Episode Notes: due South "The Promise"

Jul 01, 2007 15:25

I'm not even sure which episode this *is* coming up next. What does the DVD say? "The Promise". Huh, never heard of it...


After-watching note: Well, maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for this today or something, because that just didn't hit my wonderful buttons today. The plot's not as lacy as some, but the dialogue seemed forced and it was too much of the kids and not enough of Fraser and Ray.

It wasn't *bad*, it just wasn't *much*.

spikedluv has a great collection of quotes from The Promise over at her LJ. You should definitely go check them out. There's some great stuff there.

Anyway, comments and screencaps ahoy!

Notes on watching The Promise:

--Okay, Sassy I'll grant you that Thatcher's got some *very* nice cleavage. :D It's still not enough reason for me to like her, but ... well, yeah. Maybe I'm starting to see your point. :D

--Fraser looks so surprised at the idea that Thatcher's had pets. I am too, frankly.

--Okay, Fraser really could stop long enough to let Thatcher out. I can see her getting a little exasperated with him.

--Okay so who are these people? Okay a blackmailer and someone who's likely to kill her. Got it.

--Fraser just stop the fucking car and let her out. We're not talking parking, we're talking unloading is all.

--Nice little pickpocketing racket they have there.

--Well, I was right about the guy killing the blackmailer, eh?

--Well the little sneak thief urchin's a cutie anyway.

--Why is Fraser letting the beggar take his car?

--::sighs:: It's another Maguffin story isn't it? This time we're after the Murderer's notebook/address book.

--Lots of busy and hustle after these two pickpockets.

--That's a nice shot though. Fraser in the urban jungle kind of thing.

--I thought Gardino was supposed to lose his goatee.

--So who's this person they're interrogating? And why are Ray, Welsh and Welsh's good-smelling boss all watching it so intently.

--Cute picture of Fraser though!!

--"The Duck Boys" heeee!!

--OMG Louis is recognizing her pumps as Chanel?? Heee!!

--Welsh: "Do you happen to have an insignificant but time consuming case in your back pocket?" Fraser: "As a matter of fact, sir, yes. There's a matter of a street urchin..." Welsh: "Oh, perfect, perfect. Take Vecchio with you." HEee!!

--Nice of the pawn shop lady to let the girl keep the brooch! I think I rather like her. Though this brother seems like a bit of a jerk.

--Umm, oh, dear. I seriously appear not to have the right attitude, because my sympathies are with Sister, but I still think she's being an idiot. I can't believe that a person living on what she can steal actually said "It's just a stupid piece of jewelry" as an argument for why they shouldn't sell something. Hello, girlie, jewelry=money, money=dinner. Don't be daft.

--Apparently it's a *double* Maguffin episode, the computer address book *and* Thatcher's brooch. Whee.

--Okay, this child protective services (or whatever they call that office in Illinois) officer's a slimeball. Because he's got Brother paying him $500 a week to keep Sister out of foster care, but if he just ignored them and let Brother keep the $500 a week, they'd probably be doing okay.

--Ray: "We might as well be looking for a pennant winning Cubs team." :D

--Okay, so "the promise" for which the episode is named is Fraser promising Thatcher that he'd find her brooch? So the titular aspect of the episode is something we don't even *see*? Oy!

--So is Fraser speaking *real* latin or is he just making shit up?

--Fraser [to Dief]: "You're babying yourself. You know that now." :D

--Fraser's only experience with childhood illness is pinkeye? Hee!

--So if the kids dropped themselves through that grate last night, how did they get the mattress back over it?

--Heee!! Fraser just dropping straight down in to this hole in the ground without even looking. ::Shakes head:: Ray's all disbelieving too!

--Heee, I'm rather amused by them tracking Fraser and Ray's progress underground by showing their voices wafting up through various grates. (Since I'm in a quibbling mood today, I'll say, though--it sure looked like they dropped into a steam tunnel of some sort, ventilation not water. So how are they winding out in the storm drains?) (Is it just me or does the dialogue seem a little forced along here though?)

--I love that Fraser comes out as pristine as he went in and Ray's a filthy mess. :D Ray: "What is it with you? Does dirt not stick to you. What, were you ScotchGarded at birth?"

--Oh, the murderer managed to get a hold of the pickpocket girl.

--Yay! They saved her. Though, damn, Fraser just scared the bejeezus out her her popping up out of her hidey hole like that. Poor kid!

--So why did Fraser contact Thatcher if he doesn't have her brooch?

--Ray's obviously *not* very fond of Thatcher either. :D

--Such a pretty man!!

--This story of Fraser's is just strange.

--Pretty again.

--So is this the *same* skeevy child welfare person that's extorting $500 a week from them and keeping them in poverty?

--I have this bad feeling that Brother's going to try to sell the address book back to the bad guys and get them both nearly killed.

--I like Fraser paying to drive the carriage in town. :D

--Sister [about Dief]: "He looks kinda sick." Fraser: "Oh, it's just a plea for sympathy, I assure you."

--Ooooo!! ::flails:: Sister and Brother have family in Wyoming and are saving up money so they can go there. Oh, oh!! That's the best place in the world!! Now I'm totally in their corner. I absolutely *want* them to get to Wyoming!

--Okay, driving a horse drawn carriage sitting next to Fraser...that's pretty much the stuff that dreams are made of eh?

--Why is Vecchio snitching the file from Gardino's desk? Well, because he wants the case, obviously, but if he keeps this shit up he's going to get fired.

--Nice picture of Ray, the rest of it's crap. (And I really completely approve of this grey sweater on him. Mmmm!)

--Oh, that's a nice shot! (Though how did Fraser know to find Ray in the restroom?)

--And yay they're figuring out that the urchin case and the high-stakes prostitute case are the same.

--Okay, so Brother's just figured out what he has.

--Obviously, Fraser's not taking the right approach with these tattoo guys. :D

--So wait, Fraser's got a tattoo artist doing a sketch to put a Canadian flag on his arm?? Oh, please, does he actually get this tattoo? Are there fics in which he does. The thought of Fraser with a tat is making more more than a little googly. (Of course dude's drawing it with an oak leaf...shakes head.)

--Nice shot of Ray.

--Eeee! So Ray saves Fraser from the bad tattoo of the not-Canadian-Flag. But he looks a bit bummed about not getting to see Fraser marked too. :D

--Poor Sister. And Brother actually. They're both in a difficult spot.

--Tact is definitely *not* Ray's strong suit, but he looks damned fine here. :D

--Oh, Ray!! You know almost *anyone* could have handled that conversation better. ::shakes head::

--So Brother's trying to sell the book for $10K, which doesn't seem like a totally bad price, though the murderer's not going for it.

--And Sister's still got Thatcher's brooch. Okay, why'd she take it out of her hiding place. Probably not planning on going back to Brother.

--Welsh: "Now that takes real ambition. Shaking down a U.S. Senator."

--Oh, please tell me that Ray's not going to give a positive ID of a tattoo as the compelling evidence tying one of the Senator's men to the madam's death?

--Really, Ray should let Fraser do most of the talking here, because he's making a much more plausible and credible sounding case of it. :D

--Gardino does a very good bum. :D

--Who's this with the rifle going up to the roof? A sniper of course, but on which side?

--I'm actually *really* impressed that Brother went to the cops after Sister got kidnapped. That's *shockingly* un-stupid of him.

--How come Gardino can't get through the door that Sister and the Murderer got through?

--Brother, because he knows their usual escape route, knows just how to follow sister.

--Yay for Fraser being in just the right place!

--So Brother and the Murderer just went over the edge together?? Meeep!!

--And then again, yay for Ray being there right in time to save Fraser and Sister.

--Did they get the brooch back from Sister? Apparently so!

--Fraser's looking quite lovely again!

--Are they supposed to be having a moment here?? Am I supposed to believe in any sort of, erm, momentousness between them? ::shakes head:: Why do TV show producers try to make me believe the most implausible things?

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. In which case, please don't. That's not nice.

All my episode notes, in all fandoms, are here.

due south, screencaps, episode notes

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