MKSP: 104 Good Day At White Rock & 105 Slammin' Sammy's...

Mar 06, 2009 00:36

Michael Knight Sex Project: Episode 104 Good Day At White Rock

This episode is not one of my favorites--mostly because Michael and Devon still haven't sorted out their adversarial relationship. I like it better when the team starts functioning more as a *team*. Also the placement of this one in the season is extremely silly. This is the third episode (effectively) and Michael's there asking for a few days of R&R because he's been working so hard.

On the other hand, my recollection from watching it back in January is that Michael's in with a chance of getting some action in this one. Maybe.

--Once again, these notes are going to be mostly focused on Michael and his chances with the Girl of the Week, though I don't promise to stay totally on point. It's hard to stay focused when he's smiling like this.

--Continuing with the digression for a minute, Devon's practically kicking Michael out the door on his vacation here. ::frowns at Devon:: What's his beef? Well aside from the fact that Michael just came into swanky-town restaurant and ordered a burger and fries. And is a bit of a loose cannon on deck.

--Obviously my mind is wandering just a little bit this evening, but this screencap is making me mighty happy. :D

--So is this one. :D

--Hee, they're playing word games with each other in on the road. :D And KITT, still very young and with his personality not fully realized, is not grasping the concept of "vacation" at all.

--Discussing Michael going rock climbing. KITT: "An activity which could easily get you killed or seriously injured." Michael: "I didn't know you cared." KITT: "Of course I care. After all, that's the way I was programmed, isn't it?" Oh, I so want to explore that one of these days. Mmm!

--I really am about to start focusing on the Sex Project I promise. One last bit of which I notice not *only* Michael looking quite yummy but also the fact that they have a two person tent for sale for $24.99!! I wonder if it's any good.

--And here we have our first look at this week's wholesomely pretty girl. She runs the general store in the town of White Rock.

--Michael's definitely flirting with her. "I came to climb, but I've been known to get hooked on new things." (With a bit of a sexy growl in his voice.)

--She doesn't respond in kind. She checks him out with a quick glance then says, "Oh" in a totally flat tone.

--Then they both relax and she gives him a nice smile, so maybe she's just not used to strangers coming into her shop and flirting with her.

--Okay, her little brother (Davey) comes in raving about the awesome car out front, obviously KITT, and then runs back outside, and she and Michael go back to a more substantial flirting in which he orders lunch with a side order of meaningful conversation. This time she's a lot more responsive.

--She's on the verge of getting a nickname that she's going to be stuck with for the rest of these notes if they don't say her name soon.

--And Michael's asking the very little brother if his sister has a boyfriend. Davey (admiring KITT): "She's beautiful." Michael (looking at GOTW in the shop): "Yeah, I noticed." Davey: "Great body." Michael: "Yeah, I noticed that too."

--Here we have Davey and Michael in KITT. Davey's showing off for the other kids in town by being driven around in the awesome car.

--White Rock suffers under the burden of an absolute douche of a sheriff. Seriously. He lets bullies push people around because stopping them is not conducive to maintaining the "peace". Moving *on*...

--Okay, maybe it's preachy, but I definitely do like Michael explaining to Davey that the time to fight is only when you don't have any other choice. I heart this show!!

--Okay, so having established that Michael's on vacation and the town sheriff is a waste of a badge, we now get to the main plot of the story. A motorcycle gang comes into town, smashes up a loutish-but-solid citizen's beloved van and then barge in to the GOTW's general store.

--Whereupon the skeeviest person in the gang starts pawing at her.

--The leader of the gang asks the GOTW for her name, and Davey busts in giving *his*, so I still haven't heard her name and, since I can't keep calling her GOTW forever, she's going to be Sis for a while , because that's what Davey calls her. (And yeah, she's totally holding him between herself and the gang--I think this is both as a shield and to keep him from being a little too feisty for his own good).

--Michael's climbing. :D I have no idea if the gear is even remotely accurate (for 1982) or if his technique sucks or what...but I still like it.

--And poor KITT left down at the bottom of the cliff to entertain himself. And scare off a dog from sniffing at his tires with intent to pee by playing a sound like the roar of Cerberus.

--The leader of the gang is stopping the rape-minded Skeezer from molesting Sis.

--And in comes the useless Sheriff Waste. He does keep the Skeezer from raping Sis, but he let them walk out without any sort of confrontation. And gives them a free six-pack of beer from Sis's fridge. (At her expense.)

--I wonder if Sheriff Waste would have been as useless if they *had* raped Sis. It was definitely going in that direction.

--Sherry!! Ah, ha!! Sis's name is Sherry!

--Davey meets Michael at the top of the cliff and tells him there's trouble in town. Apparently it's a pretty easy walk from the town to the top of the cliff. Michael sends him back and he'll pick him up on the road. Michael's got to go back down the cliff to pick up his car. "What's so important about your car?" "You'd be surprised. You really would." And then he rappels down the cliff. :D

--Poor Sherry's a mess when Michael and Davey get back to the general store. She didn't know Davey'd gone for him and as soon as Michael asks how she is, she just crumbles. And Michael invites her into a comforting hug, because he's just that nice a guy. Hoo boy, would I feel comforted by being hugged by him. (And yeah, they're all wearing very very similar plaid shirts, maybe that was the style in 1982.)

--I love that KITT can read Michael's fingerprints and will only open the car door for him (unless he's been told otherwise).

--Umm he's looking a little yummy here. :D

--I think Sherry just made a mistake in sending Davey for Sheriff Waste because Michael was having an issue with Skeezer. Because Waste just arrested *Michael* rather than the crowd of people who were beating on KITT with clubs and chains. Jesus, this town would be better off with no law-enforcement at all.

--Well, this picture will make me feel better. :D

--The Sheriff impounded KITT too.

--Sherry's forbidding Davey from having anything to do with the motorcycle gang. Which is probably wise, because he's a feisty kid.

--It's possible I'm losing the thread of the symposium here. But just look...

--So Michael tells KITT to get himself out of impound, but Michael's taking care of his own escape from prison this time, rather than having KITT bust him out. Which is pretty smart, because eventually Sheriff Waste is going to have to arrest the bikers and he's going to need an intact jail to keep them in.

--Why on earth is there a couple making out in the back of a car in the police impound yard?

--I wonder if I should possibly be disturbed by my fondness for pictures of Michael behind bars...

--Michael (planning to go snoop around the motorcycle gang's camp): "Listen, if I don't make it back, go find Davey and Sherry and take them out of White Rock." KITT: "You're the driver. But on the whole I think it would be preferable if you did come back." Michael: "Thanks." ::hugs them::

--Michael, don't put on that motorcycle guy's clothes, you'll get fleas or lice or something.

--Skeezer still wants "a part of that chick in the store". Ick.

--OMG Michael is asking KITT for suggestions about how to handle the problem with the bikers planning their war over the town of White Rock. So nice! That makes me crazy happy. I might have to decide I like this episode after all.

--Damn he's got pretty eyes.

-What the hell is Davey doing at the gang camp? Little idiot! Sherry should have tied him to a chair or something.

--Michael, honey, I love you. Seriously. Your faith that Sheriff Waste will find his balls if you show the way for him is so noble. But dude, do not go back to the jail that you broke out of and expect not to get arrested by the moron Sheriff again.

--Michael's already doing better with Sherry than any other chick so far. He gets a kiss (well, a peck anyway) "for good luck".

--Whatever happened with the Sheriff, Michael is driving to the gang camp the next morning with Sherry.

--Apparently KITT's dashboard doesn't look like "Darth Vader's bathroom" (a quote from the pilot) during normal running, because Davey comments that "it didn't look like this before".

--Car chase excitement with KITT being incredibly beautiful. And Michael being a little intense and sexy scary.

--Yay! Turbo-boost!! There wasn't any in the last two episodes I watched so it's nice to see KITT in the air again...that doesn't sound right...

--Even KITT's getting dusty on these dirt roads. I wonder if Michael's going to take him for a car wash later.

--The car chase with a whole pack of motorcycles is fun. :D

--"Sally Fields trusted Burt Reynolds." They're making Smoky And The Bandit references. Whee!

--Hey, Sheriff Waste found his balls finally! Yay!! And they've caught Gang A (the Scorpions) and are now waiting for Gang B (the Road Dawgs) to arrive. And the Sheriff turns Gang B around and sends them out of town with a show of force. Yay!

--Michael finds Devon back in the same restaurant he found him in before. And Devon okays his expenses and basically pushes him away on another vacation. "Don't hurry back."

--And Michael goes back out to where Sherry's waiting in KITT and they drive off together. Well, KITT drives and Michael and Sherry...

Final Verdict: Oh, yeah, Michael and Sherry are about to head off for a few days together and there's no doubt that they're doing it. No doubt at all. Michael tells KITT to keep driving "until one of us runs out of gas".

Michael Knight Sex Project: 105 Slammin' Sammy's Stunt Show Spectacular

This is one of those episodes that makes me wonder what exactly the Foundation for Law And Government does. What is the scope of its work? Because they're sending their independent field operative and his multi-million dollar car to save an automotive stunt show. ::scratches head:: Well, I suppose it's nice that they'll take on clients of all sorts and give them all treatment according to the needs of the case.

And who better to save the stunt show than Michael and KITT?

But, more to the point for this project, is Michael going to get it on with the GOTW?

--Eeee! Michael's reading and letting KITT drive! :D I wonder what he's reading. The book has a picture of a car with a profile similar to KITT's on it. Huh. (This screencap you can click on to make it larger so you can help me try and figure it out if you like.)

--KITT: "It's just that my circuits function better when we operate in a reality mode."

--Okay so KITT's driving exactly the speed limit and a cop is pulling them over to make his ticket quota. Michael: "Bum rap or not, I'm not taking any citation for your driving." KITT: "I see. Well, listening to you explain that to the police officer should be quite fascinating."

--So they speed away from the cop at 200 miles an hour. Hee! :D

--Oh, I see why they care about the stunt show. The guy who's trying to take the stunt show down has pulled this exact same trick on other properties.


--Devon: "Bonnie's ready for you." Michael: "I only wish that meant what it sounded like."

--This is the GOTW's younger brother, Mark. He doesn't have a big role in the plot. But he's kind of pretty, in a very young way. He's trying to get his dad, Slammin' Sammy, to let him do a motorcycle act in the show.

--This is Sammy. He has financial issues, which we already knew, so why this scene exists I have no idea.

--I couldn't get a good cap of the GOTW, though she just had a scene with Sammy, but I did catch her name. Lisa.

--Michael and Bonnie. Hee. She just called him a nut. And complained about the fact that he gets KITT's systems all out of whack when she's just gone and calibrated them again. Of course, like Q in the James Bond films, what she's failing to realize is *that's his job*. Michael's job, and KITT's, is to go out there and stop bad guys, even if that means pushing KITT's abilities, and his circuitry, to the limits. KITT's not a museum piece, he's the partner (and vehicle) of a field agent. Her job is to keep fixing KITT so Michael and KITT can continue doing theirs. If Michael and KITT aren't supposed to use KITT's abilities to the fullest, so he stayed pristine and perfect all the time, why did they bother making him?

--She's given KITT a new toy. He can now oxygenate the cabin of the car. No explanation as to why this seemed like a good idea, but in good Chekov fashion it will come in useful. She's also increased the power of his turbo boost. Yay!

--Michael's doing a really, really, really rotten job of trying to flirt with Bonnie. *Really* rotten. He did a much better job with Sherry in the last episode.

--She is *awfully* pretty though.

--A faceless bad guy's siphoning some of the gasoline out of Sammy's car after we just saw Mark fill it up. Hmmm...

--And Sammy's car just ran out of gas in the middle of a stunt and crashed. And he's being pulled out of it by EMTs who are acting like back and neck injuries are not something to worry about in a car wreck.

--Okay, here's a decent cap of the wholesomely pretty girl of the week, Lisa.

--Apparently Sammy's broken his leg. So Michael goes to ask for a job at the stunt show. Lisa's not real enthusiastic about him, and tells him they don't have a spare car for him to wreck. He's going to use his own. :D That got her attention a bit.

--KITT's prepared to go in there and outperform those "primitive machines" they refer to as stunt cars and Michael has to remind him that they're not supposed to be that good. :D

--Mmmm!! Michael's hands on KITT do make me pretty darned happy. Yes yes yes they do!

--Sammy gives Michael what's supposed to be an impossible task, going from skiing (riding on two wheels) on one side to the other.

--KITT: "I'm yours to command, Michael. Anything you can think of, I'm sure I can perform." Oh, the thoughts that makes me think. ::swoons onto fainting couch and fans self::

--And, of course, KITT *can* perform it. :D

--Heee! The sabotaging bad guy is trying to get into KITT...well, we all know how well that's going to work. KITT did scare him off, after a bit of dancing around. But why can't KITT identify him and warn Michael to be wary of whoever it is? KITT: "Really. Some people are too much."

--Okay, I'm not quoting the whole scene, because it was long so I'm just going to take a moment to sit here and be happy because Michael and KITT are so darned cute together.

--I did promise last week that I'd be keeping an eye open for a nicer shot of Michael's belt buckle. :D

--Michael convinces Sammy to let him to a nearly impossible stunt (jumping over a car and a truck going in the same direction) for their new show-stopper. So then he has to get KITT tarted up to be in show business. And I totally adore that KITT's vain about his appearance.

--Michael: "There you go, KITT. You're starting to look pretty nifty there, buddy." KITT: "Really, Michael, is all this garishness really necessary?" Michael: "Of course it is. We're in show business now. You're gonna be a star. What could be more appropriate?"

--KITT: "I fail to understand how these stars enchance my functional capabilities." Michael: "That's not the point." KITT: "Then exactly what is the point?" Michael: "I don't think I can explain it so you'd understand." KITT: "That's very weak reasoning."

--Michael: "Either you get the stars or you get painted red, white, and blue like all the other cars. Which is it?" KITT: "Keep pasting, Michael. Please keep pasting." Heee!!

--I also pretty much adore the fact that Michael's putting a lot of attention into getting those stars stuck on real, real well, and clearly enjoying it. :D This is not a man who's hating his current task.

--As they're heading off to do their show-stopping stunt Michael asks KITT if he's sure they can do it. "The chances of successful completion are somewhat less than optimum." :D

--I'm totally loving KITT this episode and totally losing the thread of the Sex Project. I'll get it back I promise. KITT: "All I have to do is all the work, take the punishment, the abuse of my circuitry, the..."

--Poor KITT all tarted up. At least Michael had fun feeling him up putting those stars on. :D

--And, yeah, they succeeded with the stunt.

--Lisa just came up to compliment him on his stunt and gave him a peck on the cheek. (Just ignore the atrocious attire Michael's wearing. It's his show-business togs and has, I shit you not, silver sequins in a stripe down the arms and legs. At least he matches KITT's black and silver color scheme.)

--Lisa: "That was a business kiss, not a social one." Then she flings her arms around him and gives him the social kiss. (And yeah, we get a better view of the sequined braid and silver logo on the costume of awfulness.)

--Michael's a little taken aback at first, though he gets into the swing of things after a second or two. Arguably he's taken aback because her father's standing Right There while she's macking on him. Watching. With a smile on his face. That would throw me off my game something fierce.

--Junior Bad Guy just came to try and convince Michael to leave Slammin' Sammy's stunt show and go work for a big corporation who can pay him 50 times as much. Because of course every big corporation needs *stunt* drivers in sequined uniforms. Michael sees right through that and demands to see the guy that Junior Bad Guy works for.

--Mmm!! :D

--Big Bad Guy just told Junior Bad Guy to make sure that Michael dies in a big dramatic accident. So Junior Bad Guy hires the other driver, Mario, to kill Michael. Junior Bad Guy is also planning to plant a bomb under the stands. There is Plotting.

--Since he can't get to *KITT*, Mario drugs Michael's cup of water. This is where it would have been very helpful if KITT had told Michael, "Beware of that Mario character, he tried to sabotage me". Because then Michael would have known not to drink the cup of water Mario gave him.

--Announcer: "Michael Knight and his faithful car, nicknamed Cat." ::snort::

--Michael's already getting woozy from the drugs and they're not at speed for the maneuver, but KITT talked him into hitting the auto-pilot button and KITT turbo-boosted through it. And KITT's bringing him back with the oxygen. :D Hooray for Bonnie boosting the power on the turbos, and giving KITT a way to wake Michael up when he's unconscious. (Though would oxygen really revive someone who's been drugged?? I'm probably not supposed to ask that question.)

--Heee and Michael chases down Mario in the arena while the fans are still watching and they're all applauding like it's part of the show.

--Eeee!! I love KITT busting through walls and stuff. :D

--Michael finds the bomb, on the verge of exploding and parks KITT over it to contain the blast. Then, after it explodes he's scared, of course, that KITT got hurt. "KITT, are you okay? KITT!" "We'll discuss that at a more appropriate time."

--I'm simultaneously amused and horrified by the fact that Michael went to confront Big Bad Guy in his corporate office in the awful glittery show costume. ::facepalm::

--He's getting Big Bad Guy to confess explicitly and had KITT recording it. :D

--The episode ends with Michael going back to the stunt show to spend three more weeks pinch-hitting for Sammy because they need that showstopper.

--KITT's plotting all sorts of exciting stunts they could do. My personal favorite of his suggestions is the "chariot of fire", setting his wheels on fire. "At night it could be quite spectacular." Hee! :D

Final Verdict: I'm not sure. I could argue it either way. Certainly he's going to be spending three more weeks in pretty close proximity with a woman who's not shy about flinging herself into a man's arms and kissing him pretty convincingly *with her father watching*. On the other hand, Michael didn't appear to have a lot of interest in her himself. He flirted more with Bonnie than Lisa. After the kiss they had one more scene together, with Sammy there, and she didn't seem to be giving him the eye, or even standing particularly near him. I'll call it plausible that they did get down, because he is spending three more weeks with the stunt show. But I don't really believe it.

All screencaps are my own. Please feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

All of my Knight Rider fanworks are linked here.
All of my episode notes, in all fandoms, are linked here.

mksp, knight rider, screencaps, episode notes

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