Episode Notes: Magnificent Seven "Wagon Train, Part 1"

Jun 30, 2007 17:12

Okay, well, this episode I have heard something about. What I've heard makes me more than a little nervous about watching it, but farad has done her best to reassure me.

If nothing else, it's spawned a thousand fics, and there's not really any bad there, I guess.

After-watching note: Well, well. I'm not entirely sure what I think of that. Oddly, even bizarrely, my C/V slasher heart is *far* less pained by Vin's crush on Charlotte than it was last week by Chris's renewed dedication to seeking vengeance and remembering Sarah to the exclusion of all else. For one thing, for research purposes if nothing else, it's nice to see what characters are like when they're in love. And Vin-in-love was both surprising and not.

Much food for thought there.

Buck and Ezra trying to win over the repugnant little troll so they could win over his mother was definitely funny.

In the discussion of this episode, please remember that a few of the folks in the discussions won't be watching Wagon Train, Part 2 until next week. No spoilers please.

spikedluv has an *awesome* collection of quotes from this episode over at her LJ, and you should totally go check them out!

Notes on watching Wagon Train, Part 1:

--Is this big *brick* building in Four Corners? Wow, I guess it is! The town really *is* growing.

--Yay! So nice to see the Judge always!

--Ooo! Love Buck and Josiah watching over the trial in case there was a problem. (And this Dickie O'Shea person sounds like a real piece of work.)

--O'Shea: "I want that land. By the saints, it's mine." Buck: "Not anymore." Josiah: "Might want to go take it up with them saints of yours."

--Well, there was a hell of a lot of menace in the "Mr. Richmond, safe journey."

--See now Mary looks just fine on this guy's arm. She should set her sights on him and leave Chris for Vin alone.

--Jeeze they're just so pretty, even in bad screencaps. :D

--Okay, who's this obnoxious asshole who's refusing and open handed offer of help? Richmond they said his name was. I think I'm going to get a jump on things and start disliking him now.

--Hey, now!! Richmond's heard about these seven men. Okay, what has he heard that would make them someone he didn't want near his women and children?? I mean they haven't done anything *bad* to women and children. Well, Buck's a bit of a rake, but he's never done anything the woman didn't want ::koff::.

--Heee!! So apparently Ezra's not a morning person. Why am I not surprised? :D And he's pouring whiskey into his morning coffee, which isn't likely to help him wake up, but may make the day a little easier to face.

--Mmm!!Even in the harsh light he's so pretty!! And he's still wearing that blue shirt that looks so fine on him.

--He's looking at woman, and smiling. He's never done that before, well, I mean not with *intent*. Frankly, to my "Vin is gay" eyes, he looks kind of surprised about that fact too. :D

--Don't like the way Richmond's grabbing her arm and pulling her away.


--So, basically, all of these homesteaders are obnoxious jerks who refuse freely offered help? I get that homesteading was a hard life and people needed to rely on themselves, but I didn't think they took that to the extent of being unpleasant to people who offered assistance.

--Why would he be looking at that woman when he could be looking at this instead?

--Love the way Chris walks. Swaggers. Whatever. Mmmm!!

--Oh, gods, I have to put up with chirpy little Billy for two episodes. ::facepalm::

--And Mary's going along. Okay, I suppose she is a journalist isn't she? I can't *believe* she's taking Billy along though, particularly after the very-thinly veiled threats from O'Shea.

--Such a very fine looking man!

--Okay so this man of Mary's is an old suitor. Okay. That's cool. Since I can't have her, I wish him luck. :D

--As I understand it, by and large, people didn't actually *ride* much in the Conestoga wagons, on account of them being less comfortable to ride in than to walk along side of. But it doesn't make as good a visual, I suppose.

--OMG that's just *beautiful*!!

--Heee!! Buck's so cute chatting up the pretty widow. :D Buck: "Widow? I do love that word."

--Heee!! What a description of having kids!! Rapacious and insatiable thiefs of time. :D Heee!! And OMG I thought Billy was an unappealing little elf. At least he's not a repulsive little troll. (A food wasting little troll.)

--OMG And they're taking bets on who's going to win over the little troll first, Buck or Ezra. Heee!! Ezra: "Bet? I do love the sound of that word." Heee!

--Okay, I absolutely adore that Vin was scouting ahead and riding back with reports on obstacles and trail conditions. ::happy sigh::

--Oh, so pretty!

--Okay, this is going to be one of those episodes where the harsh light and shadows from their hat brims just totally hides their eyes. Hate that.

--O'Shea: "For the love of Pete, it's just a wee bunny. Make it supper for crying out loud." Hee!! It's not quite that easy though, sir. :D

--Well, he doesn't look too menacing does he? Though I imagine looks are being deceiving here.

--Okay, I take it back, he is pretty damned menacing. And if I were the two men he just lobbed a stick of dynamite at, I'd be pretty damned pissed.

--I love that Vin's sitting out by himself at the edge of circle, rather than being part of the group.

--Okay, I'm seriously getting all hot and swoony over Vin pulling the cork out of the canteen with his teeth. Mmmm!! And never taking his eyes off her. Just substitute Chris for the woman in this picture and I'd absolutely be collapsed on the slashy happy place fainting couch desperately in need of smelling salts and a cold compress.

--Mmm! (Just so you know there are a whole bunch of basically identical screencaps in a row here. I didn't even notice when I was doing it but seriously there are like five or six of them. So just enjoy the pretty Vin for a bit.)

--Ooo!! Love Vin's little disparaging comment about farming. Charlotte: "It's going to have a river, and mountains, and fine rich soil as far as the eye can see. When we start farming, it's going to be heaven on Earth." Vin: "I reckon. If you're into that kind of thing."

--Vin: "I've never been interested in taming no land." Charlotte: "Oh, the wild and woolly type." Vin: "Woolly to the bone." Heee!!

--Such a pretty smile!


--Buck's trying to get this pudgy little troll interested in hunting?? Doesn't seem like the sort. :D

--Troll: "I hate horses and guns give me bad dreams." What the hell is his mom bringing him out here for?? With an attitude like that he's not going to make it long as a homesteader.

--Kid likes stories and Buck has a peck full of them. Oh, dear. Please don't start telling the little troll smutty stories, Buck. :D OMG, he *is*!! Hee!

--Buck: "She liked to dance with her dress above her head."

--Love everyone laughing over Buck's strike-out!! Even Chris!


--Oh, so very very yay for JD riding around the perimeter rather than focusing all their efforts on the big crowd of men riding in. Yay!

--Chris: "That sounded like a no to me, mister." I love him letting the homesteaders handle their own negotiations. It's obviously pretty hard for him though. He keeps *trying* to take the leadership role because that's his nature (which is probably why Richmond doesn't like him much) but here he's stepping back.

--Oh oh, my!!

--Why is Vin being so in your face at Richmond? I mean there's no especial reason why Richmond should take O'shea's offer and, if Vin were in his position, he'd probably be getting his back up too.

--Vin's tush! Thigh holster! Mmm!!

--Wait, JD rode right *past* the Powder Man, but didn't spot him? ::shakes head:: I take back the earlier yays.

--They're not expecting me to believe that Chris is jealous of Mary with Gerard are they?

--They just look *so* pretty on screen together. ;D

--I'm trying to look at this as a little lesson in how Vin is when he's interested in someone. :D So far I've got: pretty (well, he can't help that), sympathetic, there when bad things are happening (but somehow not managing to seem stalkerish about it).

--Love Nathan shouting for Vin to get his kit!!

--And all of them working to put out the fire.

--Poor Jack. Poor Nathan!! He looks so sad, but I couldn't get a good screencap of it.

--Hmmm!! A very interesting part of the funeral service there Josiah "that misquiet that men miscall delight". Interesting to ponder that, wish Vin had listened more.

--So is anyone else looking at these two widows at the funeral and thinking that they should take up together?


--Love Josiah comforting Nathan. (And son of a bitch, this is the first time I realized exactly how *tall* Nathan is.)

--Well Charlotte's got a bit of gumption, because she's very specifically standing up and publically disagreeing with her husband.

--Love the symmetrical poses here. :D

--Seriously, can I just take him home and keep him? I promise I'll be good and share with all the other Vin-lovers out there.

--Okay, this conversation with Gerard is interesting. Gerard is observing that Chris and Mary have something of a friendship. Fair enough. They do. And then he asks if it's something more, about which Chris hems a bit. Then Gerard admits to a "competitive nature" and talking about how a man would have to be blind not to notice her charms. Fair enough. But Chris has never shown the *slightest* interest in Mary as anything other than a friend thus far. Not even a little bit. So why is he making more of their friendship to Gerard than it is? My suspicion at this point is that Chris has his own competitive nature that Gerard has awakened. :D

--God that's an awesome smile!

--Hey, Josiah plays the spoons!! That's so cool!!

--Heee!! Buck dancing is cute! Strutting like a rooster!

--Well, bribing the troll with food is likely to be more successful than bribing him with an offer to go hunting. But what a repugnant little child. I foresee JD winning this bet.


--Ezra: "Slow down, son, you're liable to asphyxiate yourself." Hee!

--Ezra's giving the little troll whiskey?? Hee!! "A sip, not a guzzle, you little lush."

--Wow, she wasn't subtle at all about dancing her way over to Vin was she? Is she trying to get her husband to snap out of it by making him jealous, maybe? Not a good idea, IMO, if that is her plan. Her husband's got a little too much of the "anger issues" for that to be a good plan.


--I rather like this shot of Ezra, but maybe that's just me.

--And Ezra trying to cover that he gave the Troll whiskey. :D "Is that mine?"

--I could see why Richmond got jealous, but his reaction was *way* out of line.

--Okay, this Powder Man is *freakishly* awesome!! I really love him singing Camptown races while his home made mortars are going off.

--Okay, so Richmond's staggering around and saying that the bad guys took Charlotte. I think I'm supposed to believe him. But, somehow, I don't. If I were writing this story he'd have done something *bad* to Charlotte and be using the disturbance and threats against them to cover it. But I think I'm supposed to believe him.

--Yay!! It's CSI: Four Corners again!! I love how Nathan's just all calmly approaching the body while JD's grossed out and backing away. :D

--Nice shot of Josiah!!

--Whoever it was that mentioned that Eric Close has bad hands riding a horse is so right. I would probably never have noticed it if weren't pointed out, but I'm getting quite a sympathy for poor Peso. On the other hand, he just looks so gorgeous up there, I'm willing to forgive him a lot. :D


--Hey, there's Charlotte! So I was supposed to believe Richmond when he said she'd been taken. Fair enough.

--Heee!! Ezra's letter to his mum. :D

--Chris: "Looks like a deed to me."

--Love them all four on this ridge!

--Oh, so Vin's going down the back way to get Charlotte, while Chris is distracting them from the front. That's not a bad plan.

--And Ezra helping to haul them up with the rope! Nice way of doing it.

--Without in any way suggesting that I *approve* of Vin and Charlotte, may I just say that I would really give much to be wrapped up in his arms like that. It wouldn't screencap like a darn, but seriously, being held in his arms and rescued from danger like that. Yeah!

--So the other three are going to hold them in place while Vin gets Charlotte away. That makes a lot of sense.

--I love this outfit Mary's wearing!

--Heee!! Josiah's going to speak to the Troll about Hell! Yay, someone needs to put the fear of God into that boy.

--Okay, I just love these happy coincidences when I get a pretty picture just for pausing randomly.

--It was in fact *so* pretty I forgot why I was pausing. Oh, oh, I remember. I hadn't realized that Chris and them had to travel so far to get to where O'Shea had Charlotte that it was going to be an overnight trip getting her back. But it's sweet of Vin to take care of her.

--What is that animal they're eating? I guess it's a rabbit.

--Okay, see Vin-in-love is also shy! Damn that's cute.

--Vin-in-love is also *very* romantic. "If you were mine, I'd never let you go. I'd just thank God every day for putting you on this earth." Sweet!

--Boy, he totally doesn't know what to make of her kissing him though does he? (The whole point of this screencap, BTW, is not to enshrine Vin smooching the wrong person (which Charlotte totally *is*) but because I love the colors and I love that he's *barely* touching her. At least at first.

--So Vin kept Charlotte out all night? Hrm.

--Apparently Richmond is thinking the same thing as Buck about what might have gone on. And, well, distressing as I find the idea, it's hard to argue that he might be right. So I can't rightly blame him for attacking Vin. Though you'd think he'd spend a minute or two being glad that his wife's alive.

--Yay, and Vin's totally calling him on not even having noticed her!

--I'm really not quite getting Richmond's psychology here. I mean he was all broken up at the thought of losing his wife, but he treats *her* like crap.

--I'm deeply amused by Buck's expectation that Vin would tell all about his encounter with Charlotte.

--Oh, oh, and I love Buck recognizing that it had gone beyond just an "encounter" and backing right off. Nice!

--Heee!! I love that Josiah's the one to have won Eugene over! :D And his lovely widowed mother. ;D

--Oh, Vin really is a big ol' gushy romantic when he's in love isn't he? He's got such a crush on her!

--I'm much in love with Chris being right there when Charlotte tells Vin to stay away from her!

--Oh, that's a pretty picture!

--Vin: "One more person sticks their nose in my business, I'm gonna do something I regret."

--Not sure I like him fighting with Chris about her, but love that Chris is looking jealous.

--Mmm!! See, now I can totally understand Charlotte's longing here, because if you had a choice between a perpetually angry sourpuss like Richmond and sweet, romantic, caring Vin, who'd you pick? (And feel free to suggest an alternative write-in candidate if that's your preference. :D )

--Mmmm again!

--Heee!! JD: "I'll ride with Buck." Hee!! There's still definitely a bit of hero-worship there.

--So pretty!

--So Chris's entire play for Mary was to talk about milking cows and churning butter. Boy he's not fighting for her very hard, is he? (Yay!)

--Love that arm-clasp handshake, as always! And Chris telling him to watch his back. Nice!!

--Don't so much like the ending. To no one's surprise I imagine. On the other hand, this isn't as bad as I'd feared. :D

All screencaps are my own, so feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

All my episode notes, in all fandoms, are here.

screencaps, episode notes, magnificent seven

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