Goodness, Dragon*con was crazy. I think it will take me quite a while to get over being in such an extreme environment and back in the real world. Next year I vow to remember more, given I lost large chunks of all 4 nights and have only pics to prove stuff.
Life is becoming a little overwhelming and i am at serious risk for burn out. I'm really counting on spring to be a better time. Cheers to enjoying the days and feeling less bleak.
I had a pretty rockin new year's eve. I hope that everyone else did as well. I have high hopes for 2008.
In other news, I will be going to my friend Andy's wedding this weekend. Most of you know him or will be there with me. But I thought I would let folks know just in case.
So, I may or may not be in town for new year's eve. I wanted to see what everyone is going to be up to around atlanta for the nite. I am super duper broke and was thinking it might be cool to do something low key like party games at a house or some junk. Let me know!
Okay, so everyone is talking about this facebook thing so i joined and i have to say i like it very much. So fun! So everyone should be my facebook friend. I have a feeling I'm going to waste a lot of time on here! Also, pet my new tyger Gurr while you are there.