I don't know what to expect...

Feb 03, 2009 22:21

On one mind, I'm quite excited to see this show by Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku take off the runway and soar. But on the other, I'm scared to find I'll be disappointed. Maybe it's 'cause that I don't think that Eliza has the acting range to play a variety of characters in each episode... or rather, many different characters in an episode. Don't get me wrong that she was awesome as Faith in BtVS and Angel and play up sexual tension opposite anything, including a rock or a door (in this case).

Then again I might be wrong. *prays that I'll be wrong*

BUT I'm definitely beyond excited that Olivia Williams is one of the lead characters! I love British characters! XD The accent... *swoon*

Dollhouse premieres next Friday! Yeah, I know. On the 13th. :|

dollhouse, joss whedon, video, eliza dushku

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