In a way, it's somewhat humourous how it works...but in a way, it's not! I write
a blog post about something God is teaching me and what I think I'm learning from it...and things are going quite well in that for a couple days, and then, BOOM! I fall again and seem to completely forget everything I've learned from all that happened before.
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Comments 6
Sarah M.
I noticed you had the quote from C. S. Lewis somewhere, in another post, about "the towels in the airing cupboard." What joy that will be to get washed up and feel free and innocent again! (1 John 3:2, 1 Cor. 13:12)
Keep holding on!
Exactly! I just wish that I didn't have to keep learning it over and over and over again...but it brings me back to Him...
Yes, I love that "airing cupboard" quote from's quite encouraging to me since I have a tendency to wallow in the fact that I've fallen in the mud...yet again. But we just have to "keep on picking ourselves up" and keeping our eyes on Home. It's funny you should mention that quote because since coming to NZ I've learned what an "airing cupboard" actually is (since no houses that I know of in the States have them) and every time I use it, it reminds me of that quote. I've been thinking of using my actual introduction to an airing cupboard as an excuse to re-post that's one (of many!) of my favourite Lewis quotes.
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