady than I am." :D

--Michael's trying to subtly summon KITT with Maggie standing right there. Hee! :D

--And KITT saves them from getting schmeissed by a bad guy. Go KITT!

--I feel a little for Maggie--her first encounter with KITT is in a pursuit, so she's getting the full effect right out the box. :D

--Oh, KITT, I love you so. By the time Michael's thought to check and see if KITT got the license plate on the car they were chasing, KITT's already started the inquiry to get a name. "Unfortunately the response has been delayed. You know how difficult it is to deal with bureaucratic computers."

--Maggie's rather adorably enthusiastic about being in a talking car. :D

--Yeah, Maggie's fun. Michael's wanting her to keep a lower profile while he's investigating who wants to kill her and her response is that she won't be intimidated.

--Michael calls Devon to point out that he can't investigate who's trying to kill Maggie as long as he needs to bodyguard her, and Devon promises to take care of the problem. Hmmm....

--Oh, Michael's such a sweetie. He just opened Maggie's door for her too.

--Maggie and KITT have a mutual appreciation society going. :D It's very cute.

--Devon is calling Maggie away to moderate the panels at an international conference on "Democracy In the Emerging Nations" that Maggie helped arrange. Apparently the moderator has suddenly had to cancel. Maggie smells a rat, suggesting that Devon's had to stoop to blackmail. Devon: "It can't be blackmail if you care."

--Michael's sitting in the background trying not to smile. :D

--They manage to convince her to go to the nice, safe, Foundation Retreat Center because the vote on the bill won't be until well after she's back from the conference.

--Somehow we jump from Jane, the assistant, not being in the office and Michael pacing around talking to KITT about the license plates, to Jane and Michael in KITT going somewhere. Okay.

--Okay, so Michael was talking to KITT in front of Maggie, but when Jane asks about all the lights on the dashboard he tells her they're a "little computer gadget the Foundation had installed". Now I know he's supposed to keep KITT and his abilities kind of on the QT, though he does a remarkably poor job of it. But why not trust Jane?

--Ah, but then two minutes later, he wants her to stay in the car and tells her she'll have KITT to keep her company. Jane: "Who's KITT?" KITT: "The little computer gadget." Michael: "I'm sorry. You're not the easiest thing in the world to explain."

--KITT: "Next time you have trouble, just ask me. I know exactly who I am." Hee!! ::hugs KITT::

--Maggie immediately thought KITT was cool and exciting. Jane, being cut of an inferior bolt of cloth, is clearly extremely uncomfortable with KITT trying to make small talk with her. Poor KITT. I'll be pretty ticked at Michael if he does start anything with Jane, though there's still not the slightest *hint* of interest on either side.

--Okay, Michael's pretending to be an old friend of Brian Owendorf, whose name came up when KITT ran the plate on the car that tried to run Maggie down. Though Jane says Owendorf's a long time ally. And now Owendorf is running away without talking to Michael.

--Jane is not at all thrilled when KITT starts chasing after the fleeing guy.

--And now KITT's herding him back toward Michael. Rather effectively. There must be a bit of border collie in his programming. :D

--The big bad guy in this episode is not actually the senator sponsoring the bill, but some eminence grise (probably the person who will reap the benefits of the power plant). Junior bad guy is a dude named Luger, who's just been charged with using any means necessary to keep Maggie at the retreat center.

--Okay, this is weird. The next morning, Michael has a breakfast laid for Maggie on her back porch. She's surprised to see him there. I don't get the impression they were together during the night for at least two reasons (her surprise at him being there and the fact that they weren't getting along all that well the day before). But he's got china and silverware and apparently, home brewed coffee for her. They're not in LA (they're probably in Sacramento), so he didn't just bring the stuff over from the mansion. Maybe he's staying at Maggie's and borrowed it from her place. It's nice little spread he's got set up though.


--For completely unaccountable reasons, *now* they're flirting. Though I guess I'd flirt with a guy who set up an al fresco breakfast with china and coffee and all that for me too. But, Michael, she doesn't like KITT, which means she's not the gal for you. Even transiently. Move along.

--She does look a lot more relaxed today though. That icky ruffly collar and ribbon tie was just way too 80s Dress For Success, the women's version.

--Okay, I realize I'm being a skosh self-indulgent in the matter of 'caps of Michael from this breakfast. But damn!

--Forbes, the dirty senator, has pushed the bill through so it's coming up for a vote several days early. And when Michael tries to call the retreat center to let them know he's coming to get Maggie, he finds that the phone lines were cut.

--Oh, hey!! Michael just said *explicitly* that he was in the Special Forces. Yay! So that's actual canon, not just from the writer's bible. (And, really, I don't have any sort of soldier fetish, but Special Forces...that's pretty yummy for some reason.)

--I like this ensemble of Maggie's (Even if it does look like she dies her Power Hair with tea.)

--Oh, I do love the sound of KITT's engine. I want a car that hums like that. I wish I could screencap that.

--So Jane, who was getting comfortable with Michael, is still not prepared to be relaxed around *KITT*. Especially when he's turbo boosting over Luger's road block. She's hollerin' as they jump over but Michael, as always, loves it.

--Gosh, KITT really is the prettiest, sleekest car out there. :D

--Go, Michael!! He's got the state police and the National Guard out to help get the international dignitaries out of the siege at the retreat center.

--Yay! KITT's giving Michael advice on how to get past an obstruction and Michael's taking it without hesitation. They've come so far since the pilot.

--BigBad's sending additional assistance in the form of a dude in a helicopter with a grenade launcher of some sort. Actually it's got to be more substantial than a grenade, because KITT wouldn't have much problem with one of those. (He sat on like six sticks of dynamite in the last episode with nothing more than some damage to his muffler.)

--Michael: "KITT, take over, buddy. You're on your own." And then he climbs out through the sunroof to deal with the chopper more directly. (And yeah, this is now two of my shows that wind out with the hero hanging from a helicopter. :D)

--Michael can also fly a helicopter. :D

--And he jumps back into KITT and lets the chopper crash itself. KITT: "It's nice to have you back." Michael: "It's nice to be back."

--Maggie's loving the fun of being in this pursuit. Heee!! So awesome.

--Forbes is there claiming to the speaker of the house that Maggie's withdrawn her opposition, Which was really dumb, because he's going to look like the skeezer he is when she gets there.

--The episode ends with Michael, Jane and Devon going out to dinner to celebrate their victory against the bill, while Maggie's at some conference in Palm Beach. Huh. And KITT bitches a bit about being stuck in the parking lot while the others are at dinner.

--Oo0! Sometimes I pause and it's just serendipity that I get something pretty. I might feel a new icon coming on. :D

Final Verdict: I suspect we're supposed to think that Michael and Jane got it on and that's why he was at her house for breakfast the next morning. But if that's the impression they're trying to give us, they could be a little less bizarre about it. I mean at breakfast she's wearing a robe/caftan/house-dress type deal that covers her from neck to ankles, which would be a little strange if they'd just had sex. She's clearly surprised he's there. I'm not sure I see Michael being the sort to poke around in someone else's kitchen while they sleep. Heck, if the show wants me to believe that Michael had sex with her, they should have showed them getting along well *before* it supposedly happened. So I don't think so--I think he's crashing at Maggie's and borrowed the dishes from her place and returned them that afternoon and was just trying to be nice to (and win over) a person he was going to have to work with on the case. Though, honestly, neither option is completely plausible.

ETA: It occurs to me, somewhat belatedly, that I ought to mention the off-screen girls as well. He had a date with this Sabrina chick, and Devon gave her a rain-check. But it's impossible to gauge what that date was going to entail from the information given, but he's clearly got a social life outside his cases.

All screencaps are my own. Please feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

All of my Knight Rider fanworks are linked here.
All of my episode notes, in all fandoms, are linked here.

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