I don't know what to expect...

Feb 03, 2009 22:21

On one mind, I'm quite excited to see this show by Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku take off the runway and soar. But on the other, I'm scared to find I'll be disappointed. Maybe it's 'cause that I don't think that Eliza has the acting range to play a variety of characters in each episode... or rather, many different characters in an episode. Don't get ( Read more... )

dollhouse, joss whedon, video, eliza dushku

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Comments 4

pictureplaces February 3 2009, 14:40:10 UTC
jeezus, I forgot how hot Girl!Giles is. I clearly need to watch more promos.


I AM SO PSYCHED FOR THIS SHOW YOU HAVE NO IDEA GHdjaghadj I honestly think she'll be able to do this, simply because having someone like Joss Whedon around (and yes, i'm saying this as an enormous fan of anything he's ever done EVAH) inspires you to do amazing things. I mean he managed to bring out so many characters in Firefly that were just amazing and i recon that because he's such a detailed director, he'll be able to push her in the right direction and then she can just do the rest..that rant went on longer then i thought it would...


sapphire_magick February 4 2009, 02:01:00 UTC
jeezus, I forgot how hot Girl!Giles is.

I was trying to keep myself from drooling and melting at the same time. Intellect + British voice + girl = explosion of hotness! XD


specialk67 February 3 2009, 20:24:29 UTC
I'm so excited for this, and yet, hesitant to hype it up in my head too much just in case it's not that great. But of course it will be ;) I'm liking Olivia Williams (didn't know who she was before this). I mean, really, accents are hot (except for almost all American ones - they all suck except the Boston accent!)

PS. @37 sec, with Eliza in the suit and glasses? *swoons*

Oh, also - Chuck in 3D last night. Pretty damn great. (Sarah crawling seductively up the bed in 3D - AWESOME.) I had a hard time getting those glasses though - apparently some of the commercials for the Superbowl were in 3D so a lot of places were out of the glasses on Sunday! Who knew? Do you get Chuck on TV over there or do you have to watch it online?


sampizzacat February 3 2009, 21:02:30 UTC
A DOOR! XD genius


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