Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression A Transformers G1 Fanfic Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko Summary: So long, farewell, I hate to say goodgye. Goodbye... Timeline: Less ouchie parts are here.
Glad to hear that! Uh, that you like to see updates - not that I made you cry - but I'm glad it made you wibble because that's what I was trying to do. XP
Here I thought the story was permanently discontinued. Glad to see it wasn't.
As for the spider bites, this sounds weird, but, if you put a little deodorant on the spider bite, the swelling should go down. You don't want to put it all over, but if you have one or two...
But he doesn't ever get to go home! ::bawls:: Nooooo! Interceptor, I miss you! You were a good daddy, a loyal Seeker, and a truly honestly great mech. I know you did the right thing, the only thing you could, but it just wasn't fair.
Oh, Sanjuno, please tell me Barricade will at least get the chance to know his genitor at least once before the inevitable end? Please, pretty please?
... I promise that Interceptor and Barricade got to meet each other before Interceptor died. They actually had a very close relationship, and yes - I have that part written already and it is in the update queue.
I totally understand the tears and did shed a few of my own. This was a beautiful piece. I could really feel the longing and heart/spark break these two where going through, especially after the last chapter.
There really is no such thing as too many updates. I know I look forward to them when they come and would love to have more. Just do whatever you think is best.
Comments 25
As for the spider bites, this sounds weird, but, if you put a little deodorant on the spider bite, the swelling should go down. You don't want to put it all over, but if you have one or two...
I have a hydrocortizone creme that takes care of it, thanks though.
Oh, Sanjuno, please tell me Barricade will at least get the chance to know his genitor at least once before the inevitable end? Please, pretty please?
There really is no such thing as too many updates. I know I look forward to them when they come and would love to have more. Just do whatever you think is best.
But I have a question, does Orion Pax have seeker origins? and if so, what are they? (hint hint)
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